Application Form 2016

Bio-based Industries Consortium


Company Name / Organisation
Type of organisation
(Please tick where appropriate) / RTO
Technology Platform
Other, please specify:
Headquarters / City and Country:
Sectors/Specialty areas
(Please tick where appropriate) / Agriculture
Biotech, technology provider
Forestry / Pulp and Paper
Other, please specify:
Main contact / First name: Last name:
Tel: Mobile:
Invoicing details / Official organisation name
Contact person
Street and number
Post code, City and Country
VAT number



[Insert organisation logo]

Individual ‘Associate Partner’ Commitment to the Bio-based Industries Consortium to build the Bio-Based Industries (BBI) Public-Private Partnership

The European primary sectors, agro-food, forest-based, chemical and energy industries support the development of a strong bioeconomy in Europe, and thus adhere to the vision of the bioeconomy as set out in the ‘Innovating for sustainable growth: A bioeconomy for Europe’ launched by the European Commission in February 2012.

In order to accelerate the development and industrial deployment of the bioeconomy for industrial applications, [Name of Organisation] is committed to contribute to the establishment of a European Public-Private Partnership on Bio-Based Industries (BBI) and to take a role in research, development and innovation projects funded under the PPP.

Recognising that, the establishment, organisation and rules of procedures of the Public-Private Partnership on Bio-Based Industries are defined in the Council Regulation establishing the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking;

[Name of Organisation] is a Category C/D/E/F Associated Member of the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) according to the Statutes and Internal Rules of BIC (See Appendix).

And, on the basis of information available to date on the organisation, functioning and content of the PPP on Bio-Based Industries,

[Name of the organisation] commits to:

-  Engage and advise in the drawing of the PPP roadmap, alongside other interested parties;

-  Provide a financial contribution of 1 k€ (Category DEF Members only) for the period from 1st January 2016 to 1st January 2017, to finance the necessary activities for the coordination in the definition of the PPP, a.o. for drawing a roadmap

-  Contribute, upon decision of the Council and Parliament to establish the Bio-based Industries PPP, and common agreement on the multi-annual roadmap with the European Commission, to the operational costs of the Programme Office of the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) through an annual membership fee.

-  Adhere to the Statutes of the BIC Association, to all its Internal Rules and to all decisions of its bodies and an undertaking to actively participate in the activities.

Organisation / Name / Signature

Appendix to the Individual commitment to BIC

Extract from the BIC Statutes and Internal rules


Ad 5.3.1 Legal entities that have an interest in the activities of the BIC but are not companies active in the field of bio-based industries (hereafter the ‘Associate Members’) can be eligible for Associate Membership.

The associate memberships shall be described in the Internal Rules. The General Assembly is authorized to create (additional) categories of Associated Members, to attach different rights and to determine different membership fees per category of Associate Members.

Categories of Associate Membership are:

·  Category C: Supporting organisations (European industry associations and technology platforms)

·  Category D: Clusters and associations

·  Category E: Research Organisations (e.g. Universities and Research Institutes)

·  Category F: Other relevant stakeholders

Further details are provided below:

·  Category C (‘Supporting organisations): European trade associations and European Technology Platforms representing the interests of industry, foresters and farmers, and which directly support (in kind) the work of BIC.

·  Category D (‘Clusters and associations’): national and regional clusters, and European or national associations, representing SMEs, but also research organisations and large companies.

·  Category E (‘Research organisations’): Organisations, such as RTOs and Universities, who as their predominant activity provide research and development, technology and innovation services to enterprises, governments and other clients.

·  Category F (‘Other’): Other types of organisations (e.g. consultants, NGOs etc) which have been recognized by the General Assembly as contributing to the objectives of BIC.

For the Financial Year 2016, the Membership fees are:

Membership Category / Sub-category / Fees 2015-2016
Companies / Large – category A / € 30.000
SMEs – category B / € 5.000
Clusters & Consortia / Large – category A / € 30.000
Small – category B / € 5.000
Associate Members / Category C,D,E,F / € 1.000

Ad 5.3.2 Associate Members enjoy the following rights:

·  participating in the General Assembly under conditions specified in the Internal Rules without voting rights;

·  participating in Working Groups under conditions specified in the Internal Rules;

·  presenting its defense at the General Assembly, if a request for exclusion is submitted for General Assembly decision;

·  resigning from the Association after having notified such decision to the Executive Director by registered letter;

Specific rights by categories of associate members are detailed below:

·  Category C members: participating in the General Assembly without voting rights;

·  Category C members: participating in Working Groups;

·  Category D, E, F members participating in Working Groups on invitation by the Chair;

·  Category C, D, E, F members: contributing to Programming Taskforces and stakeholders consultations;


Organisation and Logo

1.  Organisation main figures

Location, Size

2.  Research and innovation activities

Short summary of all activities (not only BBE)

3.  Activities and future ambitions in the Bio-based economy

4.  Specific interest in the Bio-based Industries PPP (BBI)

5.  Relevant experts available in the organisation, mentioning field of expertise

6.  Commitment (in terms of willingness to invest the necessary time)


Additional required information

1.  Countries where organisation has offices (if applicable)

Austria / Germany / Norway
Belgium / Greece / Poland
Bulgaria / Hungary / Portugal
Croatia / Ireland / Romania
Cyprus / Italy / Slovakia
Czech Republic / Latvia / Slovenia
Denmark / Lithuania / Spain
Estonia / Luxembourg / Sweden
Finland / Malta / Switzerland
France / Netherlands / United Kingdom

2.  BIC associate members email list

Please list below the names and emails of those who should receive emails sent by BIC staff to all BIC associate members

First name, Last name / Email

3.  BIC website – Access to Members Area

Please list below the names and emails of those who should be granted access to BIC’s Members Area

First name, Last name / Email

4.  Organisation logo

Please attach your company logo in .eps, or .jpeg formats when submitting your application to BIC.

5.  Value Chains:

In which VC(s) and in which part(s) of the VC(s) does your organisation wish to be active?

VC1: From lignocellulosic feedstock to advanced biofuels, bio-based chemicals and biomaterials

(Delete the “X” where appropriate)

VC2: The next generation forest-based value chains

(Delete the “X” where appropriate)

VC3: The next generation agro-based value chains

(Delete the “X” where appropriate)

VC4: Emergence of new value chains from (organic) waste

(Delete the “X” where appropriate)

VC5: The integrated energy, pulp and chemicals biorefineries

(Delete the “X” where appropriate)