STATUTE OF the union of the bulgarianmiller
The union of the Bulgarian miller called for a shorter Alliance is a non-profit association that regulates the activities of supporting and promoting the development of Bulgarian mill, hoisting professional status miller, promotion of culture and traditions production and Trade in wheat flours and cereals.
realizating its activities, the Union is independent of government, political, religious, trade union and other bodies and organizations.
the union is succeeding progressive traditions of the Union of Bulgarian miller established in 1906
the union is a legal entity with headquarters city and address of area "Podujane", “Pavlina Unufrieva "str 4.the union included in the register for non-profit institution to the Sofia City Court Company Division Decision № 1 of the 13th of may in 1991 and is found indefinitely.
the union carry on its business on the basis of effective legislation in our country, this Statute, decisions of the mill meeting(General Assembly) and governing bodies, within their powers.
the union has reserved the right to secure its own brand, bank account, a round stamp mark membership for individual members and certified companies (amended of cm on the 28th of june in 2007)
ІІ.principles,objectives, activities and means of achieving them. (Amended by the Council of Ministers of the 28th of june in 2007)
the unionfollowing principles: (new - amended of cm on the 28th of june in 2007)
1.efficiency fulfilling the goals and objectives
2.Demokratism in making decisions
3.transparency in actions
the union of the bulgarian miller organization is operating in the private benefit of their members and have the following objectives:
/ 1/to serve professionals and workers in the mill industry in Bulgaria, to make unity in their deeds and aspirations and to work for recognition by society and the country as a mill industry. (amended of cmof the 28th of june in 2007)
/ 2/to protect public prestige and professional interests of individuals working in mill industry in our country.
/ 3/to establishes ethical standards mill profession and to ensure compliance.
/ 4/to assisted qualification and professionalism of miller perfect.
/ 5/to assist professionals and all members of the Union in their personal and group interests and initiatives.
/ 6/ to develops and supports the creative initiative of its members in order to improve the processes related to technical progress in the mill industry and related branches.
/ 7/ to have contacts with similar organizations in the country is abroad
/ 8/ TO studies, and promote mill keep history in our industry.
/ 9/ To submit proposals to update and supplement legislation on trade and processing of cereals.
/1/ To achieve its objectives, the Union to cooperate or oppose:
1. The ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and all state institutions and public organizations for the technological, social and environmental policies of the country.
2. The education institutions in the preparation of specialists in their secondary, university and postgraduate education.
3. The syndicates and other professional organizations of the food-tasted industry and grain industry on working conditions, wages and labor relations of its members.
/ 2/To organize national and regional conferences, symposia and lectures on issues including international and other events.
/ 3/To contact its Web site and inform their members about the work of the Board and issues related to the activities of the Union.
/ 4/To prepare and advocate their views to central and local authorities on updating and amending of normative base in all matters relating to the mill.
/ 5/The union can realize more business if associated with the primary business of which is registered and used the resulting income as to achieve the objectives defined in the statutes.
/ 6/To organize workshops, conferences, publishing and other events presenting achievements mill industry ,must be the main purpose of theeconomic business
/ 7/ The union not distributed profits.
/1/A member of the Union may be any natural or legal person who performs activities related to the processing of cereals and marketing products of processing trade in main and auxiliary materials and equipment for mill industry cooperate to implement the objectives of the Union participates in its activities comply with this constitution and submit regular set member imports (property contributions).
/ 2/The membership the Union is voluntary and does not restrict the participation of its members in other legal entities and organizations.
/ 3/To take members of the Union is conducted by the Management Board, a written application in which the candidate declares that will comply with the Charter (of CM amended on the 28th of june in 2007)
/ 4/One entity can not join the Union in two different ways.
/1 / Membership is terminated:
1.with a single own statement to the Board of the Union (amended of CM on the 28th of june in 2007)
2.with death or judicial disability;
3.s exclusion;
4.s dissolution of the Union. ( amended of the CM on the 28th of june in 2007)
/ 2/Every member at any time may leave the Union by making written application to the Board.
