Purchase:2010-11(SMS) 20th December 2010
Sub: Procurement of SMS Push & Pull Software & Services
Dear Sir,
You may be aware that the Institute of Company Secretaries of India is a statutory body set up by an Act of Parliament. It is functioning under the overall administrative jurisdiction of Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India, and its headquarters is located at “ICSI House” 22 Institutional Area Lodi Road New Delhi-110 003
The Institute proposes to procure SMS Push & Pull Software & Services as per enclosed quotation document and accordingly sealed quotations are invited for supply, installation and commissioning of abovementioned item.
The sealed quotations be sent to Shri N K Jain, Secretary & CEO, The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, by name at the Institute’s Headquarters in the envelopes superscribing “Quotation for procurement of SMS Push & Pull Software Services due on 7th January 2011 by 3.00 PMShould there be need for any clarifications, the same can be had from the undersigned.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
NEW DELHI 110 003
Limited Sealed quotations are invited for SMS Push & Pull Software & Services FOR INSTITUTE’S PREMISES (Lodi Road, New Delhi or/and Sec. 62 Noida), as per the details given in the Part ‘C’ of the Quotation Document. The terms and conditions governing the instant Quotation are as under:
- Quotations are to be submitted in prescribed format on Quotationer’s business letter head duly stamped signed and dated on each page of Part- ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ as their unconditional acceptance to the terms prescribed by the Institute. Details/supporting documents wherever applicable, if attached with the quotation should be fully authenticated by the vendor/s. No over-writings shall be accepted unless authenticated with full signature of the vendor/s.
- Prices quoted should be FOR INSTITUTE’S PREMISES (Lodi Road, New Delhi or/and Sec. 62 Noida) and should include all taxes and all charges including delivery and installation of the SMS Software, AMC of the existing GSM modem OR delivery and installation of a new GSM modem with 3 year warranty (in case existing GSM modem is not compatible with the new software) and add-ons and support for a period of 3 years from the date of installation / purchase, will have to be provided by the principal manufacturer.
- Though Institute prefers to deal with manufacturers / principals manufacturer directly, it may also consider the Quotations received through its authorized channel partners provided the principal manufacturer authorizes the said channel partner in this regard.
- Delivery period should be mentioned clearly in the proposal. Penalty for late delivery would be leviable at the rate of half percent per week subject to a maximum of 10% of the value of the order in case the supply is not made within the stipulated period. In case of delay beyond fifteen days from the stipulated period, ICSI may at its discretion cancel the order and arrange to procure the same from the next bidder on the panel/open market at the sole risk/cost of the vendor.
- The complaint with regards to the after implementation support pertaining to any kind of issues being faced by the ICSI must be attended and resolved on the same day of lodging the complaint failing to which, penalty @ Rs. 500/- (Rupeess Five Hundred only) per day would be levied on the vendor.
: 2 :
- Institute’s usual payment terms are 90% upon installation of software and acceptance of the supplied material and remaining 10% will be paid within thirty days of receipt of bank guarantee of equivalent amount valid for entire warranty period failing which the 10% amount will be retained during the entire period of warranty. Vendor will be fully responsible for comprehensive maintenance free of charge during the warranty period and in case of default, ICSI will have the right to arrange maintenance at vendor’s risk and cost.
- Vendor supplying the SMS Push & Pull software and services shall forward the complete set of original manuals and CD’s.
- Ouotationer (s) are required to deposit Rs. 10,000/-(Rupees ten thousand only)towards earnest money by way of crossed demand draft in favour of “The Institute of Company Secretaries of India” payable at New Delhi. The earnest money of unsuccessful bidders will be refunded without interest within 90 (Ninety) days from the date of acceptance /finalization of the Quotation . In the case of successful bidders, the earnest money deposited will be treated as security deposit and will be held for the entire duration of the project.
- Each Ouotationer shall submit the quotation in two envelopes, Part ‘A’ & ‘B’ should be put in Envelop No. 1 (Please mark the envelope as No.1 – contents Parts ‘A’ & ‘B’), Envelop No. 2 will contain Part ‘C’ commercial bid. Please mark the Envelop No.2 with contents Part ‘C’. Both the envelopes bearing No. 1 and 2 are to be put in the main envelop i.e. Envelop No.3 – contents No. 1 and 2.
