Folly & Golly – Playoff I: 1

1. Along with Ben Jonson and John Marston, this author was landed in jail as a result of the collaboration Eastward Ho! He wrote two dramas revolving around the life, death, and revenge of the French king Henry III’s brother’s favorite, Bussy D'Ambois. Revered in the Romantic period, in one work the poet expresses that he did not breathe serenely until he heard him "speak out loud and bold." Known for his completion of Marlowe's Poem “Hero and Leander” --for 10 points-- name this British author celebrated by Keats for his translation of Homer.

Answer: GeorgeChapman

2. This novel’s story is told through Inspector Godfrey’s interrogation of the four main characters, a Moslem shop owner, a procuress, a teacher and a Christian schoolmaster. The protagonist finds out that his girlfriend is having an affair with his best friend Karega, and sets her house on fire, causing the deaths of three rich brewery owners. The title of the novel describes the flames as they engulf Wanja’s brothel, which leads to the arrest of Munira. For 10 points-- name this novel set in the Kenyan town of Llmorog, a work of James Ngugi.

Answer: Petals of Blood

3. According to this poem, the title character “Died blind, and still by faith he trod, eyes still dazzled by the ways of God.” It includes parenthetical instructions such as "sweet flute music" and “Reverently sung, no instruments.” The first stanza begins with the sound of a booming bass drum, while banjos accompany the second stanza as the title figure’s accomplishments are listed. The line "are you washed in the blood of the lamb" is repeated throughout --for 10 points-- what elegy by Vachel Lindsay concerning the founder of the Salvation Army?

Answer: “General William Booth Enters Into Heaven”

4. The protagonist of this novel moves to Bouville, but his only acquaintances are "The Self-Taught Man," and the proprietor of a café, the Rendez-Vous de Cheminots. His relationship with Francoise brings back memories of Anny, an English girl he loved, and also intensifies a series of disturbing psychological experiences, which pass from objects to him through his hands. For 10 points-- name this novel centering on Antoine Roquentin's "sweet sickness" by Jean Paul Sartre.

Answer: Nausea or La Nausee

5. This author adapted Ibsen's Enemy of the People for Broadway and more recent works include two one-act plays called Danger: Memory! His play A View from the Bridge was produced after the Broadway failure of The Man Who Had All the Luck. He explored his failed marriage in After the Fall, but nevertheless wrote the screenplay for The Misfits, his former wife’s last film. For 10 points-- name this American dramatist, best known for The Crucible and Death of a Salesman.

Answer: Arthur Miller

6. The protagonist of this novel unsuccessfully attempts on numerous occasions to make Valentine Wannop his mistress. Towards the end of the work, the protagonist's wife cuts down the immense cedar tree that has stood for generations in front of the family estate, Groby. General Campion constantly berates the protagonist, whose only real friend is his army buddy McMaster. At the end of the novel Sylvia divorces her husband and the protagonist's brother Mark asks Valentine to be kind to his brother. Centering on the "last English Tory" Christopher Tietjens, --for 10 points-- name this social chronicle by Ford Maddox Ford.

Answer: Parade's End

7. The title character of this novella is ridiculed as a child during a group dance lesson for accidentally dancing the girl’s part while distracted by his love for Ingeborg Holm. Chapter four features the title character discussing the different types of artists with his girlfriend, Lisaweta, and later in the novella he is stopped by the police in his hometown because of his swarthy appearance, a trait that causes much of the story’s central conflict. For 10 points—name this Kunstlerroman by Thomas Mann.

Answer: Tonio Kröger

8. The poet compares himself to a pair of finches in the third stanza of this poem which was included in Percy's Reliques, and says that he "shall sing the sweetness, mercy, majesty, and glories" of his king. The poet notes that "Fishes that tipple in the deep, “and” Enlarged winds, that curl the flood" do not afford the liberty that his love for the subject does. For 10 points-- name this poem in which the poet assures his love that "Stone walls do not a prison make."

