City of Nelsonville
Athens County, Ohio
NelsonvilleCity Code Chapter 9.17, Vacant Property Registration
NelsonvilleCity Code §9.17.03 (A) requires owners of vacant property to register such properties with the City Manager by providing the information requested below. If the vacant property is owned by a corporation or business entity other than an individual or sole proprietor, the information below must include the name of an officer, partner, manager, trustee, or associate as a point of contact.
A post office box will NOT be accepted as an address.
There is no registration fee required.
Ownership Type: Individual Sole Proprietorship Partnership Association
Corporation Limited Liability Corp. Non-Profit Corp Trust Other
Owner/Business Name: ______
Officer Name (if applicable): ______
Owner/Officer Address: ______
Street City State Zip code
Phone: ( ) ______e-mail: ______
NelsonvilleCity Code §9.17.03 (B) (2) requires each owner to designate an agent for each vacant property in their ownership by providing the information below. An agent may be a business entity or a person at least eighteen (18) years of age who resides in Athens or HockingCounties.
A post office box will NOT be accepted as an address.
Agent/Business Name: ______
Address: ______
Street City State Zip code
Phone: ( ) ______e-mail: ______
I have read and understand the instructions attached to this application and hereby swear or affirm that the information provided and documents attached are to the best of my knowledge truthful and accurate.
Owner/Officer: ______
Signature Printed Name Date
Company Title (if applicable): ______
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The City of Nelsonville requires the owners of vacant property to register each property with the City Manager. Vacant property includes real property, one (1) or more dwellings used solely for residential purposes, a mobile home in a manufactured home park, a platted lot or parcel of land leased for the location of a mobile home, manufactured home, or industrialized unit, a building or portion thereof containing a mixed use of residential, commercial, and/or industrial uses and meeting the definition of a vacant property."Vacant building" means a structure which is unoccupied for ninety (90) days or more or which constitutes a structure unfit for human occupancy, an unsafe building, or a building or premises that are a public nuisance. In the case of structures containing multiple dwelling units, multiple commercial or industrial units, or a combination thereof, a building shall be considered vacant when a majority of the units are unoccupied unless any part of the building is considered unfit for human habitation, unsafe, or a public nuisance, then the entire premises shall be considered subject to these regulations.
Please fill out information for each vacant residential, commercial, or industrial building or portion thereof owned within the City of Nelsonville. Parcel identification numbers are available at A mobile home lot number is located on your tax bill.
If you are an individual owner or sole proprietor, please include your full name and mailing address. If you are a partnership, corporation, or trust, please include the name of that entity as well as the name of a business or corporate officer. Phone refers to the primary contact number were the owner or agent listed may be reached. Please provide an
e-mail address if available in order to facilitate and enhance the timeliness of necessary communications.
A designated agent must also be identified for each registered vacant property. If you have multiple properties and different agents for each, please list each agent and contact information separately. An agent must be at least eighteen (18) years of age and a resident of either Hocking or AthensCounty. An agent may be a business entity or property management company. The primary telephone contact number must be included and an e-mail address if possible to aid in normal and emergency communications.
Notification of any changed information, including new agent, change of address, change in telephone number or e-mail address must be received within five (5) days of the availability of the new information. A new owner must complete and submit a new application form prior to closing.Information provided is a public record and may be shared with other City departments and officials. Failure to provide required information constitutes a minor misdemeanor with each property and each day of omission constituting a separateoffense.
NelsonvilleCity Code §9.17.04
At a minimum, all vacant buildings shall conform to the following requirements:
(1) Foundations shall provide structural support at all load bearing structural components and be free from holes and cracks which might admit vermin, rodents, insects, snakes, stray animals, water, and dampness to the interior of the building.
(2) Exterior walls and other exterior surfaces, including basement and cellar hatchways, shall be free of holes, cracks, loose and/or rotting boards and siding material which might admit vermin, rodents, insects, snakes, stray animals, rain, and dampness to the interior of the building. Wood and ferrous materials shall be maintained free of loose, peeling, or flaking paint.
(3) Windows shall fully contain glass in their frames and sashes, be fully glazed without holes or cracks, shall fit reasonably well in their frames, and shall be supplied with mechanisms to prevent entry from the exterior. Windows and doors failing this criteria may be boarded in accordance with (B) (1-2) below if approved by the City Manager or his/her designated representative.
(4) Exterior doors shall be operable, structurally sound, weatherproof and waterproof, maintained in good working order, fit reasonably well in their frames, and shall be supplied with mechanisms to prevent entry from the exterior.
(5) Roof coverings and flashing shall be provided and maintained so as to prevent the entrance of rain, snow, moisture, vermin, birds, or any other animal causing nuisance.
(6) Roof gutters and downspouts shall be provided to collect, conduct, and discharge all water from the roof to a location so as not to cause detriment to the structure, its foundation, or adjacent properties.
(7) Chimneys shall be free of cracks, holes, or missing portions and maintained in good repair.
(8) Exterior stairs, steps, and landings shall be safe to use, maintained free of missing, rotting or deteriorated parts, and kept in sound condition and good repair.
(9) Structural components shall be free from deterioration and damage, maintained to function as originally designed, or shall be repaired or replaced.
