Board of Trustees of John Wood Community College

Counties of Adams, Pike, Hancock, Calhoun,

Schuyler, Brown, Morgan, Scott, Cass

And State of Illinois

JUNE 2012


Date: 06.20.12 Board of Trustees Meeting
RE: Regular Meeting Minutes
Location: Board Room, Student Administrative Center, 1301 South 48th Street, Quincy IL 62305
Time: 7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order/Appointment of Assistant Secretary
The 06.20.12 Board of Trustees meeting was called to order in the Board Room, Student Administrative Center, at 1301 South 48th Street, Quincy Illinois at 7:00 p.m. by Mr. Randy Sims, Board Chair. Mr. Sims appointed Ms. Benz assistant secretary.
2. Roll Call
Ms. Benz called roll:
Mr. Kurz / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Dr. Carter / x
Mr. Gay / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Sims / x
Voice Vote
Attendees: Mr. Mike Elbe, Dr. Ron Davis, Ms. Mary Arp, Dr. John Letts, Ms. Melody Lechtenberg, Ms. Tracy Orne, Mr. Josh Welker, Mr. Randall Egdorf, Mr. Gary Shupe, Ms. Denise Donley, Mr. Lou Barta, Mr. Andy Doleman, Ms. Brenda Manis, Ms Joyce R Miller-Boren, Ms. Jennifer Kelty, Ms. Sandi Jett, Mr. Jacob Smith, Julie Porter, Ms. Stacey O’Brien, Mr. Sebastian Francis, Mr. Bill LaTour, Mr. Bud McDonnell, Ms. Brenda Morten, Dr. David Shinn, Ms. Pam Foust and Ms. Leah Benz.
3. Introductions
3.1 New employees introduced: by Dr. John Letts
·  Julie Porter, Specialist, Financial Aid
4. Special Report
4.1 Ms. Jett shared that Phi Theta Kappa members received two awards; College Project Award and Honors in Action Award. Mr. Sebastian Francis also received an individual award.
Mr. Jacob Smith was introduced as the incoming president for Phi Theta Kappa for the upcoming school year. Mr. Fischer acknowledged the value of student organizations.
4.2 Ms. Tracy Orne and Ms. Melody Lechtenberg presented a power point on new enrollment and marketing initiatives of the college. Enrollment services, instruction and public relations and marketing are focusing on keeping enrolled students to completion and re-enrolling students. Decisions are driven by data with low cost or no cost opportunities for the institution. This collaboration has resulted in the development of a post card series, an integrated adult marketing campaign, increasing our focus on relational recruitment, offering on-site admissions; begin a smart start pilot program with high school students who have either early release or late arrival and providing on-site advising and registration. Examples of the post card series were shown. One being; Stop out, Drop Out. These particular post cards are targeted to students who have stopped attending school or who have dropped out. Follow ups are done by phone calls and e-mail. Initial results showed anet revenue of $14,760. The next step is to continue personal follow-ups, monitor the new initiatives; make changes as necessary, streamline processes, and continue to improve. Focus on a personal one on one approach. The Board expressed their pleasure in the new enrollment and marketing initiatives being done.
5. Consideration of Items from the Floor
6. Public and Employee Comment
7. President and Committee Reports
7.1 ICCTA/West Central Region Report - Mr. Reginald Coleman, ICCTA representative, Dr. Gary Carter, alternate. The 2012 ICCTA annual convention was May 31 - June 2 at the Bloomington-Normal Marriott Hotel and Conference Center. Mr. Coleman, Mr. Fischer, and Mr. Kurz attended. Highlights of the meeting were included in the packet mailing. The next ICCTA meeting is scheduled for September in Springfield. A retreat is scheduled in October. In August the executive committee ICCTA members will hold a meeting in Quincy.
Mr. Coleman shared via e-mail the end of session legislative updated – June 19, 2012. The document shares the pension reform plan signed by the governor.
7.2 Board Executive Committee Report - Mr. Randy Sims, Mr. James Gay, Ms. Jeanetta Green. The Executive Committee is scheduled to meet on July 10, 2012.
7.3 Board Curriculum Committee Report - Ms. Jeanetta Green, Mr. Reginald Coleman. No report.
7.4 Board Finance Committee Report - Mr. Larry Fischer, Mr. James Gay. The Finance committee met at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 7, 2012. Present were: Mr. Fischer, Mr. Gay, Ms. Arp, and Ms. Venvertloh, note taker. Items reviewed included the tentative budget, prevailing wage documents, student write-offs, Scott County tax abatement, bills for payment, and a request proposal for Upward Bound travel. The committee discussed the difficult process to present a balanced budget and the necessity of taking a conservative approach.
The Finance committee met at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 20, 2012. Present were: Mr. Fischer, Mr. Gay, Ms. Arp, Ms. Kelty, and Mr. Brian Anderson, auditor. The new auditing firm of WIPFLI, LLP representative, Mr. Brian Anderson, was introduced.
The tentative budget recommendation was discussed. A copy of it will be located in Perry, Mt. Sterling, and Quincy locations as well as on the web. The financial condition of the College now and the direction of the future were discussed.
