Sadly, many people who claim to be on God’s side are actually more faithful to political parties than they are to the kingdom of God. Many Christians have forsaken the mission of Christ in order to vote for liberal Democrat candidates that fight against everything holy and sacred in our culture. They have turned on their brother in Christ, George W. Bush, who is fighting to restore morality and honor to our sinking society. Although he has courageously banned Partial Birth Abortion and championed freedom for oppressed and tortured people around the globe, many Christians are still being brainwashed by all of the foul-mouthed hatred, intolerance and propaganda spewing from the elite media and left-wing. We all know that many faithful Democrats are patriotic citizens with wonderful intentions, but we cannot afford to follow liberal leaders any further into godless chaos. There is still time to wake up. Please do not turn your back on the Lord’s work and join forces with liberal politicians who support anti-Christ agendas like Bible-banning, prayer-banning, baby-killing, homosexual sodomy and public censorship of the Ten Commandments.

Don’t believe everything you read or hear in the liberal media. Don’t be blind followers of the blind.

Research the voting records of each candidate for yourself, and proudly fight for God and country.

*Stop the Communist Bible-banning in America

*Stop them from banning the Ten Commandments

*Stop them from banning public prayer

*Stop them from taking away our right to bear arms

*Stop them from redefining homosexual sodomy as

Holy Matrimony

*Stop the big business abortion industry from killing

and “parting out” babies for stem cells and profit




Why are we following in the footsteps of a failed socialist experiment? Why are we going down the same political path that history shows ended in the chaotic fall of so many nations? Do we really want to ban God and the moral teachings of the Holy Bible from public life like Red China and the Communist Soviet Union? Who is going to pull us out of the grip of this evil ideology? We not only need a courageous man of God to be our President through these trying times, but we also need moral Christian leaders restored to office at every level of government.

Presently, we need to gain at least six more Republican Senate seats to ensure the replacement of moral judges and the return of moral law. Right now, liberal Democrats are filibustering President Bush’s judicial nominees in an outright show of religious discrimination and Christian persecution. These godly judges have impeccable records of service to our country, yet the liberals want them banned from higher office because they do not support abortion and other immoral special interest agendas. The hundreds of internal congressional memos that recently came to light prove that the liberal Democrats have hijacked the democratic process, imposed their own minority will on our country and usurped this President’s constitutional right to appoint federal judges.

The elite media and the leftist politicians are trying to muddy the water by whining that the public should never have seen these documents. No kidding… of course they wanted these memos to be kept secret because they have a lot to hide. If the congressional dealings of these Democrats did not amount to public corruption, then they would not have to hide their shady business. Nevertheless, their usual propaganda is trying to refocus everyone’s attention on how the Republicans got ahold of these memos rather than focusing on the all-important contents of the papers.

While the nervous and desperate liberals are crying for an investigation into how the incriminating evidence was obtained, we must not forget that these memos implicate several Democrats in criminal activities. Please understand that no law or senate rule has been broken. Everyone knows that e-mail and other computer transmissions on unsecured lines are subject to public access. And even though the left-wing does not want our United States united, these documents were filed on a computer system used by the entire congress and paid for by the American taxpayers… accessible to both parties rather than some private club of secretive leftists.

If these Democrats are truly “public servants,” why do they have to hide their congressional correspondence from the public? I’ll tell you why: Because they are corrupt… they are self-serving. One special interest memo openly advised that the Dems should filibuster one judge because he was Latino…proving racial discrimination. Another document allegedly stated that John Edwards, a then-member of the Judiciary Committee, rejected one of judicial nominees because it would cost him contributions from trial lawyers in his home state. Are you getting this? These documents prove public corruption by showing Democrats were selling their votes for money via campaign contributions. And the liberals aren’t even denying that these incriminating memos are actually theirs… they are simply saying that the American citizens and the Republicans have somehow violated their rights by reading them.