Answer: “To Althea from Prison”

9. In chapter 39 of this work James Joyce appears briefly walking on the banks of the Liffey in Dublin. Minor characters include Midshipman Plunkett and Major Dennis Plunkett, a historian and distant descendant of the midshipman that runs a pig farm. Most of the major action takes place in Rodney Bay, which is home to Pigeon Island and Gros Islet, home to the two main characters until one runs off with a taxi driver named Hector. Featuring a fisherman named Achille and a black Helen, For 10 points-- name this national epic of St. Lucia by Derek Walcott.

Answer: Omeros

10. For years this author held an unrequited infatuation for Spanish opera singer Pauline Garcia and explored a motif of non-fulfillment through protagonists such as Nezhdanov, Lavretsky, and Insarov. Distant from other Russian authors, he accused a fellow author of "charlatanism" and was caricatured by another in The Possessed. Perhaps his most enduring contribution to literature was the character Chulkaturin whose titular diary named a Russian archetype. For 10 points-- name this author of A Nest of Gentlefolk, On the Eve, and Virgin Soil.

Answer: Ivan Turgenev

11. His last words before he departs are “And if our hands should meet in another dream, we shall build another tower in the sky.” Ironically, his main interrogator, Almitra, is the only villager that remains silent as he sails off into the mist at his work’s end. Before he departs he desires to give a gift to the people of Orphalese, but has nothing to offer but sayings of his heart, discussing such subjects as love, marriage, houses, teaching and friendship. For 10 points—name this work concerning Almustafa by Kahlil Gibran?

Answer: The Prophet(accept: Almustafa early)

12. The end of the first stanza of this poetic subsection concludes "He who was living is now dead / We who were living are now dying / With a little patience." The author's note to the fourth stanza says that the lines were stimulated by an account of Shackleton's Antarctic expedition. Its ending refers to Kyd's Spanish Tragedy and concludes by repeating a Sanskrit word for peace, "Shantih." Deriving its title from the formal ending of the Upanishads --for 10 points-- name this fifth section of T.S. Eliot's Wasteland.

Answer: “What Thunder Said ”

13. One of this man’s first forays into writing was a history of shoes for a local shoemaking union. He incorporated his participation in the 1933 revolutionary activities of his country into his 1974 novel Reasons of State, which also reflected his time as a diplomat in France. In 1949 he translated an essay by Franz Roh in which he effected the establishment of magical realism in Latin America, but his most famous work is a novel set during the aftermath of the Haitian revolution. For 10 points-- name this author of The Kingdom of this World.

Answer: AlejoCarpentier

14. Following its debut, rector Jeremey Collier attacked this tragedy and the dramatist retorted with a publication explaining the rector's “Short View.” The play features the accidental decapitation of the King of Granada whose daughter is in love with Alphonso, the prince of the rival Valencia. Its first line is the familiar "Music has charms to soothe a savage breast" and its third act closes with "Heaven has no rage, like love to hatred turned, no hell a fury, like a woman scorned." For 10 points-- name this William Congreve work where despite her father's death Almeria and Alphonso are married.

Answer: Mourning Bride

15. After telling her aunt that she was going to Snowfield, this niece of Martin Poyser runs away to Windsor to find her lover's military regiment, which is actually in Ireland. Distraught, she ends up in the house of the widow Sarah Stone, and there goes into labor and gives birth. Later in the novel, she is imprisoned, where the future wife of her former fiancé, Dinah Morris, visits her. For 10 points-- name this George Eliot dairymaid who was once loved by Adam Bede.

Answer: Hetty Sorel (accept either name!)

16. "Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame...her mild-eyes command the air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame." As the title character stands "at our sea-washed, sunset gates,” with silent lips she cries, "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" and “lifts her lamp beside the golden door.” Including the line “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" --for 10 points—name this Emma Lazarus sonnet found at the base of the Statue of Liberty.

Answer: “New Colossus”

17. After being banished by the Brotherhood after the Elder accuses him of being irresponsible, he travels to the Far Cliffs to experiment further with intricacies of movement. He is recruited by Chiang who instructs him that "perfect speed, my son, is being there." He led his outcasts back to his old flock, who reject him again, but younger birds like Fletcher Lynd drift to his circle. For 10 points--, identify this titular bird who achieves a higher plane in a Richard Bach work.

