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July 10, 2017(9:00 a.m.)
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Council of the Municipality of North Cypress-Langford held on Monday, July 10, 2017, at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Hall with Reeve Bob Adriaansen and Councillors Norm Campbell, Gerond Davidson, Don Hockin, Ray Drayson, Harold Tolton,and Fred Jackson, and Sandra Jones, CAO, present. Also present: Gloria Mott, Reporter
1.Calling Meeting to Order
Res #1 Be It Resolved That the meeting be convened at 9:00 a.m. with Reeve Bob Adriaansen in the Chair.
Moved by: R. Drayson Seconded by: F. Jackson
Carried: X Lost: ___
2.Adoption of Agenda
Res #2 Be It Resolved That the agenda for the regular meeting of July 10, 2017be adopted as circulated.
Moved by: D. Hockin Seconded by: H. Tolton
Carried: X Lost: ___
3.Adoption of Minutes
Res #3 Be It Resolved Thatthe minutes for the regular meeting of June 12thbe adopted as circulated.
Moved by:N. Campbell Seconded by: G. Davidson
Carried: X Lost: ___
9:05 a.m. J. McEntee brought forward a number of Cypress Planning District projects. M. and L. Bowley propose to subdivide their 11.82 acre yard site from their 80 acre parcel on pt. SE 29-11-15. This is a rectangular shaped piece, being 208 m x230 m. The yard site is relatively new (about ten years) and the fence line will be adjusted to reflect the shape. They intend to keep the residual property (68.18 acres of bush).Council gave approval to the creation of the 11.82 acre lot.
9:15 a.m. Jeff and Carrie Baron attended council to gage approval for their plans for a dog boarding service in their home less than a mile off the Trans Canada Highway, west of Carberry.In comparison to a kennel, they plan to house these animals in their home for short periods of time while the owners are away. Because they already have four dogs, they will limit the number of animals to ten. They also stated that as they will be breeding their own Mastiff dogs in the future, they will limit the number of boarding dogs to keep the number manageable on their 2.8 acre property. A conditional use order will be required, as well as a variation to allow a dog kennel on less than three acres. Council advised them to proceed.
9:30 a.m. Mr. Rick Pemkowski attended as the contact person for NCL on the matters of water drainage for Manitoba Sustainable Development. There must be documentation for every project, but he pointed out that a great number of projects can be listed on one $25.00 form. He stressed the importance of having written permission when a drainage project may affect someone downstream. He needs to be aware of any projects, just in case a problem arises, so that it can be addressed. If the drainage project is using WWCD infrastructure, then it goes through the watershed as well as Pemkowski’s department. He indicated his willingness to attend any project and to have a turnaround time for project approval, of about ten days.
10:00 a.m. “Just because your assessment goes up, it doesn’t mean your taxes will go up.” Blaine Fallis and Anita Goertzen of the Assessment Branch issued these words to council as reassurance to the general public. They attended to review the 2018 Assessment. The municipality has seen a $37 million increase in property values since the last assessment two years ago. This has been driven by a 13.7% increase in the value of farmland. The way it works, is if the value of your property goes up more than the average increase, then you will see an increase. Council’s Board of Revision will take place on October 10. The last day to file an appeal for the 2018 assessment is September 25. Please keep in mind; you cannot appeal the amount of your taxes, only the valuation of your property.
a)Carrie & Jeff Baron – Proposal to Consider Variation & Conditional Use Applications
b)Subdivision Proposal – Bowley
Res #4 WHEREAS Council has received an application from Mark Bowley, file no. 4155-17-7816 for subdivision of the property legally described as SE ¼ SEC 29-11-15 WPM;
Be It Resolved That Council approve the proposal to subdivide the existing 80.0 acres to create a 11.82 acre lot, residual property being 68.18 acres.
