FY. BA (Economics)


Economics Paper-I (Sem-I)

1. Introduction: ( Lectures : 10 )

Economics and the Problem of Scarcity and Choice; Production Possibility Frontier; Methodology of Economics: Positive and Normative economics. Microeconomics and Macroeconomics.

2. Supply and Demand: ( Lectures : 17 )

Markets and the Price System; The Law of Supply and the Market Supply Curve; The Law of Demand and the Market Demand Curve; Market Equilibrium Price and Quantity; Impact of Changes in Supply and Demand on Market Equilibrium. Engel’s Curve: Exceptions to the Law of Demand.

3.  Consumer Choice and the Theory of Demand:: ( Lectures : 26 )

Utility Cardinal & Ordinal; Total Utility; Marginal Utility; Consumer Equilibrium and Equi-marginal

Utility; Derivation of Demand Curve of an Individual Consumer: Consumer’s Surplus; Indifference

Curve Approach : Features; Income and Substitution Effects of Price Changes; Derivation of

Individual Demand Curve using Indifference curve approach. Derivation of the Market Demand


4. Elasticity of Demand: : ( Lectures : 15 )

The Concept of Price Elasticity of Demand - Elastic and Inelastic; Measurement of Price Elasticity:

Point, Arc & Total Expenditure Method; Determinants of Price Elasticity of Demand. Other Demand

Elasticity Measures: Income Elasticity of Demand; Cross Elasticity of Demand.

5. Elasticity of Supply : ( Lectures : 7 )

The Concept and Measurement of Price Elasticity of Supply; Determinants of Price Elasticity of



Gauld, J.P. and P.L. Edward (1996) Microeconomic Theory, Richard Irwin, Homewood.

Hendersen J. and R.E. Quandt. (1980) Microeconomic Theory: A Mathematical Approach, McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

Hyman, David N. (1997): Microeconomics, Irwin, Chicago.

Koutsoyiannis, A. (1990): Modern Microeconomics, Macmillan, London.

Lipsey, R.G. & C. Harbury (1992) First Principles of Economics, ELBS, London.

Lipsey, R.G. (1989): An Introduction to Positive Economics, ELBS, London.

Lipsey, R.G. and K.A. Chrystal, (1999): Principles of Economics, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Mansfield, K. (1997): Microeconomics, W.W.Norton and Co. New York.

Salvatore, D. (1992) Theory and Problems of Microeconomics Theory, Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw Hill, New York.

Samuelson, Paul A. & Nordhaus. William D.(1998): Economics, McGraw Hill, New York

Tucker, Irvin B. ( 2000): Economics for Today, South-Western College Publishing, Cincinnati, Ohio,

Varian, H.R. (2000): Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach, East West Press, New Delhi.




Economics Paper-II (Sem-II)

1.Production : ( Lectures : 20 )

Production Function; Isoquants - Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution The Input-Output Relationship; Short Run versus Long Run; Production in the Short Run; The Law of Returns: Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns; Returns to Scale (Increasing Decreasing and Constant Returns) Total, Marginal and Average Product; Average and Marginal Product of Variable inputs;

2.Cost: ( Lectures : 15 )

Concepts :Opportunity Cost; Explicit and Implicit Costs; Variable Costs. Fixed Costs, Total Costs; Short Run Cost Curves; Marginal and Average Cost Curves; Relationship Between Total Cost and Total Product Curves. Long Run Cost Curves: LAC, LMC. Factors Underlying the Shape of Long Run Average Cost Curves; Economies of Scale - Internal and External.

3.Market Structure: ( Lectures : 30 )

Firm and Industry ; Goals of the Firm - Profit, Sales; Stakeholder Approach to the Firm . Normal and Super-Normal Profit. Perfect Competition: Characteristics; Short-run Profit Maximization and Short-run Loss Minimization; Short-run and Long-run Supply Curves. Monopoly: Characteristics; Price and Output Decisions; Price Discrimination; Comparing Monopoly and Perfect competition; Control of Monopoly. Monopolistic Competition: Characteristic; Role of Advertisement; Price and Output Decisions; Comparing Monopolistic Competition and Perfect Competition; Oligopoly: Characteristics; Price and Output Decisions- Kinked Demand Curve.

