Schenectady Demolition Project Fall 2017 — Authorization to Award Contract and Take Related Actions
WHEREAS, the Land Reutilization Corporation of the Capital Region (“Land Bank”) issued a request for proposals (“RFP”) for providing all labor, materials, machinery, tools, equipment and other means of construction necessary and incidental to the completion of the work shown on the asbestos surveys and/or demolition plans and described in the specifications, which consists of the demolition and/or asbestos abatement of multiple structures located in the City of Schenectady (the “Project”); and
WHEREAS, the Land Bank received responses to the RFP from four firms; and
WHEREAS, the Land Bank conducted a public opening of the four responses to the RFP at 4:00 p.m. on September 8, 2017;
WHEREAS, all submissions contain the information required by the RFP; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Not-for-Profit Corporation Law § 1617, the Land Bano must award any construction contract greater than $10,000 to the lowest bidder who, in the Land Bank’s opinion, is qualified to perform the work and who is responsible and reliable
WHEREAS, on June 20, 2017via Resolution 2015-25, the Land Bank, City of Schenectady (“City”) and the Schenectady Urban Renewal Agency (“SURA”) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to allow the Land Bank access to Cityor SURA owned properties to manage and administer the removalof blighted properties in the Mont Pleasant neighborhood and other properties targeted by the Land Bank in the City of Schenectady.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Corporation makes the follow findings:
- Dan’s Hauling & Demo Inc. is the low bidder on the Project at a base bid price of Three Hundred and Forty-Eight Thousand Dollars ($348,000); and
- Four alternates were priced in addition to the base bid price increasing the Total Bid to Four Hundred and Thirty-Five Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($435,500); and
- Based on the contents of its submission, Dan’s Hauling & Demo Inc. is qualified, responsible and reliable.
RESOLVED, the Chairman or his designee is authorized to execute and deliver contracts with Dan’s Hauling & Demo Inc. for the base bid price of Three Hundred and Forty-Eight Thousand Dollars ($348,000) and to accept any or all of the four alternates, for the purposes, and substantially on the terms and conditions, set forth in the materials presented to this meeting.
RESOLVED, if it is deemed in the interest of the Project by the Executive Director, the Board approves the acquisition of the properties identified in the RFP owned by the City or SURA and authorizes the Chair or the Executive Director to sign the necessary documents required to take these actions; and
RESOLVED, that the Chair of the Authority and/or his designee(s) is authorized to take all actions necessary to effectuate the Project.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing Resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows:
Member / Motion / Aye / Nay / Abstain / AbsentRuzzo / X
Berlant / 1
DiCaprio / X
Martin / X
McDonald / 2
Patierne / X
Rooney / X
September 12, 2017
Resolution 2017-32Page 1 of 2