MINUTESof a SWDSC EXCO Meeting that was held at the Pearl of Oudtshoorn Hotel, Oudtshoorn,on Tuesday 20March 2012 at 16:00.
1Opening and welcome: G Munro welcomed everyone present. Mentioned that it is election year. He expressed his discontent with the number of members that attended the members meeting as quite a lot of information was dissembled there.
2Personalia: Congratulations to GM with his masters degree obtained from NWU. Also to Edith Josephs as acting principal.
3Attendance Register: Apology: D v d Westhuizen [in Cape Town] & Sunette Marais. See attached attendance list.
4Closing of agenda: JA – Provincial Sport Federations and municipal sport councils.
5Acceptance of previous minutes: Accepted. EJ. Seconded: RD
From the minutes:
5.1Buffelsdrift Project: RD explained that this was a MEC promise that was never budgeted for
according to Henry Paulse. Case closed.
5.2SWD Fedansa: Randall matter was solved. He officially & publicly apologized that was
accepted. SWD Fedansa functional again.
5.3SWD Coaches Commission: GM reported that as the regions did not conform to the
Requirements of SASCOC, he see the WC Management as interim. Only the SWD CC was formed constitutionally. He stressed the fact that all coaches in the SWD must register.
5.4SWD School Sport: Pat Witbooi requested some clarity on school sport in the WC and
especially WECASO. WECASO don’t have any funding and how can WCPSC help. GM answered: at the National Sport Indaba in Johannesburg 15 major school sport codes were identified. All the attendees from all the provinces present were informed. WC School Athletics refrained from attending thus could not influence the discussions and decision-making. There SRSA made it clear that in the following financial year [present one] announced that no national school tournament will be financed by SRSA. If NF federations decide to hold such an event, it will be for the expense of that NF. James Evans of ASA was present and condoned the decision. It was also decided that no national tournaments for primary schools will be staged. In future in athletics the Youth & Junior Championships will only be one meeting under the auspices of ASA. It will only be teams from affiliated members of ASA and no umbrella body teams will be accepted. SRSA will fund these meetings. In light of this decisions no funding is available for school teams to attend the national tournaments – the WECASO WC Schools athletic teams [high & primary school] included. This is why there is no funding available. All 9 MEC’s signed off the National Sport Plan [of which this forms part] and this was accepted by the national Minister of Sport. WECASO was also identified as the only multi-coded school sport body in South Africa. This also affected SASSO – GM will take it up with James Evans. GM also reported that apparently there was a meeting at DCAS on this matter this week that was pretty rough – we’re still awaiting the minutes of that meeting. GM and LB will however see how the school teams can be assisted tomorrow on an ad hoc basis. PW also requested clarity around Zirk le Roux’s statement that no WC Schools Athletic team will be selected and that WP, BOL and SWD will attend as teams selected by the provincial federations. SWDSC can’t comment on this but is seemed to be in line with the NSP-decision. DvdW mentioned that the SWD team was announced today and that they still await the WC School Athletic team – this really confuse the athletes and parents. Also the high cost was mentioned. GM stated that it is about time that adult people stop building their small private kingdoms to the expense of the athletes. The NLTD plan is an open process and it is transparent. JA said that the high cost can be attributed to accommodation in five star hotels. GM stated that it is high time that a meeting at top level be set up between WCED, DCAS and WCPSC in order to bring sanity to school sport in the WC. The WCPSC will be requested to initiate this meeting. GM underlined the words of the national Minister of Sport that school sport in South Africa lacks leadership. PW again asked where does WECASO stands now? Where and who made the decision on the WC School Athletics meeting in Oudtshoorn? DvdW proposed a general sport indaba in the SWD so that we can inform and empower all the sport bodies and stakeholders. There are too many misconceptions out there and this is crippling sport not only in the SWD but also WC. GM stated that we must not forget that the WC is the province. Dave said the idea is to empower SWD sport people in order to make a difference on WC level. EJ said that this can be done in the regions. Dave also requested that it must b an open indaba – all sport fraternities can and must attend. On the second of DS this proposal was unanimously accepted and dates for this road show will be determined. GM made clear his intentions to resign from the SWD School Sport Organisation as well as WECASO as his presence there constitutes conflicting interests. RD request GM to do it as soon as possible.
