Hampshire Association of Older Peoples ForumDate / Wednesday 25th May 2016
Time / 1pm – 3.30pm
Location / Mountbatten Room, Podium Level, Hampshire County Council.
Present / Suzanne Pepper (Chair) / Gosport Older Peoples Forum
Chris Cornwell / Hartley Witney and District Over 55’s Forum
Graham Finlayson / Basingstoke and Deane over 55’s Forum
Margaret Clarke / HOPe
Dorothy Harvey / Hartley Witney and District Over 55’s Forum
Karen Jones / HCC Adult Services
Diane Andrews
Margaret Forrest
Nicky Millard / HCC Adult Services
Leanne Burgess / HCC Adult Services
Ed Walton / HCC Adult Services
HAOPF Minutes 25/05/2016 – Version 2
Apologies / Haydn WatkinsMollie Antrobus / Andover Older Peoples Forum
Richard Strong / Gosport Older Peoples forum
Bernard Brombley
Jean Buckle / Havant 50+ Forum
1 / Welcome and Apologies
2 / Minutes of previous Meeting – 30th March 2016
AGM Minutes from last meeting – Accepted by Group
HAOPF Forum Minutes – Amendment – Village Agents – Graham attended.
Agreed version numbers to be put onto HAOPF Minutes.
Actions to carry forward – Information day 26th August – does Supportive Communities team want to have a stall at the event, if so please send information to CC before event. KJ to check and send.
Outstanding Actions to continue on agenda – Suzanne Pepper will update group on Supportive Communities project. / LB
3 / Development of HAOPF
Discussion regarding a possible event in the podium within EII court, good opportunity to talk to members of Hampshire County Council to raise profile of HAOPF group. Group agreed with idea however was decided that the group has to be clear on their ideas before advertising the group to new members.
The Group originally had the idea that the HAOPF forum would:
- Give opinions on Hampshire County Council ideas and projects.
- Act as a critical friend with constructive thoughts.
- Be an information exchange for the other groups that members represent.
It was agreed that the group still adhere to the original ideas, they are still valid.
However to achieve more HAOPF needs to raise their profile to be seen and heard. Discussion regarding could one of HCC Councillors attend future HAOPF meetings? Would it be possible for Liz Fairhurst to attend?
Action - KJ to find out who should attend
Action - Director of Adult Services – Graham Allen can he attend the next HAOPF meeting, KJ to investigate as to whether he can attend.
Action- Group decided it would be useful to have an HCC organisational structure chart, KJ to get an updated version.
Action – CC would like the HCC Finance report from the county treasurer since CC has been a Member of HAOPF – KJ to send to CC.
Discussion regarding event at podium level in HCC
Action - SP to discuss with KJ to organise time
Action – banners and flyers needed with Key messages, volunteers needed for event.
Action - lack of representation of New Forest CC to put MC in contact with New Forest Older Peoples group.
SP is happy to contact/talk to any group and at events to raise profile, can we get County Councillors to look at what older people groups are in their ward and left HAOPF know contacts?
Action - KJ to investigate – would be good to put on a time limit when asking for replies.
HAOPF to present to County Councillors in HCC, available slots for presentation are below:
Tuesday 19th July 2016
Wednesday 28 September 2016
Wednesday 26 October 2016
Tuesday 29 November 2016
Let LB know if you would like to go with a certain date.
Discussion regarding who we can invite to join HAOPF – can they be ones that do not include Forum in the title? Can send an extended invite to these groups? Agreed the key is that the groups work with older people. / KJ
4 / Digital Inclusion Project/SEEFA
Richard is currently not being informed regarding
Discussion regarding Mike Bijczk email, Julie is due to send out SEEFA members briefing which will include:
- A new narrative on Older People
- Age friendly Businesses
- Replacement Organisations
There is SEEFA funding until September but this needs to be used by September. SP stated more transparency from SEEFA is needed regarding funding.
The digital inclusion project with SEEFA has now stopped, however HAOPF to look at how to make the basics of digital inclusion work, such as especially now superfast broadband is being provided to most households.
Discussion regarding CEMAST – Fareham College and how the students can help older people when their technology goes wrong, introduced the Fareham college coffee shop where older people can drop in to get items fixed by students.
KF – Colleague can deliver a tailor made training programme for sheltered housing scheme, they can be asked to do training for the Older People’s Forum as well to increase members IT skills. These sessions would have to be paid for sessions, it may include smart phone training too.
