The United Methodist Church at White River & Mission
PO Box 197, White River, SD 57579 259-3682 or
1-877-707-8613 email:
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God’s Roads
February, 2012
From the Pastor’s Keyboard
As we think ahead to Lent, I looked to the scriptures that are part of the Ash Wednesday service. Seldom do we have time to use the reading from the Psalm, so I’d like to share it with you. Psalm 51:1-17, go ahead and look it up….verse 4, “Against you, you only have I sinned, and done that which is evil in your sight, so you are justified in your sentence and blameless in your judgment.” Think about what that means for us? We may sin against others, but ultimately we are sinning against God. Look at the Ten Commandments, the first 3 are definitely against God, the next would seem to be against others, i.e. neighbor, parents, others as in killing and so forth, however, if we think about who we are sinning against, it is those that God has created, right? So ultimately all of our sins are against God.
With Ash Wednesday, we put the ashes of our sins upon our foreheads, sins against God. They are placed in the shape of a cross for a reason. It is the cross of Jesus that washes the (ashes) sins away. I read one time of a United Methodist pastor who had forgotten to purchase ashes for the Ash Wednesday service; he searched around and thought, “Copier toner, perfect.” It made for beautiful crosses on his congregant’s foreheads; however, it left a “red cross”, as the chemicals in the toner reacted with the skin. The United Methodists of that community stood out for a few days, marked with the cross of Christ!
Verse 1 of Psalm 51 says, “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love;” which indicates that thanks to God’s everlasting mercy, we do have our sins washed away! I hope that you will participate in the Lenten services this season and be refreshed and renewed for Easter,; the greatest celebration of the Christian year.
See you in church on Sunday and have blessed Lenten season!
Pastor Linda
Todd Becker Foundation Presentation
All of our youth are invited to the Jones County High School in Murdo on Feb. 22 for an inspirational program put on by the Todd Becker Foundation. Todd was an all-American kid who had it all, but then started making choices that would ultimately bring about his death due to drinking alcohol and driving an automobile. The White River High School students are attending that part of the story in the afternoon and then our communities are invited to attend the evening event, which includes a Christian rock band concert and Keith Becker’s story. Keith was on the same path as his brother, but gave his life to Christ following Todd’s death. Youth will be challenged by the presentation and over the years, many youth have given their lives to Christ. Our churches are being asked to pray for the event and the youth, to follow up with the students who give their lives over to Christ and to make a financial contribution. Being White River High is primarily involved from our parish,; a donations jar will be set up at the back of the church. Each church in the communities represented is being asked for a financial contribution of $150, if at all possible. Please be in prayer for our youth and for our youth leaders.
Due to this program the White River UMC Ash Wednesday service will be at 5 at the church. Watch the announcements for when the UMC of Mission service will be.
UMC of Mission NewsOpportunity
It is February, but not at all too early to be thinking about kits. For you sewers, here’s the perfect project to be doing, making school kit bags for UMCOR. Here are the directions:
From UMC of Mission
Janet, our sign maker from Milwaukee, fell and broke her femur on one side and has a fractured hip on the other. Please keep Janet and Richard in your prayers.
LookingAddress for a Cruise
The UMC of Mission is working on a possible virtual cruise, as an opportunity to invite familyTommie and friends to a fun evening at the church. There will be food, music and fun, so be watching for further details.Dorthy Fox,
Side Door Ministry—by Jerry Bottger
Green Mountain Nursing Home
8673 W Mississipi Pl.
Lakewood, CO 80232
Please keep Dorothy in your prayers, as she is dealing with cancer, as well the multiple sclerosis.
While attending the Lay Speaker track at the Congress on Evangelism in Nashville, our class focused on Side Door Ministries. Pastors usually focus on folks who come in the front door and those who are trying to “escape” through the back door. Side door ministries are those things that bring people into the church for things other than worship. For example, one church had fishing tournaments and ultimately brought 5 people to be disciples for Christ and become members of their smaller congregation. Side door
At Mission, Jo Klein found our Mission mission statement. It is: Mission UMC is a community of faith that seeks to reach out and make disciples for Jesus Christ, empowering them in faith and love. You will see this statement at the top of our bulletins from now on, too.
Looking for a Cruise
The UMC of Mission is working on a possible virtual cruise, as an opportunity to invite family and friends to a fun evening at the church. There will be food, music and fun, so be watching for further details.
Side Door Ministry—by Jerry Bottger
While attending the Lay Speaker track at the Congress on Evangelism in Nashville, our class focused on Side Door Ministries. Pastors usually focus on folks who come in the front door and those who are trying to “escape” through the back door. Side door ministries are those things that bring people into the church for things other than worship. For example, one church had fishing tournaments and ultimately brought 5 people to be disciples for Christ and become members of their smaller congregation. Side door ministries are opportunities provided by the laity and that’s everyone except the pastor!!
When we have the bazaars, we need to be thinking of the next event to invite folks to at the church, perhaps an Advent meal or packaging of care packages for shut-ins or college students. We have some opportunities for side door ministries such as the cruise at Mission and the game events at White River. Be thinking of things we can be doing for side door ministries. Talk to me about them.
What’s New at White River?