4.Factor Pricing: ( Lectures : 10 )

Marginal Productivity and Factor Prices: Determination of Factor Prices by Demand and Supply.


Gauld, J.P. and P.L. Edward (1996) Microeconomic Theory, Richard Irwin, Homewood.

Hendersen J. and R.E. Quandt. (1980) Microeconomic Theory: A Mathematical Approach, McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

Hyman, David N. (1997): Microeconomics, Irwin, Chicago.

Koutsoyiannis, A. (1990): Modern Microeconomics, Macmillan, London.

Lipsey, R.G. & C. Harbury (1992) First Principles of Economics, ELBS, London.

Lipsey, R.G. (1989): An Introduction to Positive Economics, ELBS, London.

Lipsey, R.G. and K.A. Chrystal, (1999): Principles of Economics, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Mansfield, K. (1997): Microeconomics, W.W.Norton and Co. New York.

Salvatore, D. (1992) Theory and Problems of Microeconomics Theory, Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw Hill, New York.

Samuelson, Paul A. & Nordhaus. William D.(1998): Economics, McGraw Hill, New York

Tucker, Irvin B. ( 2000): Economics for Today, South-Western College Publishing, Cincinnati, Ohio,

Varian, H.R. (2000): Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach, East West Press, New Delhi.


(Foundation Course )

Elements of Economic Legislation – Paper I

FC ECO Paper-I

1.  Economics and Law (5 lectures)

Interrelationships; Meaning and Importance of Economic Laws.

2. Consumer Protection Act, 1986 (18 lectures)

Purpose, Salient Features, Organisational set-up; Grievance Redressal Mechanism.

3. Competition Act, 2002 (16 lectures)

Purpose; Salient Features; Complaint; Procedures for Redressal.

4. Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (20 lectures)

Purpose; General Procedures; Provisions pertaining to Foreign Currency Accounts; Restrictions on Dealings in Foreign Currency and Securities; Non-restricted and Restricted Current Account Transactions; Capital Account Transactions; Acquisition and Transfer of immovable property in and outside India; Penalties under FEMA.

5. Essential Commodities Act, 1955 (16 lectures)

Purpose; Scope; Penalties and Prosecution; Repeals and Savings.


1. Datey ,V. S. (2006), Students Guide to Economic Laws, Taxman, New Delhi.

2. Granstrand, Ove (edited)(2003), Law and Intellectual Property: Seeking Strategies for

Research and Teaching in a Developing Field, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.

3. Gopalakrishnan K.C. (2002), Legal Economics (Interactional Dimensions- Economics

and Law), Eastern Book Company, Lucknow

4. http//

5. Medema, Steven G.; Mercuro, Nicholas (1998), Economics and the Law: From Posner

to Post-Modernism, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.

6 .Oppenheimer, Margaret; Mercuro Nicholas (2005), Law and Economics: Alternative

Economic Approaches to Legal and Regulatory Issues, M. E. Sharpe, Armonk, New


7. Reddy, G. B. (2002), Law of Consumer Protection in India, Gogia Law Agency,


8. Taxman (2006), Economic Laws, Taxman Allied Services, New Delhi.

9. Wadehra ,B. L. (2003), Intellectual Property Law Handbook: Law Relating to Patents, Trade Marks, Copyrights,

Design & Geographical Indications, Universal Law Publishing Co. Delhi.


(Foundation Course)

Elements of Economic Legislation – II


1. Intellectual Property Rights ( 5 lectures )

Importance; Intellectual Property Rights and World Trade Organisation.

2. Copyrights Act, 1957 ( 20 lectures)

Purpose; Ownership of Copyrights; Rights of Owners and Rights of Others;

Registration of Copyrights and its Infringement; Remedies under Copyrights Act.

3.Patents Act, 1970 ( 20 lectures )

Background; Concept of Patent; Procedural aspects of filing of patents; Procedure

after filing of Patents; Other provisions of the Act.