- The sealed quotations duly super scribing Envelop No. 3 “Quotations for SMS Software & services due on7th January 2011should be addressed by name to Shri N K Jain, Secretary & CEO, the ICSI and sent at the Institute’s address given above either by registered post/speed post/ or by hand delivery at the Reception Counter of the Institute on or before 7th January 2011 by 3.00 PM. The Institute shall not be liable for any postal delay. Quotations received after the stipulated date and time will not be entertained.
- The Ouotations shall be opened on31st December 2010 at 11.00 AM in the Committee Room of the Institute at ICSI House, 22 Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi in the presence those tenderer(s) who wish to be present.
: 3 :
- Non acceptance of the terms & conditions as stated in Part A and non-submission of the stipulated Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) shall render the Tender invalid.
- All disputes, differences, claims and demands arising under or pursuant to or touching the contract shall be referred to the arbitrator to be appointed by the Secretary & CEO of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, New Delhi. The award of the sole arbitrator shall be final and binding on both the parties under provisions of the Arbitration and Reconciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory modifications on re-enactment thereof as in force. Place of such arbitration proceedings shall be at Delhi.
- Secretary & CEO of the Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotations in full and/or part including the lowest quotation bid received without assigning any reason and such decision shall be final.
- While Part ‘C’ describes specifications desired by ICSI, vendors are also welcome to quote for richer specifications, which will be considered at the sole discretion of the ICSI.
- For any further details /clarifications, Shri Ankur Yadav Senior Director ITmay be contacted at phone +91-120 – 4522012 or email .
Date: 20th December 2010 (P K Grover)
NEW DELHI 110 003
1.Name and complete address of
the Quotationer/Company
2.Tele/Fax/E-mail/Mobile No. of the quotationer
3.Contact person’s name & residence telephone No.
4.Details of registered office,
If any alongwith contact
Person’s name and tele.No.
5. Legal status i.e. public/private
limited/ any other alongwith
documentary evidence
6.Composition of Directors/
Partners etc
7. Income-tax registration number
alongwith documentary evidence
8. a) Sales tax registration number along
with documentary evidence
b) Please also specify, if you are registered
with appropriate Authority under Works
Contract Act, 1999. (Please provide details)
9. List of existing clients to whom software in last
1 year installed with details of company, value of business,
Concerned person name & his tele. no. (Please attach full details)
10. a) List of existing installations being
maintained as per following :
Name of the Company/No./Last Year’s turn over.
b) Please indicate the level of direct association with the
Principal Manufacturer of the product.
11. Please indicate in full the following details:
a)Manpower available - Technical & Non-technical
Number and name of the personnel who can
Provide software support and do trouble shooting.
b) Turnover of the company for last 3 financial years
(Please attach supporting documents)
12. Escalation Chart for Complaint Registration and resolution
13. Support office Address (Must be Available in NCR-Delhi)
14. Technical Account Manager must be assigned and contact details
should be provided
NEW DELHI 110 003
PART `C’ [Supply of SMS Push & Pull Software and Services]
Pre-requisites of SMS Push & Pull Software and services
A) The pre-requisite for the full installation of SMS Push & Pull Software and services are categorized as:
- SMS Push Compatibility: The Software should facilitate to send Bulk SMS by providing a user-Interface through which the user can provide the message as per global SMS Text standards and provide the interface to upload the list in Excel format (*.XLS / *.CSV ) or text format (*.TXT) for mobile numbers to whom SMS is to be sent.
- SMS Pull Compatibility: The software should provide a system that can be able to handle pre-defined set of queries by connecting to SQL database file or any access or excel file. The queries for ICSI Students and Members are as follows:
a)Query Commands for ICSI Students
SlNo. / Command & Format / Successes Massage / Failed Massage1 / SREG
SREG Regn_no
SREG CR0345678/09/2007 / Eg;
Dear Student, Thank you. Regn. No. CR0345678/09/2007 (Amit Kumar) with Mobile No. 9891987654 is registered. – ICSI. / Hi! Your Registration No. is not Valid. Please check – ICSI.
