Dear Prospective Employer:
Thank you for your interest in the externship program of The Culinary Institute of America. We encourage you to join us in partnership, uphold our quality culinary education, test the abilities of our students, and provide a learning environment. An essential aspect of this process is your supervision, which provides the extern with constructive feedback on a regular basis. Please submit the list of materials below typed. Once we have received all of your application materials we will submit your file to our Externship Review Committee for approval.
Please submit the following typed:
- Executive Chef’s résuméor bio indicating work history
- All menus of the property
A typed outline of your proposed work/training program for the extern
Completed and signed application with descriptive information concerning your establishment including a valid email address.
The following criteria serve as general guidelines, as we consider your application for Externship Site Status:
- The Chef has a minimum of five years professional experience.
- Menus reflect the use of the basic fundamentals ofcooking.
- The establishment has been in operation for at least one year.
- Management demonstrates a commitment to the ideals of the Externship program.
- All required application materials are typed and complete.
A Faculty and Administration Review Committee will consider your application only after all requested materials are complete and submitted.If you have an incomplete file, we will notify you promptly so you have the opportunity to submit the missing materials in a timely manner. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I will be happy to assist you and can be reached at 845-451-1335, or . Again, thank you for your interest in our Externship program. I hope to add you to our program as a “Partner in Education”.
Denise M. Zanchelli, MBA, CHE
Externship Manager
The Culinary Institute of America
Externship Program
Purpose: / To enable CIA students to develop their cooking or baking skills and knowledge they have acquired during the initial 30 weeks of instruction at the college.Structure: / Externships are paid work experiences of 18 weeks and 600 hours minimum duration. Students seek placement at approved sites by reviewing materials placed on file with the Externship Office. The externship site is expected to provide a structured experience where the student spends 80% of the Externship in a production environment with supervision. Students are not placed by the office; they are required to apply for and secure placement on their own. The Career Services Staff assists employers and students with the process.
Scope of Program: / The number of approved externship sites consistently exceeds 1,000, with new sites being approved on acontinual basis. Approximately 70 students leave on externship every three weeks throughout the year, with 450 to 475 externs in the field at any given time. Externship sites are located throughout the United States, with some international placements available.
Status: / Students receive academic credits and a letter grade for their performance on externship. Each student is issued a manual to record a weekly log of activity as well as recipes and plate presentations. The supervising chef completes a performance evaluation scale for the extern and the student writes a brief essay describing the experience. The student manuals are graded by the CIA Faculty members upon the student’s return to the CIA, and combined with the site chef’s evaluation for the final grade.
Process: / All properties seeking to employ externs are reviewed by a committee comprised of CIA faculty and staff. When all of the necessary materials have been submitted (application, chef’s résumé or biographical sketch, menus, outline of the externship programand signed assurance of nondiscrimination), the application is reviewed at the next scheduled review date. The Site Review Committee meets every three weeks to review applications. The site information is reviewed to ensure compatibility between the goals of the Institute and those of the employer and to prepare a file of materials for review by prospective externs. Once your application is reviewed, you will be contacted with any questions and notified by email regarding the approval status. The Externship staff reserve the right to conduct a site visit.
For Reference / Regarding Compensation of Externs, we offer the following Link to the U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division Fact Sheet “Internship Programs Under The Fair Labor Standards Act” (April 2010).
Before mailing in the application, please make sure all the materials are enclosed:
Completed, typed application with signature
Executive Chef’s résumé
Proposed 18-week typed outline of extern work program
All menus of establishment (dining, banquets, catering, brunch, dessert etc.)
Descriptive brochures and flyers, marketing materials and/or media kit
1946 Campus DriveHyde Park, NY12538-1499 845-452-9600
Address / City
State/Country / Zip Code / Phone
Web Site Address / Fax
Executive Chef
Chef's E-mail: / Business Cell or Kitchen Phone / CIA Graduate?
Yes No / Graduation Year
Who is the first contact person the student should send a resume and cover letter to? (If Human Resources Department, please name contact.)
Please list e-mail of contact: / Contact:
Please indicate the manner in which students should apply:
Mail, E-mail, Trail, On-Line, Other
Please describe your business in a short paragraph and provide the number of seats and average number of covers per day.
Type of Cuisine:
Number of cooks in your kitchen:
Language requirements other than English:
How long has your property been in existence?
What months can you participate?
{We have students leaving for Externship every three weeks and therefore encourage flexible participation}
Indicate actual wage or range of wages?
(Please specify per hour/ week/ month)
Do you provide housing, meals,uniforms, transportation, other? { If housing is provided, please describeand explain cost.}
Will you be able to review student manuals on a weekly basis?
How many hours per week will the extern work?
{ CIA requires a minimum of 34 hours per week
& 18 consecutive weeks }
Please indicate any awards/recognitions received by the Executive Chef and/or property (regional accolades, A.C.F., Ivy, James Beard, Etc.):
Rotation should include 18 full weeks of work / Approximate number of
/ Responsibilities:
Line Experience
/ Cold Line Responsibilities:
Hot Line Responsibilities:
Expeditor Responsibilities:
Catering/ Banquets / Responsibilities:
Menu Development/ Nutrition / Responsibilities:
Off Site Opportunities
{Fieldtrips to purveyors} / Responsibilities:
Food and Wine Pairing
{Opportunities for student to work in FOH} / Responsibilities:
Purchasing / Responsibilities:
Stewarding / Responsibilities:
Baking and Pastry
{Baking and pastry experience should be limited to three (3) weeks or less for culinary students} / Responsibilities:
Additional Experience
(special projects, mystery baskets, etc..) / Responsibilities:
Rotation should include 18 full weeks of work Total Number of Weeks:
Statement of why you wish to become a partner in this educational program
Please provide us with a paragraph explaining your commitment to the educational and professional goals of this Externship Course.
Qualities You Look for in a Candidate for Externship
Assurance of Nondiscrimination
The undersigned states that he/she will provide the student with a safe environment that is free from discrimination, sexual harassment, and substance abuse.
Externship is a partnership between the student, the employer, and The Culinary Institute of America. An employer who fails to comply with this agreement is subject to being removed from the Externship Program at the sole discretion of The Culinary Institute of America.
Please complete the following:
Name of CompanyStreet Address
City / State / Zip Code / Country
Printed Name and Signature: Authorized Agent {Culinary Director, Executive Chef or Human Resources}
Signature of Executive Chef: {if different than above}
Mail completed and signed application packet to:
Office of Career Services
The Culinary Institute of America
1946 Campus Drive
Hyde Park, New York12538
1946 Campus DriveHyde Park, NY12538-1499 845-452-9600
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