7.5 Board Personnel Committee Report - Mr. Randy Sims, Mr. Dene Lambkin, Dr. Gary Carter. The Personnel Committee met on Tuesday, June 1, 2012, at John Wood Community College in room C251 at 3:00 p.m. Present were Dr. Gary Carter, Dene Lambkin, board members; Dr. John Letts, President; and Leah Benz, note taker.
The committee members discussed the proposed personnel recommendations of “reduction in force”. The reduction in force was needed to present a balanced budget to the Board. A lengthy discussion was held.
7.6 Student Trustee Report - Mr. Nathan Kurz. Mr. Kurz thanked the Board members and trustees for the opportunity to attend the student portion of the ICCTA meeting in Bloomington. He was nominated to run for chairman of the student organization.
SGA is hosting “Tasty Treat Tuesdays”. A food station is located somewhere on campus and clues are sent out via e-mail to see if they can solve the clues and find where the food station is to receive a treat. It is a way to engage students, faculty and staff.
SGA students are assisting with follow up phone calls on the “Stop Out, Drop Out” post card.
SGA is working on obtaining a flag pole by the baseball and softball field.
7.7 Administration Report - GED graduation was held on Friday, June 15, 2012. Fourteen (14) students completed the GED program and graduated. The ceremony was attended by one-hundred (100) family and friends.
8. Consent Agenda
8.1 Consent business agenda items approved
8.1.1 Request approval of 05.16.12 regular meeting minutes
8.1.2 Request approval of the bills for payment/Finance Committee
8.1.3 Request approval of monthly financial statements for May
8.1.4 Request approval of trustee travel expenditures for May
8.1.5 Request authorization to submit a grant funding from United Way of Adams County RE: $12,450 for RSVP programs
8.1.6 Request authorization to submit a grant application to the American Association of Community Colleges for a grant entitled Plus 50 Initiative
8.1.7 Request approval to grant a chargeback to Parkland College for a district resident wanting to pursue a degree in Veterinary Technology
8.1.8 Request authorization to submit a grant application to Bank of America Foundation for a grant entitled Bank of America Workforce Development
8.1.9 Request approval of trustee travel to attend ICCTA monthly meetings
MOTION: Approve the consent agenda items
Moved by: Mr. Gay
Seconded by: Mr. Kurz
Mr. Kurz / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Dr. Carter / x
Mr. Gay / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Sims / x
Voice Vote
8.2 Personnel Items
8.2.1 MOTION: Request authorization to employ new staff, faculty, accept resignations, retirements, and implement status changes as presented.
Mr. Sims moved 8.2 Personnel Items to closed session to honor a member request.
Moved by:
Seconded by:
Mr. Kurz
Mr. Lambkin
Dr. Carter
Mr. Gay
Ms. Green
Mr. Coleman
Mr. Fischer
Mr. Sims
Voice Vote
Mr. Sims moved item 9.1 to closed session since personnel items were included in the budget.
9. Business Items
9.1 MOTION: Approve Fiscal Year 13 tentative budget resolution
Moved by:
Seconded by:
Discussion: The fiscal year 13 tentative budget was presented for approval. The budget is being presented as balanced. The operating revenue and expenditures are $15,046,570. The budget is $591,530 less than our fiscal year 2012 budget. A reduction in credit hours and anticipated changes in state funding created a shortfall in projected revenue. Expenditures had to be reduced to present a balance budget. The budget includes:
·  Elimination of 7 filled positions and 3 leaving positions vacant
·  Payments for all contractual arrangements
·  Bond payments due in fiscal year 2012
·  Tuition revenue base on 48,000 credit hours at a rate of $123 per credit hour for in-district credit courses
·  Impact of anticipated changes in state funding
The anticipated changes in state funding are:
·  Increase in Illinois Veteran Grant write-offs
·  Increase in retirees health insurance
·  Decrease in operating grants
·  Elimination of Workforce Development funding
This is a conservative budget based on 48,000 credit hours opposed to 52,570 last year. This reflects $650,000 dollars less. The anticipated changes from the state listed above were incorporated in the budget. The College is operating within their effective parameters.
Mr. Kurz / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Dr. Carter / x
Mr. Gay / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Sims / x
Voice Vote
9.2 MOTION: Adopt a resolution and certificate ascertaining the Prevailing Wage Ordinance for Laborer, Workmen, and Mechanics employed on public works of Community College District 539
Moved by: Dr. Carter
Seconded by: Mr. Gay
Discussion: This ordinance is required by Illinois statutes and must be adopted every June. The resolution ascertains the prevailing rate of wages for laborers, workmen, and mechanics employed on public works. The information regarding the prevailing wage rates shall be posted as a resource for any public works construction projects undertaken for JWCC.
Mr. Kurz / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Dr. Carter / x
Mr. Gay / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Sims / x
Voice Vote
9.3 MOTION: Approve to write off delinquent student accounts as uncollectible