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(10) The grounds of the premises shall be kept free of weeds, grass, tree limbs, debris, trash, rubbish, special
rubbish, and litter so as not to degrade and debase the general nature and character of the neighborhood, minimize the potential for spreading of noxious weeds and grasses, and minimize conditions creating potential harborage for vermin, rodents, insects, snakes, and stray animals.
(11) Grass shall be mowed during summer months in conformance with NelsonvilleCity Code§9.14.01.
(12) Public sidewalks shall be kept free of snow and ice during the winter months in accordance with NelsonvilleCity Code §9.14.05.
(12) No junk, abandoned, unlicensed, or inoperable motor vehicle shall be parked on the premises outside a completely enclosed building except those properly licensed as a collector’s vehicle stored in accordance with OhioRevised Code §4513.65 and Nelsonville CityCode §7.07.07.
(13) No used building material, scrap metal, unusable appliances, or other objectionable material shall be stored on the premises outside a completely enclosed structure and shall be stored in conformance with Nelsonville City Code§9.14.06 and §9.14.16.
(14) The interior of the building or structure, including any garage area, storage area, and/or accessory structure shall be clean and free of debris, garbage, trash, rubbish, refuse, litter, and filth so as to minimize the potential for unhealthy or unsanitary conditions which may attract vermin, rodents, insects, snakes, and stray animals.
All vacant buildings not conforming to (3-4) above which are open and unsecured to trespass shall additionally meet the following requirements:
(1) All windows and doors at or below the ground floor area, including any basement or detached accessory structure, shall be fully glazed, fit reasonably well in their frames, be secured to preclude entry, or boarded up and secured with a minimum one-half inch (½”) sheathing grade plywood, OSB board, or equivalent. In no case shall the sheathing be affixed for a period longer than thirty (30) days without being painted to match the exterior of the structure. All other openings above the ground floor shall contain doors and/or windows in conformance with (A) (3-4) above or shall be boarded up as per ground floor requirements if ordered or approved by the City Manager.
(2) Sheathing shall be applied in a neat, orderly, weathertight, and workmanlike manner, cut reasonably well to the size of the opening, and painted to match the exterior color scheme of the structure.
Any structure in the City of Nelsonville, falling within the meaning of any of the definition of “structure unfit for human occupancy”, “unsafestructure”, or “public nuisance” is hereby declared to be illegal and to constitute a public nuisance which shall be subject to abatement by repair or demolition in accordance with the provisions of Nelsonville City Code Chapter 9.15.01, Procedures for Condemnation and Demolition of Structures Which Constitute a Public Nuisance.
A vacant building plan shall contain:
1. _____ A plan of action to maintain the building and premises thereof in conformance with all laws of the City
and State, with reference to premisessecurity and protection from vandalism.
2. _____ An approved plan for fire alarm and fire protection if required by theNelsonville Fire Department.
3. _____ The name and address of a local company, person, or designated agent whocan be called when
emergencies occur and who may provide inspectionaccess or make immediate repairs to windows, doors,
alarm systems, or other facilities or utilities. The company, person, or designated agent shall be located in
or a resident of either Athens or HockingCounty and at least eighteen (18) years of age.
4. _____ A plan of action to remedy any fire, safety, health, sanitation, or publicnuisance existing or occurring in
the building or on the premises.
5. _____ Any plans for demolishing or altering structures or buildings, along with a time schedule for such activity.
6. _____ Certification of insurance that will be applicable on the property during thetime of vacancy.
7. _____ Any planned changes in ownership or interest in the property.
8. _____ If required, a lighting plan for parking or loading areas and night-time illumination of areas and walkways
of the building which may be vulnerableto vandalism or criminal activity, as determined by the City
Manager, Chief of Police, or the City Manager’s designated representative.
9. _____ A listing of any and all motor vehicles that will be stored on the premises, along with the registration and
ownership of such vehicles and acertification that current license and registration will be maintained or
thevehicles stored in an enclosed building.
10. _____ A plan in accordance with the requirements of NelsonvilleCity Code§9.17.04 for the maintenance of
all structural items, such as windows,doors and other openings, so as to avoid the necessity of any
boarding up, which is prohibited unless required and approved by the City Manager, and a plan for the
regular maintenance of all exterior lighting fixtures and the illumination of the building, premises, and
walkways adjacent thereto. If a store front window is involved, a form of display shall be submitted to and
approved by the City Manager or his/her designated representative so as toavoid the appearance of
vacancy and to avoid papering, soaping and/or boarding up.
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1. Location/Address: ______
Auditor’s Parcel ID # or Mobile Home Park Lot #: ______
Date property or portion thereof became vacant: ______
Is the required vacant building plan attached? Yes No
2. Location/Address: ______
Auditor’s Parcel ID # or Mobile Home Park Lot #: ______
Date property or portion thereof became vacant: ______
Is the required vacant building plan attached? Yes No
3. Location/Address: ______
Auditor’s Parcel ID # or Mobile Home Park Lot #: ______
Date property or portion thereof became vacant: ______
Is the required vacant building plan attached? Yes No
Application №: ______Date Received: ______Date Plan Received: ______
Reviewer’s Name: ______Date reviewed: ______
Reviewer’s recommendation/comments: ______
______ Approved Denied
Mark Hall, City Manager Date
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