1.My future profession (Менің болашақ мамандығым) – эссе (2 апта)

2. Foreign Trade (мәтінді қазақ тіліне аудару)(6 апта)

1.International trade is the system by which countries exchange goods and services. Human societies evolved from the Stone Age to the present by exchanging or trading ideas and technologies. Countries trade with each other to obtain things that are of better quality, less expensive or simply different from goods and services produced at home. Countries also trade with each other because they benefit from it.

2.The gain from international trade enables resources in each trading nation to be allocated to their most productive uses. Instead of trying to produce everything themselves which would be inefficient, countries often concentrate on producing those things that they can produce best, and then trade for other goods and services. By doing so, both the country and the world become wealthier.

3.Most international trade consists of the purchase and sale of industrial equipment, consumer goods, oil and agricultural products. In addition, services such as banking, insurance, transportation, telecommunications, engineering and tourism account for about one-fifth of all world export in the 90s.

4.Trade has long been considered a primary instrument for development. It also has a social impact by bringing isolated cultures into contact with new ideas, technologies and goods. In 1964 when the first United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) met in Geneva, trade was still recognized as a primary vehicle for development. The conference concluded that the effective development assistance was extremely limited in its power to bring social change compared to trade, which could generate employment and accelerate economic growth.

3.Мемлекеттік қызмет тақырыбына байланысты сөздік құрастыру (100 термин)(9 апта)

4. Қазақстан Республикасының экспорт және импорт (Берілген диаграмманы ағылшын тілінде сипаттау (13 апта)

1995-2011 жылдар аралығындағы ҚР экспорт және импорт көрсеткіштері

млн. долл.АҚШ