5.5Academies & Gymnasiums: GM reportedthat two regional academies [W/C = Saldanha & SWD
= Oudtshoorn] is in the process of being established. In the SWD two meetings where the SWDSC was involved were held. SWDSC is however not satisfied that the proposed management system – the RAS can’t be managed from Cape Town. R1.4 m is available to facility upgrading. The 7 codes identified are: boxing, athletics, aquatics, soccer, netball, baseball and table tennis. All other academies in the region will also form part of the academy system in the SWD. A business plan is to be drafted, a manager to be appointed and a funding model to be discussed. At national level the academy system must first be drafted and then cascaded down to the PAS and RAS. Municipalities will play a major role. The next SWD meeting is scheduled for 12 April 2012 in Oudtshoorn. GM gave a background on the gymnasium in George. It was first offered to Oudtshoorn who declined. R250 000 is available.
5.6Municipal Sport Councils – SWD: The MEC had a meeting with all municipalities in the WC
where he briefed them on their role on sport in the WC. This was follow up with a letter from the secretary to all municipalities in the SWD region requesting the formalization and implementation of municipal sport councils as well as the drafting of a sport plan. Sport federations and clubs are urged to attend the budget meetings on sport of their municipalities and deliver inputs. This must be plans fir implementation and not only strategies. CJ mentioned their problems with Kannaland municipality. GM mentioned that municipalities in the SWD region are cluster under Central Karoo and Eden. Tom Paremoer will coordinate the Eden DM while Central Karoo has requested a meeting with the SWDSC to discuss their situation – meeting scheduled for 27 April 2012. RD for farm workers must attend as well. RD warned against working with the politicians – this normally lead to the down scaling of sport requirements. GM stated that Eden & Central Karoo DM’s will no longer fund clubs – that will be done by local municipalities. They will fund federations. PW stressed the fact that they must meet their commitments on sport development. JA also mentioned that sport councils are now the vehicle to address the needs of the local sport clubs. CJ insisted that SWDSC still have an obligation to serve it members in disputes with municipalities. She is still waiting for the SWDSC to address the Kannaland issue. GM said that demarcation will paly an even bigger role in future.
6 National Sport Plan – progress report:[dealt with in school sport under 5.4]
7 Transformation: GM mentioned that the SWD TMC have been dissolved and will be re-structured
before the AGM. This will coincide with a meeting of Women Sport. The secretary to find a date
as soon as possible.
8 SWD Coaches Committee – progress report: [dealt with under 5.3]
9 Farm Workers Committee – progress report: R Dyssel – did not know who to talk to anymore.
Bennett Bailey reacted and a meeting was setup in Citrusdal. Farm Workers Sport Day 2012 will be
held in Clanwilliam [willing to assist with funding]. Nothing was budgeted for this event in 2012.
The codes however will be less. Only 72 per team will be accommodated. Eden & Central Karoo will
be requested to assist with transport cost. There is no more farm workers sport coordinators
[placed with school sport].RD will have to visit these municipalities to negotiatethese point. DCAS
willstand in for the accommodation and the organizational cost. Farm workersorganizers must
closely work with Club Developmentin each region. According to RD R100 000 was pinpointed for
the reactivation of farm worker sport.Dave asked what the input of the Department of
Agriculture is. He suggested that a meeting between the MEC’s of Sport & Agriculture is to meet
on this subject.
10 Sport Awards 2012/WC School Stall Ward Awards: GM asked about the meeting with Eden DM
and George Municipality on the SWD Sport Awards. DS replied that a meeting was setup for next
week. He also handed a copy of the official report to the secretary. A copy was send to DCAS as
well. SWD Sport Awards scheduled for 9 Nov 2012 in George. JA asked what the poissibilty is of
changing the date to accommodate the municipal sport awards. This will be difficult as SWD is
tied to the WC Sport Awards date. Dave suggested that this date be communicated to all
municipalities in order to set their dates. All agreed. D Speelman briefly gave the background on
the WC Stall Wards Awards. Was to be held on 24 Feb, than 16 March than postponed indefinetly
until such time that the HOD will give the go ahead.
11 Legends: D v d Walt gave background. Will be staged on 15 Dec 2012 again. He will find out which
Codes are involved this year and communicate it to the members.