Obviously, the leftists do not want conservative judges appointed because they have worked for almost a decade setting up a liberal puppet regime in the judiciary… all the way up to the Supreme Court of our land. Right now the Socialists have a network of corrupt judges in place that enables the liberal special interest groups to force their will on America. This Mafia-like activist judiciary has stepped way beyond their constitutional authority of merely interpreting the laws written by the legislature. This tyrannical judicial network has been creating new laws and enforcing them without ever consulting the legislative branch or allowing the American people to vote. Trampling on our Constitutional government “by the people and for the people,” this elite oligarchy has already begun reigning over America and enforcing their Socialist (“secularist”) ideology as if it were our national common law.

Just think about it: The American people never voted to ban the Bible from “public education.” And not a single American voted to legalize abortion. Not one citizen was ever allowed to vote on whether or not our country should ban public prayer. And not one American has ever been allowed to vote on the issue of censoring the Ten Commandments from public view or public areas. Our country has proudly displayed these godly expressions of our cultural heritage for hundreds of years, but suddenly “someone” has changed the law of the land and forced us to deny the heritage of our forefathers. Who changed the law? “We the people” never changed the law.

Likewise, Congress never passed a single bill censoring the Holy Bible or the Ten Commandments from public expression or education. Nor did the Legislative Branch ever write a single law forbidding public prayer. And the Legislature certainly never passed any laws taking away the rights of states or local communities to express their cultural or religious heritage openly. In fact, it is impossible that there could ever be any such laws against citizens, communities or public representatives expressing their religion. The Constitution explicitly says, “Congress shall make no law concerning the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”

Yet suddenly “someone” is making laws “prohibiting the free exercise of religion.” Ignoring the Constitution, the Communist judiciary openly erased our freedom of expression and freedom of religion, making it “illegal” for Christian citizens, leaders and communities to express themselves or have any voice in our country’s governing body. This judicial tyranny has figuratively cut the tongues out of all citizens and elected representatives that do not bow down to the secular ideology of the Communist movement.

For example, we all saw how a group of three secularist/socialist judges overruled the will of the people of Alabama to throw out the Christian man they elected to be Chief Justice of their state. Apparently, these corrupt judges cannot even understand the plain English of our Constitution because they interpreted “Congress” to mean “Alabama Judges,” then they interpreted “shall make no law” to mean “cannot display plaques or monuments.” Despite the fact that the First Amendment specifically applies to Congress, these judicial dictators and their liberal cronies blatantly twisted it to take away the freedoms of Judge Roy Moore and the Alabama majority that elected him.

These rogue judges certainly have no business interpreting our Constitution and laws if they cannot even discern the difference between the United States Congress passing national legislation and an Alabama Judge displaying a piece of religious art. Even worse, these lower-level judges actually took over the state judiciary by completely removing the people’s choice from the highest office because he did not agree with their obviously wrong interpretation. Although they were the ones refusing to uphold the Constitution, they achieved their coup d'état by claiming that Chief Justice Roy Moore had broken the law. What law? Whose law? Again, the United States Constitution ensures that there will never be any laws “prohibiting the free exercise of religion.”

So who’s running this country? Who decides the law of our land? It is not the people of America anymore. It is not the Legislative Branch anymore. The Socialists are employing every underhanded tactic they can think of to block the democratic process and keep even the United States President and the Executive Branch from running the country. And when they do not get their way, they just break the law. Stooping to the level of petty criminals, the elitist judges that should be upholding the law have decided they are above the law. Day after day, we allow them to openly defy our written laws and enforce their own thoughts and agendas on the country.

For example, after the Congress passed the ban on Partial Birth Abortion in 2003 and the President of the United States of America signed it into law; the activist courts still refused to enforce it. Can you believe it? The courts designed only to uphold the laws passed by Congress actually overruled the Legislative Branch and the Executive Branch. In a similar scenario, we see anarchist government officials in several states that are performing homosexual marriages even though their state laws prohibit it. Since these special interest groups and their puppet politicians can’t gain legitimate support from the majority of Americans, they just spit in the face of our democracy and do whatever they want.

