Minutes of a meeting of Ottery St Mary Town Council Planning Committee
held in the Council Offices, The Old Convent, Ottery St Mary on
Tuesday 26th August 2014 at 7pm
Present: Chairman: Councillor Carter
Councillors: Dobson, Holmes, Watmore, Talbot, Mitchell, Pratt and Thurgood.
Together with the Deputy Clerk.
1. P/14/08/15
To receive Apologies
Apologies were received from Councillors L. Harding, Bartlett, Bailey, and Pang.
2. P/14/08/16
To receive Declarations of Interest and requests for new Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) Dispensations for items on the Agenda
Councillor Mitchell declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in Application 14/1819/FUL as he has a financial interest in an adjacent property.
Councillor Talbot declared a Personal Interest in Application 14/1819/FUL as she is known to the applicant.
3. P/14/08/18
Reports, Correspondence and Items referred to the Committee
EDDC correspondence from Planning Enforcement regarding a Shed erected in the front garden of 28 Patteson Drive, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1TB. Duly noted.
Notification of tree works from the EDDC Arboricultural Team. These works considered an exception to TPO 04/1973 (14/1994/PRETDD) 12 Heather Grange. West Hill, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1XZ. Noted.
EDDC correspondence from Planning Enforcement regarding 2 large signs erected on land opposite the Hospital and Finnimore Industrial Estate in Barrack Road, Ottery St Mary. Duly noted.
EDDC Agenda for Development Management Committee for 26th August. Three applications in the Parish to be heard:- 14/1127/VAR and 14/1518/VAR – West Hayes, West Hill Road, West Hill, EX11 1UZ and 14/1225/FUL – Rustlings, Lower Broad Oak Road, West Hill, EX11 1UF. Duly noted.
Notification from EDDC regarding options available to ascertain whether planning permission is required (1) Free on Line Guidance (2) Officers Informal opinion (3) Certificate of Proposed Lawful Use or Development. Duly noted.
4. P/14/08/23
Planning Decisions Received
14/1685/FUL- Crantock, West Hill Rd, West Hill, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1TU Granted
14/1523/TRE – Hillcroft, Higher Broad Oak Rd, West Hill, Ottery , EX11 1XD Granted
5. To confirm the Planning Committee Minutes of the 11th August 2014
The Draft Minutes of the 11th August 2014 were confirmed as accurate.
6. To consider and determine observations on the following Planning Applications
Reference Applicant Details
The Chairman Councillor Carter sought and obtained permission to bring forward application 14/1508/FUL to allow a member of the public present to speak on the application.
1) 14/1992/FUL Morgan Construction of two storey
extension with bay window
(amendment to application 13/1627/FUL to include removal of balcony)
Stones House, Lower Broad Oak Rd,
West Hill, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1XH
The Planning Committee supports this application
2) 14/1928/FUL Silver Replacement of bay window and
porch with ground floor front
extension and porch
Martin Hayes, West Hill Road, West Hill, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1TU
The Planning Committee had no objection to this application
(Councillor Mitchell left the Chamber at 7.23pm having declared a DPI in application 14/1819/FUL)
3) 14/1819/FUL Parker/Welland Construction of single storey rear
17 Perrys Gardens, West Hill,
Ottery St Mary, EX11 1XA
The Planning Committee supports this application
(Councillor Mitchell returned to the Chamber at 7.25pm and took his seat at the table
4) 14/1938/RES Leach Construction of detached dwelling
& garage & formation of driveway (application for approval of details of layout, scale, appearance & landscaping relating to Plot 3
pursuant to outline planning permission 13/1248/OUT)
(Plot 3) Land Adjacent Greytops (Coopers Court) West Hill Road,
West Hill
The Planning Committee supported this application but would like to see the roots of the existing trees protected.
5) 14/1912/FUL Brown Relocation of farm shop, access to
highway & provision of parking
Little Gosford Farm, Gosford Lane,
Taleford, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1NA
The Planning Committee supports this application but would like the existing shop relocated with the ground re- instated to its former state.
6) 14/1913/ADV Brown Non illuminated fascia sign & 2no free standing signs
Little Gosford Farm, Gosford Lane,
Ottery St Mary, EX11 1NA
The Planning Committee has no objection to this application.
A Member of the public commented on the lack of detail on the Plan. He had maintained the access to his property and business for many years and the plans indicate the access would be narrowed causing a restriction for heavy vehicles which would affect his business.
7) 14/1508/FUL M Star Erection of replacement fencing & Property resurfacing of hard standing to
Company formalise car parking provision Finnimore Industrial Estate,
Ottery St Mary, EX11 1NR
The Planning Committee supported this application but would like a rider imposed that care must be taken not to restrict the width of the lane so it did not impact on Bowden Engineering.
8) 14/1564/FUL Rosewarne Installation of 2no windows at
upper floor level in north and south elevation gable walls
Courtfield House, Ottery St Mary EX11 1PN
The Planning Committee did not support this application as there are serious reservations of overlooking and the privacy of neighbours.
9) 14/1852/TRE Burdeck T1, Oak: Remove low primary
branch from south east aspect (100mm cut), prune back by up to 1 metre branches over south east aspect (75mm cuts). T2, Oak: Remove two lowest crossing branches from south aspect (100mm cuts), prune back side growth by up to 1.25 metres south aspect (50mm cuts)
14 Perrys Gardens, West Hill, Ottery St Mary EX11 1XA
The Planning Committee supported this Tree Management
10) 14/1909/TRE Jelf T1, Sycamore - Repollard removing
up to 7m making cuts of up to 150mm diameter removing up to 25% of foliar area.
T2, Beech - Reduce southern aspect of canopy by up to 6m making cuts of up to 200mm diameter removing up to 15% of the foliar area.
T3-T10 4 x Ash & 4 x Oak - Fell.
T11 & T12 Oak, T14 Beech - Reduce crown on south side by 2-3m making cuts of no more than 60mm removing up to 10% foliar area.
T13, Oak - Reduce crown on south side by 4.5m making cuts no more than 100mm diameter reducing foliar area by up to 10%.
Higher Church Mead, Toadpit Lane, West Hill, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1TR
The Planning Committee had no objection to this application as long as trees are replanted
6. To receive Councillors’ Questions relating to Planning matters
Councillor Holmes asked about progress on developments in Ottery St Mary. Councillor Dobson told the Committee that the Salston Manor was still pursuing the Section 106 financial contributions and this was also the case for the Otter Mill Switchgear Factory. It was hoped the Factory application would be commencing the second week in September.
Councillor Talbot asked about feedback from notes taken at a meeting with Redrow . Councillor Dobson told her they were still waiting for Redrow to confirm the accuracy of the notes before they are agreed.
The meeting closed at 8.11pm
The date of the next Planning Committee Meeting is on Monday 8th September at 7pm in the Council Chamber.
Mayor’s Signature………………………………………………………Date………………………
Mayor’s initials ……………………..