Is there a Liar’s Press?
In recent times, some new political movements have arisen in Germany. For example the political party “Alternative für Deutschland” (AfD), founded just three years ago, has won several seats in German State parliaments at the most recent election, a few days ago.
In Dresden (a city in the German State of Saxony), thousands of people go regularly on quiet “walkabouts” on Mondays, without any disturbance, unless provoked by others.
What’s their “Beef?”
Among their various complaints is one specific and rather novel term: “Die Lügenpresse,” a term that means “liar's press.” What the people mean by that term simply is purposely false or misleading information propagated by a large segment of the media, from newspapers to television reportages and – as much of that information is frequently “fed” to them by government sources and, by extension, also such governments.
Really, do the media lie? Ever? Isn’t it any good reporter’s utmost concern to state the facts, unadulterated by political desires, interpretations, or any wishful thinking?
If you are unsure, let me give you a recent example, an article on a coal-fired electric power generation plant in Jänschwalde, Brandenburg, Germany.
To wit: On March 17, 2016, the widely circulated and in the past highly respected German newspaper “The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” had a post with the title ”Keine Lust auf Braunkohle” (No desire for lignite) in their business section with a photo showing dark clouds emanating from that power plant’s six cooling towers, as shown below:
The caption to that photo reads (translated from German): <b>„This photo shows quite clearly how dirty lignite [coal] power plants are – and the electric energyproduced there!!! – D.U.”</b>
Yeah, Really?
Really, is it true that the cooling towers of that power plant are belching out “black” smoke visible for miles? You be the judge of that – after you look at the same power plant from above, as shown in the following screenshot taken from Google Earth Pro on March 22, 2016 (imagery date: 9/4/2014):
In that second picture, you don’t see any black clouds but rather snow-white steam (a mixture of water vapor and droplets) emanating from these cooling towers. Even more telling is the fact that any visible “residue” of that “black smoke” (as suggested in the caption of the first photo) disappears completely within a short distance from the sources.
I think you’ll get my drift here: there appears to be a stark contrast between the two photos of the same power plant cooling towers and what they may actually show or not. One thing is clear to me: they provide quite different messages and that is not by coincidence.
In my view, it’s all part and parcel of the “need for decarbonisation” theorem propagated by a variety of people and organisations that espouse crazy projections of the world’s climate overheating because of the mankind’s use of fossil fuels -- despite a couple of decades now without such “cataclysmic” warming.
In short: This so-called “carbon pollution” is a myth.
So, is there actually a “liar’s press” with purposely misleading articles?
YOU be the judge of that and what you think about the “Lügenpresse” claims, in Germany or elsewhere.
Kindly let me know by posting your comment!