REVISED Meeting MINUTES of the Governing Board of the Peach Springs Unified School District
Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at 11:00 am
Peach Springs Unified School District #8- Governing Board of Education
403 Diamond Creek Road (Elementary School)
Peach Springs, Arizona 86434
Pursuant to A.R.S. $ 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Governing Board and the Public that the board will hold a meeting open to the public on Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at 11:00 a.m., in the Governing Board meeting room, Peach Springs Unified School District No.8, 403 Diamond Creek Road (Peach Springs Elementary School), in Peach Springs, Arizona. Information regarding agenda items, with the exception of materials relating to Executive Sessions, may be reviewed in the District Administrative Offices located at 403 Diamond Creek Road, Peach Springs, Arizona.The Governing Board of the Peach Springs Unified School District #8 may vote to meet in executive session intermittently throughout the meeting pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03, to review and discuss certain matters which are marked by an asterisk(*). Additionally, the Board may vote to go into Executive Session on any matter listed on the agenda, pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03 (A) (3), for discussion or legal advice from the Board’s attorney, which may occur via person or telephone. Any Executive Session discussions will not be open to the public. However, all Board decisions will be made in the open public meeting.
If any disabled person needs any type of accommodation, please notify administration at (928) 769-9034 prior to the time scheduled for the meeting. All members of the public wishing to address the Board are required to sign the attendance sign-in sheet and complete a Public Comment form. Board members of the Peach Springs Unified School District may attend either in person or, when necessary, by telephone, video conferencing, or internet conferencing.
MEETING MINUTES (REVISED from May 11, 2017 approval of agenda)
I. CALL TO ORDER (11:16 am)
IV. ROLL CALL- Roger Mueller- Absent, Michelle Zephier-I, Addie Crozier-I, Emma Tapija- I, Raelene Havatone- I
Michelle Zephier made motion to approve agenda and Addie Crozier second motion.
Motion: Michelle Zephier-I, Addie Crozier-I, Emma Tapija-I, Raelene Havatone-I, Roger Mueller- absent
Vote: 4, 0, 0
VI. CALL TO THE PUBLIC (This is the time that the public may comment. Members of the Board may not discuss items that are not on the agenda. Therefore, action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter of scheduling the matter for further consideration and decision at a later date.) -NA
VII. Approval of Governing Board Meeting Minutes:
1. March 29, 2017
Michelle Zephier made motion to approve March 29, 2017 governing board minutes and Raelene Havatone second motion.
Motion: Michelle Zephier-I, Addie Crozier-I, Emma Tapija-I, Raelene Havatone-I, Roger Mueller- absent
Vote: 4, 0, 0
VIII. OLD BUSINESS (prior board items that were tabled from March 29, 2017)
1. Discussion and possible action on housing projects.
Discussion on possible housing options near the high school that may cost around $200,000 for 3 or 4 units as more information will be provided throughout the project on detail costs
Raelene Havatone motion to approve beginning steps of adding additional housing options at the high school housing area and Emma Tapija second motion
Motion: Michelle Zephier-I, Addie Crozier-I, Emma Tapija-I, Raelene Havatone-I, Roger Mueller- absent
Vote: 4, 0, 0
2. Discussion and possible action to approve at will transportation/facilities contract for Travis Shaffer for SY 2017-2018
As superintendent was presenting options for Travis Shaffer’s contract to follow board approved pay scale or offer salary amount based on hours working, board president responded by directly asking the business manager’s recommendation on the salary as he verbalized his recommendation of $42000 for 12 month position. The board then made recommendation based on business manager recommendations.
Michelle Zephier motioned to approve 12 month at-will bus driver/facilities contract for Travis Shaffer and Raelene Havatone second motion.
Motion: Michelle Zephier-I, Addie Crozier-I, Emma Tapija-I, Raelene Havatone-I, Roger Mueller- absent
Vote: 4, 0, 0
3. Discussion and possible action to approve MOU Memorandum of understanding between Peach Springs Unified School District and Hualapai Health, Education, and Wellness Department for SY 2016-2017 to assist students’ emotional well. Counseling sessions may be 1 time without parent permission but future sessions must have parent or guardian permission. This will be reviewed yearly.
Michelle Zephier motioned to approve MOU Memorandum of understanding between PSUSD and Hualapai Health, Education, and Wellness Department for 2016-2017 pending the following changes item A7. Remove or other work place tensions and add needs of students, A.9 add scan trainings, procedures during orientation; B2 add based on referrals, B3. Remove weekly and add yearly; B4. Remove a positive attitude towards and add counsel schedule with, B6. Add Teachers will provide credit for time missed from class as not to count against grade for missing class time activities, B7 (6 to 7), remove carry out recommendations and add provide time recommendations and Addie Crozier second motion. Raelene declined to vote due to conflict of interest in working at the Hualapai Health and Wellness office.