/ 3/ Union member, which does not act, is excluded, but that who is not paying membership fee for one year automatic is excluded .
ART.12 The members of the Union are entitled:
1.To participate in the management of the Union in person or by authorized representative;
2.Timely to receipt of full information about the activities of the Union; (amended by the Council of Ministers of the 28thof june in 2007)
3.To benefit of the estate of the Union, the results of its activities and pile up information;
4.To promote the activities of the Union and to facilitate the admission of new members;
5.Freely to express their views in deciding on a different character at different levels of the Union;
6.To received a document (card or certificate) to join the European Union (amended of the CM on the 28th of june in 2007)
7.To submit freely to the leadership of the Union ideas, suggestions and questions concerning his activities and to present them in the discussion.
/1/The members of the Union are required:
1.To comply with this statute and implement decisions of the organs of the Union;
2.To participate actively in the activities of the Union amended of the CM on the 28th of june in 2007)
3.Not using its membership in the Union to achieve political, professional and other incorrectness purposes;
4.To keep the prestige of the profession and the reputation of the Union (amended of the CM on the 28th of june in 2007)
5.To submit regularly established membership fee set by the Mill congregation.
/ 2/About the duties of the union, member corresponds to the amount provided for in the Statute member fee. The member is not personally responsible for the obligations of the Union.
/ 3/The members rights and obligations, excluding property are transferable and not passed on to others for death, respectively, for termination.
Chl.14./1/The decision, which refuses membership will be taken by the Governing Council and notified immediately in writing, specifying the reasons.
/ 2/А displeasure of the decision in the preceding paragraph, can appeal to the Mill Fest, whose decision is final.
ІV.Тhe organization, STRUCTURE, BODIES
MANAGEMENT OF THE UNION (amended of the CM on the 28th of june in 2007)
Union management is performed by:
1.MILL Fest (General Assembly) / MS /
2.Management Council / US /
3.Control Board / AC /
/1/the basic principles of management of the Union are the democracy,principle and authorization.
/ 2/All management positions in the Union are elected and mandate.
/ 3/The Mandate all posts in the Union has 3 (three) years.
/ 4/The Mandate of the governing bodies of the Union or a separate member of such bodies may end before the period specified in decision of the Mill congregation.
/ 4/The account of the members of the Board and the AC is unlimited and is determined by the Mill congregation.
/1/The Mill congregation is the supreme organ of the Union, comprising all its members.
/ 2/The Mill congregation convened by the Board on his own initiative or at the request of 1 / 3 of the members of the Union of the place as the headquarters of the Union.
/ 3/The Mill congregation is considered legitimate, eye present more than 50 percent of the members of the Union.
/ 4/When there is a lack of quorum, down is off an hour later than announced, the same place and the same agenda and be considered legitimate regardless of the number of members present.
/1/The Mill congregation convened by invitation, which must include the agenda, date, time and place for the meeting and whose initiative is convened.
/ 2/The invitation must be promulgated in the Government newspaper and placed in a prominent place a notice on the building in which is managing the Union, at least one month before the designated day.
/1/The Mill congregation have the following powers:
1.Accept, amended the Statute (amended of the CM on the 28th of june in 2007)
2.Accept other internal documents - reports of the Board and the AC.(amended of the CM on the 28th of june in 2007)
3.Choose and emancipate the members of the Board and the Supervisory Board;
4.Relate on complaints of missed candidates for members;
5.Take decision on transformation or dissolution of the Union;
6.Accept guidelines and program activities of the Union;
7.Accept the EU budget, examine its financial situation and assess him;
8.Take the decision about the amount of the annual membership fees, or property contributions, manner and time limit for their submission.
9.Cancel the decisions of the organs of the Union, contrary to the law, Statute and other internal documents regulating the activities of the association.
10.Consider other issues on the proposal of the Mill congregation.
/ 2 /On the rights of art 1,p.p 1,3,5,7 and 10 can not be assigned to other organs of the Union.
