Bret Harte Community Club
November 15, 2016
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:34AM by Kama Fletcher. The meeting was attended by Kama Fletcher, Tina VanLaarhoven, Stephanie Bullock, Jill Taylor, Teresa Huntley, Dom Ereno, Sheryl Elo, Patty Gur, Cheney Gao, Jackie Wei, Lisa Elliott, Mary Mate, Chengbin Yin, Shana Dillow, BJ Bushur, Jen Grove, Sujatha Shaminathan, Peggy Koskie, Holly Case and Tina Lien.
Principal’s Report
- Teachers involved in professional development classes.
- Letter sent home to parents regarding the US presidential election (discrimination towards minorities reason for letter).
Treasurer’s Report
- $4k SNAC income receipts.
- $800 purchases for 8th grade dance.
President’s Report
- October Meeting Minutes were approved.
- BHCC Communications – make sure when messages are sent regarding BHCC sponsored functions that BHCC is mentioned so parents know where their money is being spent.
- CODE movie on November 30th at Bret Harte. Up to 400 seats. Plan to invite Castillero.
- Cultural Fair – Have no one to lead the fair. Back at square 1. Try and get someone on the board to run it next year.
- RFF Approvals - $45k total budget for RFF. Original requests came in at $80k and Cheney got it down to just over $31k. Cheney read most expensive teacher/staff requests to the board. There was a motion to approve $31,650k (and not to exceed) for the RFF. Motion was approved.
- Need to figure out the best way to purchase these items (BHCC or teachers purchase items).
- Guidelines for RFF were created for teachers moving forward.
Committee Updates:
1. 8th Grade Promotion Dance – No update.
2. Bronco Night – Next dance is January 27th.
3. Donation Drive Chair – Waiting for Erin to update everything. Pizza party November 18th.
4. Emergency Preparedness – Emergency red buckets purchased over 5 years ago – teachers need to check their buckets and fill out a survey detailing what they need in case of an emergency. BHCC will purchase new items. Classrooms should have water and food for 3 days. Better to buy true emergency food that lasts up to 5 years.
5. Everyday Heroes – Third ceremony today at lunch. 45 students honored last month.
6. Hospitality – No update.
7. International Parent Link – No update.
8. Library Volunteer – No update.
9. PEST – All assignments completed.
10. Project Cornerstone – 34 students nominated in November. December 8th next ceremony on Cooperation.
11. Request for Funding – 37 requests received. $88k requested and reduced to $47k.
12. SNAC Volunteers – Some volunteers have left but spots are being filled.
13. Volunteer Coordinator – 92 volunteers cleared.
14. Web Site Coordinator – Stephanie will send Jackie September and October meeting minutes to post on website.
15. 8th Grade Promotion – No update.
16. Communication – No update.
17. Cultural Fair – No coordinator.
18. Staff Appreciation – Very successful first lunch. Teachers and staff extremely grateful. Sandy Smith stepped down as co-chair.
19. Passport to Success – Tentative date has been picked – either March 31st or April 7th.
Kama Fletcher adjourned the meeting at 11:13AM.