Comparative Medicine
Responsible Care And Use Of Laboratory Animals (RCULA)
Training Program Registration Form (External)
Full Name and email are required. Incomplete Forms will not be processed.
NOTE: Cheque Payment is preferred. For cash payment, the exact amount must be given as no change will be provided.
Section A
Full NameCompany
Title/ Function
Contact Number
PI or Supervisor’s Name & Email
Course / RCULA ☐ / RCUF ☐
Section B
Type of species (ONLY choose the species that you will be working with)Mouse ☐ / Frogs ☐
Rat☐ / Others ☐
Aseptic Surgery☐
Guinea Pig☐
Note: *Aseptic Surgery training is required for animal users performing animal surgeries routinely. Biopsy, necropsy and animal tissue harvesting are not considered surgical procedures.
Section C
Type of animal contactHusbandry☐ / Animal Biosafety level 2/3 Work☐
Restraint/Handling☐ / Bloodborne Pathogens Work☐
Surgery☐ / Cytotoxic* Work☐
Wildlife/Field☐ / Breeding ☐
Others ☐
Blood Collection☐
Section D
Type of Personnel
Research Staff/Personnel named on IACUC protocols ☐Undergraduate/Post – graduate Students ☐
IACUC Members ☐
Animal Care Staff ☐
Maintenance and custodial workers ☐
Visitors ☐
Others ☐
Section E
RCULA and RCUF Pre - Requisites
Prior to all RCULA and RCUF hands on training, external participants must:
- make complete RCULA relevant course payment to Comparative Medicine
- complete all the relevant assigned online modules
- receive tetanus vaccination from NUS Occupational health clinic or any other licensed medical clinic (at participant’s own cost)
Section F
RCULA Hands On Training and online modules Charges
National University of Singapore
Comparative Medicine
Animal Course Charges for External Participants
Program (Species Specific Hands on) include mandatory online modules / UOM / Approved External Fees Exclusive of GST(SGD) Effective April 1st 2016 / Approved External Fees
Inclusive of GST
(SGD) Effective April 1st 2016
RCULA (Introductory hands-on only)
Mice / Per pax / $ 225.00 / $240.75
Pig / Per pax / $240.00 / $256.80
Rat / Per pax / $305.00 / $326.35
Aseptic Surgery / Per pax / $320.00 / $342.40
Rabbit / Per pax / $340.00 / $363.80
Guinea Pig / Per pax / $400.00 / $428.00
Online Module Part 1A and relevant modules ONLY / Per pax / $115.00 / $123.05
Fish / Per pax / $290.00 / $310.30
Methods of Payment and Payment Advice
1) Bank Draft/Cheque should be made payable to “ National University of Singapore “Please complete the registration form and return it with payment to: National University of Singapore Comparative Medicine, Centre for Life Sciences, 28 Medical Drive, #05-02 S’pore 117456 Attn: CM Finance
Note: Please write your name, contact # & the specific hands on training session on the reverse side of the cheque. (e.g. NAME/TEL/RCULA or RCUF)
2) For further billing enquiries, please contact: Email -
NOTE:Please provide billing/mailing address below:
Section G
RCULA and RCUF Administrative fees
- After RCULA course payment, All RCULA participants (Externals) are allowed a maximum of 3 re – schedules (EXCEPT medical leave) of RCULA Hands On Training Dates. The 4th RCULA training date re – schedule will result in an administrative charge offull course fee (selected)by Comparative Medicine.
- An administrative charge equivalent tothe full course fee (selected) will be levied by Comparative Medicine will be enforced to all RCULA/F participants (Externals) with NO SHOW on actual day of training with no prior notification to the RCULA team.(EXCEPT medical leave)
- RCUF hands on charges is currently $290 (w/o GST) for RCUF participants (Externals). All RCUF participants (Externals) are allowed a maximum of 3 re – schedules (Except medical leave) of RCUF Hands On Training Dates. The 4thRCUF training date re – schedule will result in an administrative charge of $150 plusfull course fee (selected) by Comparative Medicine.
Type of Admin Charge/Category / NUS Students/Staff / External Participants
NO SHOW / S$125 / Full Course Fees
4th Re‐schedule / S$125 / S$150 + Full Course Fees
Note: Comparative Medicine reserves the right to re - schedule your RCULAhands on training to a later date (Maximum of 3 re – schedules and based on availability)if:
- the online modules are not completed before the scheduled date of hands on training
- tetanus vaccination is not taken before the scheduled date of hands on training
- Late arrival or early departure of more than 20 minutes on the actual day of training
- Please inform us 5 business days in advance in the event of no show on scheduled date of hands on training