2 / SADD
Format –
SADD Regn_no
SADD CR0345678/09/2007 / Eg;
Dear Student, Address of Regn. No. CR0345678/09/2007 is Amit Kumar, Flat No. 102, Navashakti Apartments, Sector 46, Faridabad – 121007, Haryana – ICSI. / Hi! Your Registration No. is not Valid. Please check – ICSI.
3 / SEML
Format –
SEML Regn_no Email_id
SEML CR0345678/09/2007 / Eg;
Dear Student, Thank you. EmailId. is registered for CR0345678/09/2007 (Amit Kumar) – ICSI. / Hi! Your Registration No. is not Valid. Please check – ICSI.
4 / SROL
Format -
SROL Regn_no
SROL CR0345678/09/2007 / Eg;
Dear Student, Roll No. and Exam Centre for Regn. No. CR0345678/09/2007 (Amit Kumar) is 9999 and Faridabadrespectively. –ICSI. / Hi! Your Registration No. is not Valid / Enrolled. Please check – ICSI
5 / SCCN
Format -
SCCN Regn_noStage Group
SCCN CR0345678/09/2007 I 1 / Eg;
Dear Student, CCC status of Regn. No. CR0345678/09/2007 (Amit Kumar) for Intermediate (Group 1) is 2345 dated 09/05/2006 - ICSI. / Hi! Your Registration No. is not Valid OR No CCC issued for the given stage and group. Please check – ICSI.
b)Query Commands for ICSI Members
SlNo. / Command & Format / Successes Massage / Failed Massage1 / MREG
Format: MREG Prememb_no Membno
Eg: MREG A 100 or
MREG F 1007 / To be provided by ICSI during implementation / To be provided by ICSI during implementation
2 / MCP
Format: MCP Prememb_no Membno
Eg: MCP A 100 or
MCP F 1007 / To be provided by ICSI during implementation / To be provided by ICSI during implementation
3 / MADP
Format: MADP Prememb_no Membno
Eg: MADP A 100 or
MADP F 1007 / To be provided by ICSI during implementation / To be Provided by ICSI during implementation
4 / MADR
Format: MADR Prememb_no Membno
Eg: MADR A 100 or
MADR F 1007 / To be provided by ICSI during implementation / To be provided by ICSI during implementation
5 / MFEE
Format: MFEE Prememb_no Membno
Eg: MFEE A 100 or
MFEE F 1007 / To be provided by ICSI during implementation / To be provided by ICSI during implementation
6 / MEML
Format: MEML Prememb_no Membno
Eg: MEML A 100 or
MEML F 1007 / To be provided by ICSI during implementation / To be provided by ICSI during implementation
Priority will be given to the Software products that support API integration as an enhanced feature of the software.
- Integration Compatibility: The Software should be capable to get integrated with various softwares for sending alert SMS about the hardware or Software services failures of ICSI Data centres. The software should also be configurable for defining the mobile numbers to whom the alerts may be forwarded by the software.
- Support & Services: Vendor will be solely responsible for providing onsite support and monitoring the uptime of the SMS Services and proper working of the SMS software and the existing GSM modem installed at ICSI. The entire responsibility of maintaining the GSM modem must be owned by the vendor for the entire implementation and maintenance service period on issue of work order. The vendor after implementation of the software and services would provide a comprehensive training to the IT users of the ICSI on the configuration and programming through SMS server software. The training schedule should be prepared by the vendor and intimated to the ICSI in advance. The work order will be treated as complete when ICSI will issue a certificate to the vendor after satisfactory implementation of the SMS server software and verification of implementation of SMS Push, Pull and other services. The vendor must sign a SLA with ICSI to cater to its after implementation service assurances on the basis of the terms and and conditions of the tender document.
Note: In case the Vendor requires details about the existing GSM modem residing with ICSI for the implementation of above mentioned services, then vendor can verify at ICSI premises.
Format for providing commercials
SNO. / ITEM NAME / ITEM DETAILS / COST1. / Supply and implementation of SMS Server Software as per the requirements of the Institute mentioned in part – C of the tender document with 3 years warranty at site.
All SMS pull applications are to developed and implemented by the agency as well as all required configurations in the software are to be done by the agency to achieve the objective as per the scope mentioned in Part – C of the tender document in the present working environment of the Institute.
2. / Hardware, if any with 3 years warranty at site
3. / AMC charge after the warranty period
Total (excluding AMC Charge)