The liberal machine is morphing into a power hungry oligarchy that acts as if our laws and institutions mean nothing. And you know the liberals are close to achieving total anarchy and chaos when the masses don’t even stand up to remove those government officials who refuse to uphold the written law… if the people just cared enough to be outraged. Notice that the majority has not been able to dethrone those leftist mayors and courthouses that refuse to obey the law, yet the socialists strong-armed the Honorable Chief Justice Roy Moore out of office in a matter of days. If Christians won’t support Christian leaders, who is going to protect us from this tyranny and anarchy? Are we just going to lay down and let these rogue socialists take over our country, ignore our democratic process, run rough-shot over our written laws and enforce their personal ideology like some perverse dictatorship?

The current statistics and polls show that the MAJORITY of Americans still believe in our spiritual heritage and want to honor the God of our forefathers. The MAJORITY of Americans also want our descendants to be taught the morals of the Ten Commandments. What responsible parent would not want their children to be taught things like “honor your mother and father, do not kill, do not steal, do not lie, do not commit adultery” and so forth? Neglecting these basic foundations of civilized behavior will cause any civilization to slouch toward Sodom and Gomorrah.So if you still believe in God, freedom and democracy, I suggest you stand up for what is right before all hell breaks loose. If we allow this type of liberal chaos and anti-Christ ideology to regain a foothold over the next four years, then this country will surely fall to Communism.

Please do not believe all the propaganda spewing from the “information ministers” of the elite media. Remember that Hitler’s propaganda experts also used their media cronies and henchmen judges to portray a false positive image of Hitler’s National Socialist Party… and the masses believed it and blindly supported his rise to power. I beg you to research the Democrat candidates and find out who these frightening souls really are. For example, John Kerry has been openly “honored” by the communist museum in Vietnam. To this very day, there is a display “honoring” him in Ho Chi Minh City museum with a picture of Senator John Kerry being greeted by the general secretary of the Communist Party, Comrade Do Muoi. This picture and information can be viewed on the World Net Daily,Vietnam Vets for the Truth and Free Republic websites. ( [June 1, 2004], [July 15, 2004] and

And even though Kerry keeps deceiving his Democrat supporters with the pitch that he is against off shore companies and American corporations moving jobs overseas, the facts prove otherwise. The bill he signed had a special exemption for specific corporations including his wife’s factories. The Heinz Corporation, owned by Kerry’s wife, has moved 57 of her 79 manufacturing plants to countries outside the United States. How many American jobs have been lost due to his family alone? How can we expect him to lead our country in creating American jobs when he can’t even lead his own family to do so? Check it out for yourself: Teresa Heinz Kerry, our potential first lady, has moved the majority of her factories to France, Russia, Germany, China, Japan, Canada, Taiwan, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Greece, Poland, Egypt, Israel, The Netherlands, Belgium, Venezuela, Costa Rica, South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Australia, Republic of Singapore, New Zealand, South Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, Philippines and Hong Kong.

In fact, if you think John Kerry’s candidacy is slightly scary, you should be terrified by the agendas of his foreign wife… and the very thought of her laying her head on a pillow each night inches away from the President of the United States of America. Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry was born in Mozambique of Portuguese parents, then raised and educated in South Africa and Switzerland. She then worked for the United Nations in Geneva throughout the 1960’s… not exactly born and raised as a patriotic American. Her last husband (Republican Senator H. John Heinz, III) died in a “freak accident” leaving her with his $500 million estate. And how does she use his money now? She supports the very causes that the late Republican Senator Heinz detested.

For example, between 1995-2001 she gave more than $4 million to the Tides Foundation. And through the anonymity provided by the Tides Foundation, her money went to support Ramsey Clark’s International Action Center, who offered to defend Saddam Hussein. They also support the National Lawyers Guild, organized as a communist front during the Cold War era. One of their lawyers has already been arrested for helping Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahhman communicate with terror cells in Egypt. Sheikh Rahman is the convicted mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

Furthermore, they support the Democratic Justice Fund, a joint venture of the Tides Foundation and socialist billionaire hate-monger George Soros. This fund works to lower restrictions on Muslim immigration from “terrorist” states. They also support the Council for American-Islamic Relations, whose leaders have known ties to the terrorist group Hamas. Even further, they support the Barrio Warriors, a radical anti-American Hispanic group whose primary goal is to take over all of Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas and give that land to Mexico.