Questions on 2 Peter chapter 2
1. What is the contrast between the last part of chapter 1 and the beginning of this chapter? Verse 1.
2. What are “heresies” and how are they damnable (destructive, American Standard Version)? Verse 1.
3. How many would follow their pernicious (lascivious, American Standard Version) ways and what would happen to the way of truth? Verse 2.
4. In what way are people here spoken of as merchandise? Verse 3.
5. Why is the case of angels mentioned? Verse 4.
6. Can you think of another instance of someone being confined in hell before judgment? Verse 4.
7. Are souls committed there before or after the judgment day? Verse 4.
8. Why do you think Peter spent time showing how God “spared not the old world”? Verse 5.
9. The overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah serves as a reminder to all, but especially to whom? Verse 6.
10. What was it that “vexed” or “wore down” Lot and caused him to “vex” or “keep on tormenting” his righteous soul? Verses 7-8.
11. What two things does the Lord know how to do? Verse 9.
12. At whom do these wicked men speak evil (rail, American Standard Version)? Verse 10.
13. How do angels treat them, in contrast? Verse 11.
14. Though greatly inferior to angels, these men were like what? Verse 12.
15. When do these men “riot” (revel, American Standard Version)? Verse 13.
16. On what occasions would they come in contact with Christians? Verse 13.
17. What were their eyes full of, and who were they beguiling (enticing, American Standard Version)? Verse 14.
18. How were they “cursed children” (children of cursing, American Standard Version)? Verse 14.
19. Who was Balaam and why is he mentioned as an example? Verses 15-16.
20. How are these false teachers like “wells without water” and “clouds that are carried with a tempest”? Verse 17.
21. How do they entice in the lusts of the flesh? Verse 18.
22. What class of Christians was especially in danger? Verse 18.
23. What are these Christians promised and why is the promiser unqualified to make such a promise? Verse 19.
24. How may the last state of one become worse than the first? Verse 20.
25. Do the words “know” and “knowledge” have any bearing on the interpretation of verses 20-22?
26. Do verses 20-22 apply to one who was a true Christian and who became a backslider? (Give a reason or reasons for your answer.)