Myanmar Cash Working Group, April 2016

Myanmar Cash Working Group

Priority Preparedness Actions and Emergency Standard Operating Procedures

April 2016

Priority Preparedness Actions

In early 2016, the Cash Working Group decided to make the following preparedness actions its priority for the remainder of this year. This document will be updated on a regular basis, as required.

Timeline / Action / Responsible
April 2016 / ─Collect 4W information / CWG
April 2016, quarterly / ─Updateminimum expenditure basket before the disaster based on ongoing data collection / CWG chair
Quarterly / ─Update standard wage rates (Cash-for-work) / CWG chair
Q2 2016 / ─Identify government focal points / CWG chair
Q2-3 2016 / ─Conduct interagency pre-crises cash feasibility assessment / CWG
Q2-3 2016 / ─Develop a commonly-agreed interagency tool/checklist for cash feasibility / CWG
Q3 2016 / ─Develop a commonly-agreed interagency summary format for market assessments as component of cash feasibility, and specify the process for collecting and sharing information, including assigning focal points for geographic areas / CWG
Q3 2016 / ─Devise key messages for communicating with communities on cash and review complaints mechanisms / CWG
Q3 2016 / ─Mapping of financial service providers and transfer modalities / CWG
Q3 2016 / ─Develop plan for capacity-building efforts / CWG

Standard Operating Procedures for Emergency Response

This table describes some of the key actions the CWG will take in the case of a new emergency in Myanmar. It is not exhaustive but should serve as an initial checklist:

Timeline / Action / Reference Documents / Responsible
24 hours / Re-circulate common tools and guidance (including guidance on protection risk assessments and vulnerability criteria)and link to MIMU webpage / Documents under ‘General CT Guidelines & Tools’ and‘CT on Gender & Protection’ on MIMU Cash webpage
/ CWG chair
Request organizations to share information on cash feasibility and market assessments as it is being collected / CWG chair
48 hours / Call a meeting of the CWG to discuss available information and common approaches / CWG chair
Interaction with Government:
─Establish contact with government to discuss cash feasibilityand government policy in the context of the disaster / CWG chair
─Review secondary information available on cash feasibility following the disaster (markets, access, protection issues, government policy, etc.)
─Confirm geographical coverage for market assessments
─Compile market assessments information from affected regions
─Provide recommendations to the HCT and other stakeholders on feasibility of cash transfer programming, based on information compiled from organizations, including risk mitigation measures
─Review financial service providers mapping in light of disaster / Documents under ‘Other Related Documents’ and ‘Tools developed during the flood response’ in 2015 on MIMU Cash webpage
CWG chair
Multi-purpose grants:
─Update Minimum Expenditure Basket amount, taking into account impact of the emergency / Tool – Myanmar Expenditure Baskets for Multi-purpose Cash Grants
/ Cluster and Sector Leads, and CWG
Surge support:
─Review surge capacities for cash coordination and request CashCap deployment if necessary / CWG chair
Information Management:
─Ensure 4W information is collected on the response / Tool - 4W collection format – MIMU Cash webpage / CWG
Day 4 / Call second meeting of CWG. Include a presentation from financial service providers about their present capacity / CWG chair
─Facilitate coordination of geographic targeting
─Discuss common vulnerability criteria
─Review key messages for communicating with communities on cash and review complaints mechanisms / Documents under ‘General CT Guidelines & Tools’ and‘CT on Gender & Protection’ on MIMU Cash webpage
Transfer modalities:
─Share updated information on financial service providers and available transfer modalities, given impact of disaster / CWG
Funding and Humanitarian Response Plan:
─Ensure common messaging to HCT & donors about cash feasibility
─Ensure inclusion of cash-based responses in the HRP / - CWG Key Messages
- HRP 2015 / CWG chair
Information Management:
─Ensure Post Distribution Monitoring information is shared / Post-distribution monitoring Core Questions