Moved by:F. Jackson Seconded by: R. Drayson
Carried: X Lost: ___
c)Road Crossing – Chandler (RC06-17 NCL)
Res #5 Be It Resolved ThatCouncil approve road crossing application RC06-17 NCL submitted by Chandler Farms Inc., for the installation of an 8” irrigation water line and associated electrical line across Road 70 N from the NE of 22-12-14 WPM to the SE of 27-12-14 WPM close to the center quarter section line.
The proposed crossing location is subject to the following conditions:
- THAT a Development Permit be obtained for the installation of the new irrigation facilities;
- THAT an Easement Agreement is prepared and signed by the property owner and the Municipality, including the recorded GPS location of the crossing site;
- THAT the waterline be sleeved the full width of the crossing;
- THAT the top of the waterline be installed a minimum of 36 inches below the lowest point of the crossing site
Moved by: N. Campbell Seconded by: D. Hockin
Carried: X Lost: ___
6.Finance and Accounts
Res #6 Be It Resolved That the Financial Statement for June 2017be referred to Council.
Moved by: N. Campbell Seconded by: R. Drayson
Carried: X Lost: ___
Res #7 Be It Resolved That the accounts, cheque no.22707to cheque no.22899, totaling $686,498.68and direct deposits be approved for payment.
Moved by: F. Jackson Seconded by: D. Hockin
Carried: X Lost: ___
a)Resolutions from June Joint Meeting:
- Cemetery – Cell phone
Res #8 Be It Resolved That Councils agree to pay $25 per month to cover work related usage of the Cemetery cell phone, for the 6 month period it is used for the Cemetery.
And Further That costs be shared 50/50 between the Town of Carberry and Municipality of North Cypress-Langford.
Moved by:N. Campbell Seconded by: R. Drayson
Carried: X Lost: ___
- Appoint Safety Representative
Res #9 Be it resolved that Councils appoint Councillor Norm Campbell
as Safety Representative.
Moved by:D. Hockin Seconded by: F. Jackson
Carried: X Lost: ___
- 2017 Heritage Grant
Res #10 Be it Resolved that Councils give a $600 grant for the 2017 Heritage
And Further Thatcosts be shared 50/50 between the Town of Carberry and
Municipality of North Cypress-Langford.
Moved by:R. Drayson Seconded by: G. Davidson
Carried: X Lost: ___
b)Soybean Plant Meeting Update
Res #11 Be it Resolved that Council of the Municipality of North Cypress Langford is in support of the soybean Crush Plant Initiative and the work in progress to provide future community development.
Moved by:N. Campbell Seconded by: G. Davidson
Carried: X Lost: ___
c)Brad Nelson Waterline – Clarify Tenders
d)Water discussions Neepawa- Bob updated from meeting
e)Bridge grants -
f)Fibre Optic route discussion Riverbend to Acadia Colony – request to come in on Road allowance – Conservation corridor
9.General Business
a)Cypress Planning Financial Statement Dec 31, 2016
b)MMSM Annual report
c)WMRL (Library) Financial Report Dec 31, 2016
d)Fire Department Wages (for Joint meeting to discuss) – Wage Requests
e)RCMP Report
f)Hire Danny Parker– Casual at Carberry Transfer Station/Garbage Truck Driver
Res #12 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council hire Danny Parkerfor Town transfer
station and back-up garbage truck operator.
Moved by:F. Jackson Seconded by: R. Drayson
Carried: X Lost: ___
10.Added to the agenda
a)Tyler Waterhouse proposal
Deputy Minister of InfrastructureSig Eiriksson letter
Donald Legal ServiceSouth Western MB Water Drainage and
Water Management Plans
Barb JardineWellwood Cemetery
Canadian Beverage Recycling2016 Annual Report
12.Around the table
Ray – Water hookup
Gerond – Attended NADCO meeting
Don – Carberry Collegiate grad – Olivia Gesnner received the Municipal Scholarship. NACI Grad – Reece Jones received Municipal scholarship.
Res #13 Be It Resolved That the regular meeting of council now adjourns at a.m.
Moved by: F. Jackson Seconded by: G. Davidson
Carried: X Lost: ___
Robert AdriaansenSandra Jones