12 SWD School Sport: [dealt with under 5.4]
13 Women Sport –progress report: [see report attached] Amanda Stripp briefly discussed some of
The challenges – very little federations are actively involved. She also requested that the
International Women’s Day be rotated between regions as SWD also are marginalized and can’t
attend. The possibility of an evening event is suggested by Dave. Will be taken up at WC level. PW
asked where does Women Sport stand in relation to transformation? Is it monitored?
14 Correspondence: D van der Walt reported that all correspondence is forwarded as received.
15 Finances: [see attached report] CJ mentioned that federations not in compliance makes it
difficult. JA asked when must federations & sport councils affiliate? This year requested before
AGM so that the constitution can be adapted to constitute that it must be done before the
Members Meeting.his is to determine the quorum correctly at the AGM. Official apologies also
count. GM thanked CJ for a well prepared report. Requested her for the template. CJ
questioned the funding of Women Sport as no expenditure is reflected. Can indicate inactiveness.
GM indicated that her cost for the TMC and WC Women Sport meetings be deducted. Also ad
hoc funds received must be reflected. AS will supply CJ with these figures as it will be needed
for the audited financial statements. JA asked how does municipal sport council’s funding
application work? GM said that MSC does not qualify as one government department may not pay
funding over to another government department. They must be funded by their municipalities.
PW also asked where does school sport fit into the application process? In future the 15 priority
school sport codes will be funded via their provincial federations. School sport must make sure
that they have a seat on the exco of their federations. The only umbrella body that will be funded
via the region sport councils, will be the umbrella code structure. GM reported that he is awaiting
the bank details of SWD to make the payment into their accounts. Accountability is of utmost
importance. The report was accepted Proposed: AS. Seconded: AJ.
15.1 Funding Applications 2012/13: The SWD Funding Handover is scheduled for 12 April
2012 in George. Final information will be communicated.
15.2 Affiliation 2012: CJ reported that quite a number of members have already paid their
affiliation fees for 2012/13.
16 Administration: GM requested on behalf of the secretary that all correspondence be
acknowledged immediately.
17 DCAS Matters:
17.1 Role of SWD DCAS Office: PW asked where does SWD DCAS fit into the system? Where does
Desire Jansen fit into the school sport structure? GM explained the position of Dirk v d
Westhuizen, the office head. Each employee in his office report to someone in head office. This
is totally unacceptable for the SWDSC and it hampers the functionality of service delivery to
sport as a whole. It has already been discussed with Lyndon Bouah but it will be taken up again.
PW stated that SWD School Sport does not know where they stand in relation to the school sport
component in SWD DCAS. A clear organizational structure is needed.
17.2 DCAS projects: Very little is known of the projects presented by SWD DCAS. Dirk will be
requested to submit this information.
18 Federation Matters
18.1 SWD Cricket: GM informed the meeting of the situation between CSWD and PUCC. This ongoing
saga het gone on for more than two years now. It is now in the hands of the WC Arbitration Forum. However, new allegations about possible financial mismanagement have surfaced and send to the
MEC and referred back to the SWDSC for comments. It has been discussed with the Chief
Director of sport and a meeting with the parties will be set up as soon possible. Yet PUCC have
again bypassed the required communication channels and this is also seen in a serious light. PW
asked if all the members know what is the route to follow in disputes? GM answered that all
members must have that clause in their constitution. GM again stated that clubs and federations
must talk to one another.
18. Relation between municipal sport council and provincial federation: JA reported on the situation
between local rugby clubs and Cricket SWD on the use of facilities. This must be discussed with
SWD Rugby as it seemed that the same problem as with other winter sport codes is applicable here
– the fact that their season has moved forward. GM asked JA to first interrogate this matter on
local grounds and if no solution is coming forward, to request the help of SWDSC.
19 Important notices:
19.1 SWD Bowls: Received bronze medal at nationals.
19.2 DISWEC is staging there National Games in Cape Town. Opening is Monday 26 March 2012. GM
asked what happened with the SWD Cricket team for Disabled? Secretary will follow up.
The meeting closed at 19:30
Dave van der WaltGoliath Munro
Secretary Chairperson
“Celebrating Excellence in Sport”