If you have been in the fellowship hall lately, you will have noticed lots of cardboard and or the new storage area. This area is to be used for storage for various areas of ministry at the church: After School Program, Sunday School, etc. The church council has been talking about doing something different in that area for some time, but of course financing the project was going to be a problem. At this point, the council received word that a member wanted to do the project as a memorial. So, we thank Larry Hutchinson and family for this wonderful gift in memory of Darlene. When the unit is complete, there will be a dedication. Please watch this work in progress over the next week or so. Some of the basement windows will be blocked off and there will be some new décor in the area. We have some donated personal computers and are looking for a large screen television to make the area truly multi-media functional.
New District Superintendent in July
Bishop Kiesey is pleased to announce the appointment of Rev. Randy Cross to the Cabinet of the Dakotas Annual Conference, with responsibilities as district superintendent of the Prairie Hills District, effective July 1, 2012. He replaces Rev. Robert Ruedebusch, who will be appointed as senior pastor of Sioux Falls First United Methodist Church.
For the last two years, Rev. Cross has served as Assistant General Secretary of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM), located in Nashville. His responsibilities there included working with and training Cabinets and Boards of Ordained Ministries across the denomination on issues related to supervision and accountability. He has recently completed his work at GBHEM, and is currently on transitional leave in preparation for assuming the responsibilities of the superintendencynext summer.
For over twenty years Randy served churches in both North and South Dakota, including: West Fargo, Fairmount-Bethany-Rosholt, Grand Forks Wesley, Fargo Faith, and Rapid City First UMC, and more recently served as Director of Leadership Development and Connectional Ministries, and Superintendent of the former Lower James River district in South Dakota. The Cross family includes his wife, Cheri, and two adult sons, Aaron and Adam.
After School Program
Our kids in the After School Program at White River had a week off, as Cathy Chapman left on a jet plane for Arizona for a vacation. After School program resumes on January 30. The children have been learning about the United States, learning where the different states are and so forth. They are making a booklet that includes the flag, bald eagle, Statue of Liberty and will include a map. Many of the children have been collecting items from various states, sent to them by friends and relatives. Peyton received a booklet put together by a relative and Laquita received post cards from Linda’s relatives in Arizona. Check the bulletin board for their cool state decorations!
Men’s Breakfast
In November, Jerry cooked breakfast at 8 on Saturday morning, but no one showed up. Okay, it was our first snow and all the men were out making snow people!! In December, two other guys showed up for breakfast. They felt this was an improvement and decided to try again in January. Guess what? There were 6 guys around the table. After a good discussion, as well as good food, Larry Hutchinson volunteered to cook on the 3rd Saturday in February. IF you have been staying away because of Jerry’s cooking, here’s your chance. Invite another fellow to come to the church for breakfast on February 18, at 8 a.m.
Perhaps some of you remember Rev. Louie Lowe and the UMC he served coming to the area about 20 years ago. They led Vacation Bible School in some of the local communities and even went out to the Starkjohann ranch for a barbeque. Louie’s group will do VBS in a couple of our communities, as well as White River. They will be here the week of June 16 and will close with a community celebration that will include a carnival and lots of food! Please be in prayer for the Warrensburg UMC as they prepare to come our way!!
Corn Bag Toss Games
Cathy Chapman will be getting information out as to when and how we will start some corn bag toss games at the White River Church. Keep your ears and eyes open this month!!
Lent is UPON Us
Beginning February 22 with Ash Wednesday, Lent will officially be upon us. Both churches are planning to a special series, but haven’t decided just what yet, so be watching the bulletins and the March newsletter for times and events.
Liturgy for February
February 5: Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany
Isaiah 40 21-31
Psalm 147:1-11, 20c
1 Corinthians 9:16-23
Mark 1:29-29
February 12: Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany
2 Kings 5:1-14
Psalm 30
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Mark 1:40-45
February 19: Transfiguration Sunday
2 Kings 2:1-12
Psalm 50:1-6
2 Corinthians 4:3-6
Mark 9:2-9
February 26: First Sunday in Lent
Genesis 9:8-17
Psalm 25:1-10
1 Peter 3:18-22
Mark 1:9-15
6:00 – 8:00 PM
February 2012SUNDAY
WR: Youth Groups / 2 / 3
Desperate Scrappers 5:00 pm / 4
M: Worship 9:00 am
WR: Worship 11:00 am
Sunday School 9:30 / 6
Oahe Head Start
5:30 / 7
Bible Study Parsonage 4:30 / 8
Ad Board Mission
WR: Family Night 6:00 – 8:00 Pot Luck / 9 / 10 / 11
M: Worship 9:00 am
Fellowship after Church
WR: Worship 11:00 am / 13
Fellowship Group at Care Center 3:00 pm / 14
Bible Study Parsonage 4:30
Lions 6:30 / 15 / 16
Ministry Team for Linda / 17
Desperate Scrappers / 18
8:00 am Men’s Breakfast
M: Worship 9:00 am
WR: Worship 11:00 am
Sunday School 9:30 / 20
President’s Day – No School at WR / 21
Bible Study Parsonage 4:30 / 22 Ash Wednesday
WR: 5:00 pm
WR: Youth Groups to Murdo / 23 / 24 / 25
M: Worship 9:00 am
WR: Worship 11:00 am
Sunday School 9:30
Fellowship after church / 27 Oahe Head Start 5:30
Fellowship Group at Care Center, 3 p.m / 28
Bible Study Parsonage 4:30
Lions 6:30 / 29
Lenten Service WR Ad Council afterward / n
WR: Greeters: / WR: Snow Removal - / WR: Church Cleaning - / WR Fellowship Sunday: Frankie Holt, Louann Krogman, Jean Schmidt, Ida Krogman