/ 3/The decisions of the Mill congregation are obligatory for the other organs of the Union.
/ 4/The decisions of the Mill Fest subject to judicial review regarding their legality and conformity with the Charter.
/ 5/The decisions of the bodies of the Union, which were taken in contravention of the law, Statute or previous decision pf the Mill congregation may be appealed before the Mill congregation at the request of interested members of the Union or his body made within one month learning from them, but not later than one year from date of the decision.
/ 6/Тhe arguments in the preceding paragraph may be brought before the court of registration of the association of each member of the Union or his authority or the prosecutor within one month of learning, but not later than one year from the date of the decision.
/ 7/The decisions be taken by simple majority, except for amending the Charter, to suspend or merger of the Union of Bulgarian
miller with another entity that is needed for a majority of 2 / 3 votes of members present.
/1/The managing Council of the Union is a collective body that organizes and manages its activities in the period between calling an election, returning the Mil congregation.
/ 2/The Managing council elected by its board chairman and а prime chairman term of 3 (three) years.(amended of the CM on the 28th of june in 2007)
/ 3/The members of the Board have the same rights and obligations regardless of their assigned functions in the distribution of tasks between them.
/1/The conferences of the Board shall be held not less than once every three months.
/ 2/If necessary at the initiative of the President of the Board, or at least 1 / 3 of the members of the Board shall convene an extraordinary session of the Governing Council.
/1/The managing Council has the following powers:
1.To represent the Union, setting a volume of representative power of individual members;
2.To ensure implementation of the decisions of the Mill congregation and report their activities to him;
3.To have the right to manage the property of the Union, subject to the requirements of the Statute;
4.To prepare and submit to the congregation of the Mill draft budget;
5.To prepare and submit to the congregation of the Mill report to the Union;
6.To organize the Millcongregation
7.To order and organize activities of the Union, including that of the common benefit and responsibility for it;
8.To order the Address of the Union;
9.To take and consider applications for admission of new members in the Union. To proposals to terminate the membership of the Mill union.
10.To give periodic information on their activities through its website, or other written way - regulations, rules, instructions and other documents.(amended of the CM on the 28th of june in 2007)
11.To take measures which allow the Union to acquire funds, endowments and others. For the support of its objectives;
12.To approve contracts and agreements with third parties, including recruits of the Union(amended of the CM on the 28th of june in 2007)
13.To take decisions to join other organizations (amended of the CM on the 28th of june in 2007)
14.To make proposals to the Mill congregation for the formation of monetary funds;
15.To take decision on all matters which by law or the Statute does not belong to the rights of another body;
16.To realizes obligations under the Statute;
17.To consider third party emoluments, the recruitment and the President. .(amended of the CM on the 28th of june in 2007)
/ 2/The conferences of the Board shall be convened and chaired by the President.
/ 3/The president must convene meetings of the Board on written request of 1 / 3 of the members .If the President does not convene the meeting within one week, it may be called by any interested members of the union .If there is an absence of the President , The meeting is led by the prime president or by the union determined by a member.
/ 4/The president determine the place where the meeting will be held in BM, and when it is convened at the initiative of 1 / 3 of its members, the site is determined by them.
/ 5/The managing Board can decide if you attend the meeting more than half of its members.
/ 6/ТHE working person, which has a bilateral telephone or other connection that guarantees the establishment of identity and allowing participation in discussion and making decisions .The vote in this Article shall be certified in the minutes of the meeting chaired.
/ 7/The decisions of the Board shall be taken by majority of present and decisions on Article 23, paragraph 2, item 4 and 6 of the Charter - a majority of all members. (amended of the CM on the 28th of june)
/ 8/The managing board may decide without hearing be held if the protocol's decision is signed without remarks and observations by all members of the Board.