4. Design Act, 2000 ( 5 lectures )

Purpose; Salient Features; Protection of Design.

5.Trade Marks Act, 1999 and Geographical Indications of Goods Act, 1999

( 25 lectures )

Purpose of TMA; Registration of Trade Marks; Prohibition of Registration; Procedure

of Registration; Effects of Registration; Infringement; Passing of Action. Features of

Geographical Indication of Goods Act.


1. Datey, V. S. (2006), Students Guide to Economic Laws, Taxman, New Delhi.

2. Granstrand, Ove (edited)(2003), Law and Intellectual Property: Seeking Strategies for

Research and Teaching in a Developing Field, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.

3. Gopalakrishnan K.C. (2002), Legal Economics (Interactional Dimensions -Economics

and Laws), Eastern Book Company, Lucknow

4. http//

5. Medema, Steven G.; Mercuro, Nicholas (1998), Economics and the Law: From Posner

to Post-Modernism, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.

6 .Oppenheimer, Margaret; Mercuro Nicholas (2005), Law and Economics: Alternative

Economic Approaches to Legal and Regulatory Issues, M. E. Sharpe, Armonk, New


7. Reddy ,G. B. (2002), Law of Consumer Protection in India, Gogia Law Agency,


8. Taxman (2006), Economic Laws, Taxman Allied Services, New Delhi.

9. Wadehra, B. L. (2003), Intellectual Property Law Handbook: Law Relating to Patents, Trade Marks, Copyrights, Design & Geographical Indications, Universal Law Publishing Co. Delhi.


(Foundation Course)

Entrepreneurship Development – I


1.  Entrepreneur ( 7 lectures )

Entrepreneurship and Enterprise; Achievement Motive; Need for and Characteristics of Entrepreneurship; Role and functions of Entrepreneurs. (7 lectures)

2.  Types of Businesses and Industries (5 lectures)

Extraction, Manufacturing and Services; Demand-based and Resources-based; Import-substitution and Export-promotion Businesses.

3. Identification and Evaluation of Business Opportunities (10 lectures)

Porter’s Five Forces Analysis (Market Structure Analysis); The SWOT Technique: Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

4. Market Surveys and Feasibility Studies (10 lectures)

Choice of Technology, Plant and Equipment.

5. Venturing Methods (12 lectures)

Ownership Patterns; Legal Requirements Pertaining to the Setting up of Business.

6. Financial Incentives and Promotional Schemes of the Government of India and Government of Goa. (5 lectures)

7. Financial Procedures ( 15 lectures )

Funds and Funding; Institutions and Entrepreneurship Support Systems.

8. Sickness in Small Scale Industries and Remedial Measures (3 lectures)

9. Purpose and Components of a Business Plan / Project Report (8 lectures)


1. Adam, Everette (1997),Production and Operations Management, Prentice Hall India,

New Delhi

2. Baker, Michael J. (1996), Marketing: An Introductory Text, Macmillan, London.

3..Colombo Plan Staff College for Technical Education, Manila (1999): Entrepreneurship

Development, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

4.Chandra, Prasana (1995) ,Projects: Planning, Analysis, Selection, Implementation &

Review, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

5. Davies,M. M.; Aquilano N. J.; Chase R. B. (1999), Fundamentals of Operations

Management, Irwin-McGraw Hill, Boston.

6. Dessai, Vasant (1996), Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management,

Himalaya, Mumbai.

7. Government of Goa, Daman and Diu (Law and Judiciary Department): The Goa,

Daman and Diu Shops and Establishments Act,1973.

8. Horngren, Charles (1997) ,Cost Accounting- A Managerial Emphasis, Prentice Hall

India, New Delhi.

9. Kuriloff ,A. H.; Hemphill J. M. (1988), Starting and Managing the Small Business,

McGraw Hill, New York.