Discussion regarding how it is important to focus on couples who do not have children to help them.
Action – MF to ask housing scheme management to see whether they would be willing to have an IT trainer session and maybe be used as a pilot. / MF
5 / Update from Local Forums
MC – no update
GF – International Day – working with BATS, coordinates with dance groups and using young people and local talent. Going to be the same venue and prices as previous events
- Building that usually hosts their regular meetings may be demolished.
- Reached the limit on members
- Coach trips are mostly fully booked.
- Basingstoke, champion on council has stepped down, a new champion has been selected.
- Open forum – very successful
- Finances – currently £9973.61 at the end of April.
DA – Hearing centres now doing hearing tests, places such as specsavers and GP surgeries, supported by the West Hampshire CCG. There seems to be a lack of communication between GP’s and other outlets, if you have a hearing test at specsavers you cannot have a follow up with the NHS.
Action – SP to email WHCCG for more information regarding areas and services available, email:
Digital inclusion seminar – discussion regarding alarm systems and the alarm research currently underway. Discussion regarding what the criteria is to get on to the vulnerable client telephone list, DA to update group.
CC – Hart District Council area – currently trying to find someone to set up a Christmas lunch as current one is oversubscribed.
MF – no update
SP – Gosport Older Peoples Forum, Infofest – very well received other Gosport groups using this idea.
- Held an open meeting – lots of ideas from this, looking at gadgets/ ideas to make general life easier.
Update provided by Graham on Mollie’s behalf:
We had our AGM on 21st April and had a guest speaker from the CCG - Director of Primary and Community Care, Dr Rachell Barrass-Stones who talked about the work of the CCG and her role. There was much questioning on various issues especially the new critical care hospital and its funding. Ideas about attending each others meetings came from Trust governors and is to be considered.
We are supporting HCC Argenti in promoting the Breezie project at Stockbridge and are having an information roadshow there on 19th July in the Town Hall with Age UK Mid Hampshire and other groups.
Our next meeting is on 21st July 2-4pm in the Rendezvous, Union Street, Andover when we will have police on crime prevention (follow up from HAOPF presentation), HCC Argenti talking on telecare and Breezies plus possibly a HCC councillor on service financial pressures. / SP
6 / Supportive Communities Update
SP updated group on supportive communities programme and recent developments, including SEBIC work streams, project lead and contacts for work streams are as follows:
Stay Safe
Contact: Nicola Ward
Eat Well
Contact: Megan Ward
Be Active
Contact: Nicola Kelly
Information and Advice
Contact: Ed Walton
Contact: Camilla Gibson/ Abi Walton
Please contact the project leads with any comments or contributions.
7 / Connect to Support
Nicky Millard gave overview of new Directory (Connect to Support) which is due to go live on 4th July, testers are needed for the site which opens next week, HAOPF group can test the site and send link and logon to other contacts to get as many people as possible to test the site.
Action - Nicky Millard to send invites, link and logon to group as well as village agent representatives.
2017 the site is due to go live to the public.
Action - Nicky Millard to send Connect to Support presentation to group and if there is further questions please contact:
To look at interactive village follow link below:
Group discussed where this should be advertised to get a wider range of people to test the site, group to flag to Nicky any events/ newsletters. Nicky can send presentation of site for groups to present at events to spread awareness.
Opportunity to submit groups/listings from July to add to the listings site. / NM
8 / Information and Advice
Ed Walton gave overview of information/advice section of SEBIC, presentation to be sent to group. Currently reviewing the telephone and face to face advice being given. Questionnaire going out to find out what services are available in Hampshire and the quality of those services. Questionnaire is due to be released in next couple of weeks with data being analysed in July, there will be a recommendation due in Autumn 2016.
There is an opportunity to be part of the task group especially those who would like to be involved with the data statistics side. This will consist of email correspondence not face to face meetings. MC to be part of group Ed to include in email correspondence.
Action: Ed to send toGrahamfor circulation the details of how people canget involved in work streamand the commitment required.
Action: if interested in getting involved please email Ed Walton / EW
9 / Any Other Business
Action All – any and all members you may know try to contact them either by phone or face to face and ask if they still want to be involved. / ALL
10 / Date of Next Meeting – Wednesday 27th July 2016 – 1pm – 3.30pm
HCC EII Court South, Winchester, First Floor, Chute Room
Group to meet by the main desk at12:45 tobe escorted to venue
HAOPF Minutes 25/05/2016 – Version 2