Potential Investors & Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) Buyers)
Governments Cooperation
Organization / Contact Person / Contact Number / E-mail / Services Provided / Types of projects fromwhich CERs are sought
Government of Canada / Yvon Bouthillette / Tel: 011 442 3353
Mobile: 082 772 6121
Tel:(613)944-8134 / /
- Agriculture and Agri-foods
- Information and communication technologies(ICT)
- Transportation
- Mining and other related industries
Government of Norway / Mr Sigurd Klakeng
Mr John Kristian / Tel:+47 222 44164
Tel:+47 222 44116
Tel:+27 12 342 6100 /
/ /
- Funding of project development – PIN/PDD feasibility studies
- Fixed term contract (ERPA) for project in any stage in the process
- All types
Government of Finland / Joshua Savolainen / Tel: 012 343 0275
Tel: 011 784 3164
Fax: 011 784 3174 /
- Technical support for PDD development
- Up-front payments up to 50% in return for a guarantee
- Freedom from validation, registration and verification fees.
- Customised support throughout the project cycle
- Renewable Energy
- Energy Efficiency
- Bio-fuel
Government of France / Catherine Duchene / Tel: 011 303 7158 /
Private Companies
Organization / Contact person / Contact numbers / EMAIL / Services Provided / Types of projects
NEDBANK Capital / Warren Burns / Tel: 011 294 4562
Cell: 083 326 2806 / /
- Buying and selling CERs through a trading desk
- Obtain carbon neutrality through trading of carbon credits
- Identify and develop energy efficiency projects
- Identify CDM opportunities and conduct feasibility study
- Energy efficiency
- Cogeneration
- Renewable energy
- Industrial projects
Central Energy Fund / Sizwe Kuzwayo / Tel: +27 10 201 4700
Fax: +27 10 201 8206 /
- Provide financing for project developers via CEF In return to equity
- Provide projects developers with access to both primary and secondary credit purchasers
- Structure emissions reduction purchase agreement (ERPA’s)
- Provide project specific documentation such as PINs & PDDs
- Verify and cetify emissions reductions and baselines
- Solar project
- Renewable Energy
- Energy Efficiency
- Transport sector
- Industrial sector
- Waste management
- Bio-fuels
CAMCO / Peter Oldacre / Tel: 011 575 6182
Cell: 082 920 4984
Address: Building 18
Ground floor
Woodlands, office park
Woodmead 2080 / /
- Delivering carbon credits
- Managing carbon footprints
- Providing market leadership
- Optimizing carbon assets
- Developing a low carbon economy
- Maximizing the power of the wind
- Waste gas to power
- Coal Mine Methane
- Fuel switching
- Biofuels and biomas
- Renewable energy
- Waste heat recovery
- Natural gas/ methane capture
- N2O destruction
- Cogeneration
- Industrial energy efficiency
Gemini Structured Carbon / Mike McWilliams / Tel: 011 325 5878
Cell: 082 604 5334 / /
- Projects evaluation and modeling
- Project registration
- Project validation and verification
- CDM projects management
- Renewable energy generation
- Energy efficiency
- Cogeneration
- Methane recovery
- Fuel switching
Enpalo / Christopher Olivares / Tel: +1(650) 384-0950 / /
- Green House Gases protocol application
- Energy efficiency projections
- Custom portfolio creation and management
- Carbon mitigation calculation
- Monitoring technologies
- Project development
- Advanced Green House Gases inventorying
- Energy efficiency – industrial, residential etc
- Renewable energy generation
- Cogeneration
- Waste/Landfill projects
- Mining projects
- Biofuels
- Transport projects
- Any Gold Standard verified project
Marubeni Corporation / Inoue Masahiro / Tel: 011-290-6019
Fax: 011-784-4846
Mobile: 083-675-0064 / /
- Project Identification
- JI/CDM Development, Validation
- Investment Finance
- Engineering Procurement Construction
- Operation,Maintenance
- Emission Reduction Certification Process
- Marketing and Sales
- Consulting
- HFC Decomposition
- Wind Power
- CCM(Coal Mine Methane)
Syke (consulting Co) / Pekka Salminen / Cell: 083 452 3780
Tel: +358-20-490-2411
Fax: +358-20-490-2491
P.O BOX 140
FI – 00251 Helsinki
Finland /
- Technical support for PDD development
- Up front payments up to 5- % in return for a guarantee
- Freedom from validation, registration and verification fees
- Flexible and efficient procedures
- Access to network of experts and financing institutions
- Landfill gas
BarclaysCapital Bank PLC / Omar Vajeth / Tel: 011 350 5264
Cell:082 308 6079 / /
- Interested in financing and providing risk management services through offtake contracts to project developers
- Liquidity providers in the carbon Markets
- Standardise the secondary CER market with the launch of the standard CER forward agreement
- Alowance purchases and sales EUA/CER trackers
- EUA/CER forward financial swaps, CER/EUA swaps options.
- Gas recovery and Utilisation
- Hydro and Wind
- Landfill Gas
- Fuel Switch
- Rehabilitation projects
- Energy Efficiency
- Prevention of fugitive emissions reductions
- Waste Management
- Geothermal
Wisions of Sustainability / Dr Holger Wallbaun / Tel: +49 202/2492-0 / /
- Microfinance and renewable energy
- Revolving fund for the implementation of small hydro schemes
- Switch on-demonstration of rural housing energisation
- Renewable Energy generation
- Biomass
- Biogas
- Biofuel
- Energy efficiency
My Climate-The Climate Protection Partnership / Alain Schilli / Tel:+41 4433 7750 / /
- Funding for project development-PIN/PDD feasibility study
- Investing in projects implementation upfront funding
- Equity funding
- Buying ready CERs and CER/VERs
Japan Jetro South Africa / Akikazu Hamada / Tel: 011 784 6084 / akikazu
Trading Emissions PLC / Justin Guest/Simon Shaw/Desmond Gordon / Tel: +44(0)207984 8718
Mobile:+44(0)7855 352 313 / /
- Certified emission reduction
- Emission reduction unit
- Verified emission reduction
Global Carbon Exchange / Kevin James / Tel:+61 (0)2 8211 2789
Cell: +61 (0)415 950 575 / /
- Renewable energy(solar,wind,hydro)
- Energy efficiency(industrial & demand side abatement)
- Coal Mine Methane capture
- Waste to energy
- Soil carbon sequestration
- Reforestation and avoided deforestation
- Community projects
Development Bank of South Africa / Patrick Karani / Tel:011 313 3332
Cell: 072 983 0748 /
International Finance corporation (IFC) / Robert Heffernan / Tel: 011 731 3140
Cell: 083 275 1319 / /
- Mining projects
- Waste and landfill projects
- Industrial projects
Standard Bank
World Bank Carbon Finance /
- Natural resources management
- Water efficiency
- Training in sustainable forestry and farming
FirePower / William Singer / Tel+27 (00 741 146 246 / /
- Mining projects
- Industrial projects
- Transport projects
- Renewable energy
United Carbon Services / Igmar Den Heijer / Tel:+31 (0)20 575 2727
Cell:+31(0)6 253 49 780 / /
- Carbon Trust services
- Carbon fund services
- Carbon Escrow Services
- HFC 23 Decomposition
- NO2 Reduction
- Energy Efficiency
Edison / Ms. Cecilia Scaffidi / Tel : 0039 02 6222 7071
Fax: 0039 02 6222 7218 / /
- Interested in purchasing credits from project owners
- Energy Efficiency
- Programme of Activities Project