Answer: Jonathan Livingston Seagull

18. Discovered in 1921 by a Greek dealer, it was acquired by a Russian general named Kemidov. It is brought from Hong Kong on the La Paloma before being parcel checked at the Union Bus Station. Fashioned in 1539 by the Knights of Rhodes, it was sent as tribute to Emperor Charles of Spain, but was stolen by buccaneers. It reappeared in 1713 in Sicily, then in Paris in 1840 with a new black enamel finish. Revealed to be a lead fake after Gutman attempts to scratch off the black enamel, For 10 points--, identify this title object of a Dashiell Hammett detective novel.

Answer: Maltese Falcon

19. Among the features of this town are the Thanatopsis Club and the Jolly Seventeen. It is in Stearns County in the metro area of St. Cloud, and has an ugly city hall that the townspeople refuse to replace. There are only three practicing physicians, one of whom married a recent Blodgett college graduate named Carol. For 10 points-- name this small Minnesota hometown of Carol and Will Kennicott, the setting of Sinclair Lewis' Main Street.

Answer: Gopher Prairie

20. This author wrote a collection of short stories under a pen name that translates as “evil nurse.” He writes about a crane specialist on assignment in the USSR in his novel, The Monkey’s Wrench. He provides accounts of the Holocaust in The Drowned and the Saved, If this is a Man and The Reawakening, andwrote a series of stories based on the chemical properties of various elements. He is perhaps most famous however for the story of Ashkenazi Judaism in Eastern Europe that takes its title from a Talmudic commentary. For 10 points-- name this Italian author of The Periodic Table and If not now, when?

Answer: Primo Levi

21. In the unfinished novel “The Shadow of the Third” the protagonist of this novel expresses her feelings about the attempted suicide of Tommy, the son of her friend Molly. Throughout the work, the protagonist parallels her own experience through the character Ella. After moving into a flat owned by Saul Green, the protagonist begins an affair with Molly and symbolically stops writing about her politics, previous life in Africa, story ideas, and current life in different legers. For 10 points-- name this novel centering on Anna Wulf by Doris Lessing.

Answer: The Golden Notebook

22. This book includes the stories of the sailboat Rena, "visiting Mrs. Murphy," and outings in the Pierce Arrow. The matriarch of the family uses the word "Eskimo" for refer to off-color remarks while the patriarch condemns dinner talk by announcing it is "not of general interest." Its title is a bit of a misnomer, as Mary died in 1912. It ends with the death of Dad right before he leaves for European efficiency conferences. Written by children Frank and Ernestine, for 10 points-- name this account of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth and their twelve children.

Answer: Cheaper By the Dozen

23. In this book the phrase "under the sun" is repeated extensively, hedonism is discussed in chapter 2, and chapter 3 includes the phrase "He has made everything beautiful in its time." The name of this book is a Greek rendering of the Hebrew “Koheleth” and is taken from the Septuagint word which may refer to its probable author, Solomon. The phrase "Vanity of Vanities, all is vanity" is taken –for 10 points—from which Old Testament work written by the teacher?

Answer: Ecclesiastes

24. This title character goes to work for Robert Samson after her son Ned is killed by Albert Cluveau. A Yankee soldier named Brown had earlier convinced her to change her name and a trek to Ohio is abandoned when he falls in love with Joe, who is eventually killed by a black stallion. As her story ends, she is going to town to drink from the white's only water fountain. For 10 points-- name this title character whose autobiography was written by Ernest Gaines.

Answer: Miss Jane Pitman

25. A romantic tragedy by Franz Grillparzer centers on the death of this author sometimes credited with inventing both a 21-stringed lyre and a four-line poetic form. The poet is believed to have left completed only one poem, which begins “Deathless Aphrodite of the spangled mind.” A marble inscription mentions that the poet was briefly exiled in Sicily, though the poet spent most of her life at Mytilene. For 10 points—name this ancient poet and most famous resident of Lesbos.

Answer: Sappho