10.Kazmi, Azhar (1997), Business Policy, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

11.Kotler, Philip (1997), Marketing Management, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi

12.Kossek, Ellen Ernst; Block Richard N. (2000), Managing Human Resources in the 21st

Century: From Core Concepts to Strategic Choice, South-Western College Publishing,


13.Kanka , S. S. (2005), Entrepreneurship Development, S. Chand, New Delhi

14. Mishra, S. K. (2002), Labour and Industrial Law, Allahabad Law agency, Faridabad


15.Patel, J. B.; Modi S. S. (1995) , A Manual on Business Opportunity Identification and

Selection, Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad.

16.Pandey, I. M. (1998), Management Accounting, Vikas, New Delhi.

17. Pandey,G. N. (1995), A Complete Guide to Successful Entrepreneurship, Vikas, New



(Foundation Course)

Entrepreneurship Development – II


1.  Costs, Price and Profits (15 lectures)

Analysis of Costs and Costing Strategies; Market structures and Pricing Strategies; Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis.

2.  Books of Accounts (4 lectures)

Financial Statements and Funds Flow Analysis.

3. Elements of Marketing and Sales Management: (15 lectures)

Marketing Channels; Marketing Mix and Role of Advertising; Nature of the

Product/Service and Market Strategies.

4. Management of Plant and Equipment; Management of Materials; Inventory Control

Strategies. (6 lectures)

5. Management of Human Resources (10 lectures)

Importance and Scope of Human Resources Management.

6. Important provisions of Shops and Establishments Act; Factories Act; Sale of Goods

Act (10 lectures)

7. Taxation and Entrepreneurship ( 7 lectures )

Income Tax; Value Added Tax ( Sales Tax, Central Excise); Customs Duties.

8. Coping with Uncertainty; Stress Management and Positive Reinforcement. (5 lectures)

9. Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics (3 lectures)


1. Adam, Everette (1997), Production and Operations Management, Prentice Hall India,

New Delhi

2. Baker, Michael J. (1996), Marketing: An Introductory Text, Macmillan, London.

3..Colombo Plan Staff College for Technical Education, Manila (1999): Entrepreneurship

Development, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

4.Chandra, Prasana (1995), Projects: Planning, Analysis, Selection, Implementation &

Review, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

5. Davies M. M.; Aquilano N. J.; Chase R. B. (1999), Fundamentals of Operations

Management, Irwin-McGraw Hill, Boston.

6. Dessai, Vasant (1996), Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management,

Himalaya, Mumbai.

7. Government of Goa, Daman and Diu (Law and Judiciary Department): The Goa,

Daman and Diu Shops and Establishments Act,1973.

8. Horngren, Charles (1997), Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, Prentice Hall

India, New Delhi.

9. Kuriloff ,A. H.; Hemphill J. M. (1988), Starting and Managing the Small Business,

McGraw Hill, New York.

10.Kazmi, Azhar (1997), Business Policy, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

11.Kotler, Philip (1997), Marketing Management, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi

12.Kossek, Ellen Ernst; Block Richard N. (2000), Managing Human Resources in the 21st

Century: From Core Concepts to strategic Choice, South-Western College Publishing,


13.Kanka ,S. S. (2005), Entrepreneurship Development, S. Chand, New Delhi

14. Mishra, S. K. (2002), Labour and Industrial Law, Allahabad Law agency, Faridabad


15.Patel, J. B.; Modi S. S. (1995), A Manual on Business Opportunity Identification and

Selection, Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad.

16.Pandey, I. M. (1998), Management Accounting, Vikas, New Delhi.

17. Pandey,G. N. (1995), A Complete Guide to Successful Entrepreneurship, Vikas, New


Demography and Population Studies-I

FC ECO Paper -V

1)  Introduction: 12 Lectures

Nature, Scope and importance of Demography, relation of Demography with other social sciences, Demography and Population Studies. Demographic analysis: some basic concepts. Demographic Data - nature, methods and sources of data collection.

2)  Determinants of Population Change: 15 lectures

Fertility: Concepts and measures of fertility. Factors affecting fertility. Factors affecting fertility in Developed and Developing countries. Differential Fertility - concept and causes. Mortality: Concepts and measures of mortality, Sex and age differentials in mortality. Infant mortality. Causes of Death. Global HIV / AIDS epidemic. Concept of Morbidity. Migration: Terms and concepts, measures, determinants and consequences.