Motion: Michelle Zephier-I, Addie Crozier-I, Emma Tapija-I, Raelene Havatone-conflict of interest of her job; therefore could not vote, Roger Mueller- absent
Vote: 3, 0, 1
1. Discussion and possible action to approve emergency use of Aanya Smallcanyon again for special education testing at same rate based on student needs to meet 60 day required time frame for testing to be in compliance.
Superintendent explained that we have two students that need to be testing by psychologist within time frame and had not heard by from the psychologist prior to board agenda being posted and needed to find alternative to test students. One guardian requested before the 60-day required timeframe based on need of student.
Much discussion on obtaining a school psychologist in the future that can commit to prior testing dates in advance for the agreements and if the I.H.S. psychologist could provide school testing. Superintendent explained that the person who provides testing recommendations or determines eligibility must by a certified school psychologist but stated she would research bid options for next year school and set dates such as 1 day per quarter to ensure we have testing dates scheduled if needed in advance so we did not have to scrabble with meet timelines in the future for referrals.
Based on deadline of timeliness of testing needed, Emma Tapija motioned approving Aanya Smallcanyon as certified school psychologist to test two students referred for possible special education needs and Michelle Zephier second motion at same rate of prior testing rates for Ms. Smallcanyon.
Motion: Michelle Zephier-I, Addie Crozier-I, Emma Tapija-I, Raelene Havatone-I, Roger Mueller- absent
Vote: 4, 0, 0
2. Discussion and possible action to approve certified hearing officer from surrounding schools (Seligman, Ash Fort, and/or Flagstaff)
1. Discussion and possible action to approve and Expense Vouchers and payroll 2517, 2617
Michelle Zephier motioned to approve expense vouchers and payroll 2517 and 2617 Addie Crozier second motion
Motion: Michelle Zephier-I, Addie Crozier-I, Emma Tapija-I, Raelene Havatone-I, Roger Mueller- absent
Vote: 4, 0, 0
2. Discussion and possible action to approve one day training for superintendent and business manager to attend Budgeting Workshop May 15, 2017 9am to 3:30 pm in Phoenix, AZ by Heinfeld & Meech
Discussion occurred on why both the superintendent and business manager needed to attend the budgeting workshop and it was recommended by the board to have only the business manager attend and have Jeren Smallcanyon review what he has learned with the superintendent when he returns so that only one person attend. From May 11, 2017 board approval meetings approval discussion: Michelle Zephier and Addie Crozier requested to add comment mentioned from April 11, 2017 X. Business 2. To add Michelle Zephier’s comment to ensure administrator assigned (delegated) or on site ensure supervision on site. Michelle Zephier made comment that 1 person responsible for administration needs to be on site at all times and Superintendent stated she will have delegation letter any time she leaves campus for job related tasks/training/etc.
Raelene Havatone motioned to approve only Jeren Smallcanyon the business manager and not the superintendent on May 15, 2017 budgeting workshop and Michelle Zephier second motion
Motion: Michelle Zephier –I, Addie Crozier-I, Raelene Havatone-I, Emma Tapija- did not vote, Roger Mueller- absent
Vote: 3, 0, 1
3. Discussion and possible action on board, superintendent, and business manager to travel to National Indian Education Association training (NIEA) October 4-7, 2017 in Orlando, Florida
Michelle Zephier motion to approve school board, superintendent, and business manager to attend the National Indian Education Association training (NIEA) October 4-7, 2017 in Orlando, Florida
Motion: Michelle Zephier –I, Addie Crozier-I, Raelene Havatone-I, Emma Tapija- I, Roger Mueller- absent
Vote: 4, 0, 0
1. Discussion and possible action to approve the following certified teacher contracts for SY 2017-2018:
· Fay Noreen Tanoy, MA (7 years experience) $47,363
· Regine Oira, BA (3 years experience) $41,834
· Jonahlee Catalbas (MA +36 credits with 4 years experience) $48,287
· Laura Spence (MA + 6 years) $47,780
· Maxx Marano BS +12 hours $42,340 (she declined offer)
Michelle Zephier motion to approve the following certified teacher contracts for Fay Tanoy at $47, 363; Regine Oira $41,834; Jonahlee Catalbas $48,287; Laura Spence $47,780; and Maxx Marano $42,340 as teachers would have 15 days to sign and return contract and Raelene Havatone second motion
Motion: Michelle Zephier –I, Addie Crozier-I, Raelene Havatone-I, Emma Tapija-I, Roger Mueller- absent
Vote: 4,0,0
Upcoming Board Meeting to be held at the Governing Board Meeting Room (in the Peach Springs Elementary School) located at 403 Diamond Creek Road, Peach Springs, AZ:
a. Regular Governing Board Meeting –Wednesday, May 10, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.
Michelle Zephier motioned to adjourn and Raelene Havatone second motion
Motion: Emma Tapija-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Raelene Havatone-I, Addie Crozier- I, Roger Mueller- absent
Vote: 4, 0, 0