English 10 Course Outline 2016 – 2017

Mrs. Martino

Course Objective: This course has been designed to improve students’ reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills through combining reading strategies and writing instruction with grade-level curriculum. All lessons, units, and class activities have been designed in accordance with the NY State Common Core Learning Standards:

E-Mail and Webpage

  • Students and parents may use the e-mail address above to contact me anytime with questions or concerns.
  • Students and parents are encouraged to check my Teacher Webpage daily. Homework assignments will be updated daily, so students and parents can always be aware of current assignments and projects even when a student is absent from class.
  • Students will be expected to use their MHS Google account for email use of Google Drive/Classroom throughout the year.

Student Log-In: first name.last Student Password: s#6 Digit Student ID

TentativeReading List:Students will read either the entire text or passages from any/all of the texts listed below.

  • Short Selections from Holt Elements of Literature textbook *Students have Internet access to the textbook at my.hrw.com.
  • Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
  • The Crucible by Arthur Miller
  • Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton
  • Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose
  • Lord of the Flies by William Golding
  • Animal Farm by George Orwell
  • Various nonfiction articles from The New York Times.
  • Texts for Independent Reading: Fallen Angels by Walter Dean Myers, Black and White by Paul Volponi, A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks, Bleachers by John Grisham, A Time to Kill by John Grisham

Course Outline/Requirements: All activities, projects, and assignments are aligned with the NY State Common Core Learning Standards and were created in order to improve students’ achievement in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. In addition, we will be preparing students for success onthe Common Core English Regentsand the SAT Exam, both of which students will complete in 11th grade. Specific course requirements that all 10th grade students must complete are listed below.

  • Mid-Term and Final Exam: The Mid-Term for 10th grade will be administered during January Regents week and will consist of the following tasks: Common Task #1 (Text-Analysis Response), Reading Comprehension, and Word of the Week. The Final Exam for 10th grade is based on the following Common Tasks: Reading Comprehension and Word of the Week, Emulation of Author’s Style Project, and Text-Analysis Response.
  • ResearchProject: Students are required to complete aresearch assignment using MLA research style documentation.
  • Poetry Month: In celebration of Poetry Month (April), students will write a poem in which they emulate the author’s style (Common Task #2).
  • QuizzesandTests: Daily and weekly vocabulary/reading comprehension quizzes will be administered throughout each unit of study to assess students’ comprehension. In addition, unit exams/essays/projects will be administered at the conclusion of each unit.
  • Weekly Homework Packets:Each week students will receive a homework packet on Monday. Students will be required to read and annotate the texts in the packets in order to be prepared for a quiz on Friday.
  • Wilson Daily Prep(: Students will complete daily online activities to help them prepare for the SAT exam using Wilson Daily Prep. Students’ completion of their “Preps” will be counted as a homework grade every five weeks. *Please see attached letter for more information.
  • Writer’s Notebook:Each student will be required to keep a Writer’s Notebook throughout the year. The purpose of these notebooks is to keep students writing consistently and continuously throughout the year. This notebook should be in class everyday, and students should be writing in their notebooks continuously for a variety of purposes. Students will be required complete 15 full pages of writing in their Writer’s Notebooks every five weeks; notebooks will be collected and graded every five weeks.
  • Extra-Credit:Several extra-credit assignments are available for those students who would like to challenge themselves: SAT “Questions of the Day” at , Khan Academy, Wilson Daily Prep non-required days and annotations. Independent reading poster (assignment available on my website).

Extra Help:Extra help is always available upon student request. I can meet with students during my free periods as well as before (7:15 – 7:35am) and after school. I will be available for extra help after school until 3:45 on Wednesdays.


  • A 3-ring binder OR a 2-Pocket Folder (plastic coated)
  • Loose-leaf Paper
  • Post-Its
  • Highlighters

Classroom Policies

  • Students should be in their seats and prepared to learn when the bell rings.

Cell phones should be put away.

Class materials should be out and ready!

  • Students should assume responsibility for their own learning.

Complete all assignments on time. Late work will not be accepted for credit without a “Late Homework Pass” within 1 week of the due date. After a student had used his/her “Late Homework Pass,” he/she must stay after school or come in during a lunch period to make up work.

Students who are absent must hand in their assignments and take any missed quizzes/tests on the day of their return.

Obtain missed work when absent (check the website, obtain handouts, submit assignments, make up quizzes/tests, etc.)

  • Students should be respectful to others.

Parent & Student Acknowledgement of the Course Outline 2016 – 2017for Mrs. Martino’s English 10 Class

*I have read the above information and understand the requirements and expectations for this class.

Student’s Name (Printed)Parent/Guardian Name (Printed)

Student’s SignatureParent/Guardian Signature