Gerald E. Morris
6001 S. Park Ave. #3
Tucson, AZ 85706
phone: 520.344.2028
email: , ,
Employment Objective: To obtain work, full or part time.
Computer Skills: GNU/Linux system administration, VxWorks (both BSP and applications ~3yrs), GNU/Linux, (sysadmin, application programming, some kernel hacking ~13yrs), Solaris (sysadmin ~3 yrs), C/C++ programming (~4 yrs.),), Java programming.
Other Skills/Virtues: Good driver/clean record past 10 years. Affable, sociable, patient, courteous, excellent instructor, self motivated,honest, quick learner, adaptable, Good mathematical, technical/scientific background and skills.
Education: The University of Arizona, BS Electrical Engineering, May 1999, GPA 3.2, Pima Community College, 1988-94.
Professional Experience
Employer / Willway 2 LLC/Fontana Park RV Parkaddress / 5708 S. Fontana Ave. Tucson, AZ 85706
Supervisor, absentee landlord / Patrick Wong,, , 559-356-4399(SMS)
Willway 2, LLC, 1865 Herndon Ave. Ste K232, Clovis, CA 93611
from / 03/15/2013
to / 07/01/2014
Experience / Location Manager/Maintenance Man, responsible for collecting rents, resolving disputes between tenants, repairing and upgrading crumbling infrastructure of aging RV park, assuring that it passed municiple code/inspections, everything from psychiatrist to plumber to cashier.
Employer / Self
address / various
Supervisors / Self and customers
from / 09/11/09
to / present
Experience / Working with people to install, configure design custom GNU/Linux (Slackware usually) based computers, whether for home or office, embedded, personal, clients, servers, net appliances etc... Troubleshooting/ repair of existing systems, MS Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux. BSD
Employer / Terra Strategies
address / 4021 E. Grant
Supervisors / Ignacio Romero, ( )
Michael Dewey
from / 05/05/12
to / 07/28/2012
Experience / Political Canvasser, Environmental issues, asking peoples opinions door to door and in public places.
Employer / Raytheon Missile Systems
address / 1151 E. Hermans Road, Tucson, AZ 85706
Supervisors / Andrew Vandivort (team lead) 545-9637,
Steven Wagner (Dept Manager, Image Processing/ EO Center) 794-3807,
from / 06/01/99
to / 04/24/03
Job description / Developing realtime embedded applications in C/C++. Extensive BSP hacking w. VxWorks. Extensive Linux system configuration, administration, application development. Middleware development with Rose Realtime on VxWorks PPC targets, Windows NT platform.
Activities & Honors / Vice president of Raytheon Linux Users Group. Member of YESnet. RMS Excellence in Technology Award 2001, co-authored Software Portability, Interoperability and Reuse: A Middleware Approach, 2002
Employer / Miracle Tutoring
address / 123 W 4th st., Tucson, AZ 85705
Supervisor(s) / myself
from / 01/30/91
to / 06/01/99
Job description / Proprietor and main tutor of Miracle Tutoring. Private tutor for students ranging in ages from junior high school through graduate school. Focus on mathematics, physics, chemistry, basic computer skills
Employer / University of Arizona
address / The University of Arizona, 85721
Supervisor(s) / Dr. Stephen Kukolich, 621-2969, Old Chem 316
from / 05/25/97
to / 08/20/97
Job description / Work in microwave spectroscopy, first exposure to vacuum technology, troubleshooting and renovating various electronic devices which were employed in taking microwave spectra. A good introduction to quantum mechanics in practice.
Employer / NSF/Research Corp/PCC/University of Arizona Summer Bridge
address / The University of Arizona, 85721
Supervisor(s) / Dr. Stephen Kukolich, 621-2969, Old Chem 316
from / 05/25/94, 95
to / 08/20/94, 95
Job description / Identical to the aforementioned. Co-funded by the NSF and Research Corporation in the PCC Summer Bridge Program. Awarded to students of superior skill and interest in sciences.
Employer / NASA Space Grant/ University of Arizona
address / The University of Arizona, 85721
Supervisor(s) / Dr. George H. Rieke, 621-2832, Steward Observatory #264, Dr. Marcia Rieke, 621-2731, Steward Observatory #262
from / Sep. 1993
to / May 1994
Job description /
The NASA Space Grant funded this internship for a select few PCC students in addition to U. of A. students. Worked on renovation of a near IR germanium spectrometer, including the data acquisition, control circuits and the optical system.
Personal References
Name / Gerald K. Salgadoaddress / 4058 S KostkaAve., Tucson, AZ 85714
Phone number / (520) 389-9919
email /
Years known / 20
Name / Alan Aversa
qualifications / Astronomer, graduate instructor, U of Az
Profile /
Phone number / 520.261.2584
email /
Years known / 7
Name / Dorothy W. Downs
address / 1711 N. Placita Tuberia, Tucson, AZ 85745
Phone num(s) / 520.425.4768(Mobile/SMS)
email /
Years known / 5
Professional References
Name / Garrett J. Wrightqualifications / Principal Software EngineeratRaytheon
- Technical LeadatRaytheon
- Principal Software EngineeratRaytheon
Software Engineering major, Embry Riddle College, Raytheon Missile Systems, numerous programs, awards
Profile /
Phone num(s) / (520) 884-5502 (home), (520) 545-9664 (work)
email /
Years known / 2