Moved by: Dr. Carter
Seconded by: Mr. Gay
Discussion: Each year the college presents accounts which are deemed uncollectible and are written-off. Students whose account balance has been written off are not allowed to receive transcripts or register for classes until the indebtedness is paid in full. The total request to be written of this year is $114,579.66. Any future recoveries are receipted into Miscellaneous Collection Revenue. Administration shared that the write-offs were higher this year due to tuition increase and high enrollment years. Also, this was the beginning of the direct lending program. The direct lending program process is being reevaluated.
Mr. Kurz / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Dr. Carter / x
Mr. Gay / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Sims / x
Voice Vote
9.4 MOTION: Authorize to pay the first half of the ICCTA dues.
Moved by: Mr. Coleman
Seconded by: Mr. Kurz
Discussion: Illinois Community college Trustee Association dues for FY13 is $3,783.00
Mr. Kurz / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Dr. Carter / x
Mr. Gay / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Sims / x
Voice Vote
9.5 MOTION: Approve the update and the submission of the revised RAMP document for the Health and Natural Science Building project
Moved by: Mr. Fischer
Seconded by: Mr. Coleman
Discussion: John Wood Community College has a Resource Allocation Management Plan (RAMP) document for the construction of a Health and Natural Science Building as the completion of the core campus facility. This document is the official request for state funding for capital improvement projects and it included matching funds from the college. The RAMP document was approved by the Board at their June 2010 meeting. The document must be updated for inflation annually.
Mr. Kurz / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Dr. Carter / x
Mr. Gay / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Sims / x
Voice Vote
9.6 MOTION: Approve the update and the submission of the revised RAMP document for the Outlying Facility project
Moved by: Mr. Gay
Seconded by: Dr. Carter
Discussion: John Wood Community College has a Resource Allocation Management Plan (RAMP) document for the construction of an outlying facility (outside of Adams County). This facility will allow the expansion of JWCC offerings in the northeast portion of District 539.This document is the official request for state funding for capital improvement projects and it included matching funds from the college. The RAMP document was approved by the Board at their June 2010 meeting. The document must be updated for inflation annually.
Mr. Kurz / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Dr. Carter / x
Mr. Gay / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Sims / x
Voice Vote
10. Discussion Items
10.1 Calendar of Events - December 19, 2012 Board of Trustees meeting was noted as corrected.
11. Notices and Communications
11.1 Thank You to baseball coaching staff from parent
11.2 Thank You to College, from Illinois Secretary of State jess White, for assistance with Organ/Tissue/Eye Donor Initiative
11.3 Notification from ICCB RE: Approval to offer Associate in Applied Science Degree in Surgical Technology
12. Other Items
13. Closed Session
13.1 A closed session will be necessary to consider the appointment, employment, discipline, performance, or dismissal of employees or legal counsel of the public body and the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body.
Moved by: Mr. Coleman
Seconded by: Mr. Kurz
Time: 8:10 p.m.
Mr. Kurz / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Dr. Carter / x
Mr. Gay / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Sims / x
Voice Vote
14. Return to Public Session
Moved by: Ms. Green
Seconded by: Mr. Kurz
Time: 10:15 p.m.
Mr. Kurz / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Dr. Carter / x
Mr. Gay / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Sims / x
Voice Vote
8.2.1 MOTION: Request authorization to employ new staff, faculty, accept resignations, retirements, and implement status changes as presented.
Moved by: Mr. Gay
Seconded by: Mr. Fischer
Mr. Kurz / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Dr. Carter / x
Mr. Gay / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Sims / x
Voice Vote
9.1 MOTION: Approve Fiscal Year 13 tentative budget resolution
Moved by: Mr. Gay
Seconded by: Mrs. Green
Discussion: Discussion is noted above.
Mr. Kurz / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Dr. Carter / x
Mr. Gay / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Sims / x
Voice Vote
14.1 MOTION: Adjourn the June 20, 2012 Board of Trustees regular meeting.
Moved by: Mr. Fischer
Seconded by: Mr. Coleman
Time: 10:35 p.m.
Mr. Kurz / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Dr. Carter / x
Mr. Gay / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Sims / x
Voice Vote
15. Approval:
Approved the 18 day of July 2012, at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 539, meeting at the Student Administrative Center, in the city of Quincy, Illinois at which ______voting members were present, constituting a quorum by a vote of ___ayes and ______nays.