/ 9/To participate in meetings of the Board, members of the board is paid 100 leva, and failing if there is unreasonable cause and are punished by 150 leva. (amended of the CM on the 28th of june)
/ 10 If there are save reasons and absent from the country, peeled, or death of a close relation. (amended of the CM on the 28th of june)
/1/The president of the Board has representative and operational functions
/ 2/The president of the Board:
1.То represent the Union to other organs, organizations and institutions;
2.To manage the meetings of the congregation and the Board;
3.To be responsible for the organization and management of the overall activity of the Union on the basis of the Charter and resolutions of the congregation and the Mill union
4.To sign the branch documents and instruments, after electronically with members of the Board (amended of the CM on the 28th of june)
5.To instruct in need the prime president of the Union (amended of the CM on the 28th of june)
6.To make contracts with employees in the Union and approve the posts after being approved by BD (amended of the CM on the 28th of june)
7.For this position must be a paid position.(amended of the CM on the 28th of june)
ART.24 / 1. Supervisory Council of the Union consists of three people, one of whom is chairman.
/ 2/The controling Council has the following powers:
1.To follow for the legality of the actions of the Board;
2.To check implementation of the decisions of the Mill congregation;
3.To check and monitor the financial situation, proper management and use of property of the Union.
4.To account the business before the Mill congregation.
/ 3/The decisions of the Supervisory Board must be taken by majority vote.
25.The Members of the Supervisory Board are paid for activities that run.(amended of the CM on the 28th of june)
Chl.26./1/The decisions of theMill congregation are taken by majority attend.
/ 2/Every member of the Mill congregation have one vote.
/ 3/A member of the Mill congregation can not vote in deciding issues relating to:
1.he and his wife, or relative in a straight line - no restrictions on silver line - up to fourth grade, or marriage - to second degree inclusive;
2.lawyers parties, which he is manager, or may impose or prevent decision-making.
/ 4/At the Mill congregation one person can represent no more than three members on the basis of written letter. Reauthorization not allowed.
/ 5/By issues not included in the invitation to the announced agenda may not be passed.
/ 6/The decisions in Art.19, paragraph 1, t.t.1, 5 and 8 are taken by 2 / 3 majority attend.
/ 7/The decisions in Art.19, 1, 3 are taken by open or secret ballot, as decided by the Mill congregation.
ART.27.If one of the candidates for the election position not receive a simple majority of present regular members, will be held again vote, the election is considered the candidate receiving the most votes.
ART.28 All management positions in the Union are elected and mandate.
ART.29 The account of candidates for electoral office is unlimited and a proposal for inclusion in the voter list can be made by each member of the Union.
ART.30 For each candidate member of the Board and the AC is voted on separately, except where the Mill congregation decides otherwise.
ART.31 The financial period of the Union covers one calendar year.
ART.32/1/The property of theUnion consists of movable property, real estate, property rights, claims securities reasons funds and others.
/ 2/Тhe incomes of the Union is formed by: annual membership fees, donations, foreign aid and other revenue authorized by law.
( amended of the CM on the 28th of june)
/ 3/The size of the annual membership fee is determined by the Mill congregation.
ART.33/1/ The outcomes of the Union shall be in accordance with the approved budget for the financial period proposed by the Mill union and accepted by the congregation.
/ 2/At the dissolution of the Union takes place liquidation of the Governing Council or a person designated by him, the other property after satisfaction of the creditors, must be distributed to the members in proportion to the paid their dues in the past three years.
ART.34. For all matters pending in this statute, the provisions of the Act entities non-profit and effective legislation in Bulgaria.
ART.35.Thepresent statute is adopted by the Constituent Conference onthe 23 of march in 1991 in Sofia, as amended in overtime the Mill congregation onthe 12th of may in 1999y,the changes as required by par.1, 4 of PZR ZYULNTS adopted by the the Mill congregation on the 14th of December in 2001 y., amendments adopted in overtime the Mill congregation onthe 10th of june in 2004 years, amendments adopted on the 27th of april in 2006 y.The Mill congregation of the years, amendments adopted at the Mil congregation on the 28th of june in 2007.