Regular Council Meeting
November1, 2016
Public Hearing-5:30 p.m. called to order
The Public Hearing for the proposed establishment of an economic development district and TIF plan was held with Traci Ryan present to provide information. She summarized the proposed plan and stressed that creating the TIF district allows you to enter into a development agreement should an application be received. The maximum budget is $939,420 and has a nine year lifespan. There were no questions, therefore the hearing was closed at 5:55 p.m.
The Henning City Council meeting was called to orderat 5:55 p.m. Present were Mayor Jim Hermansonand Council Members BenoLohse, Doug Trana, Jeremiah Rice and Nancy Oseien. Also in attendance-Jenna Esala;reporter.The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Consent Agenda
Claims for the City of Henning and Willow Creek and minutes from the September 6thRegular Meeting and were approved, M-Rice,S-Trana; M/C
Public Forum
Department Updates
Fire Dept. –Have had several trainings, one truck needed a new radiator
Police Dept. –Chief Helle reported very little activity in the PD, Halloween was uneventlful
Utilities Dept. –Superintendent Grabe will be attending the community solar meeting-Rice also to attend.
Grabe also requested permission to attend the MMUA Leadership Academy beginning in February of 2017. It is a two year course with four 2 day sessions. The cost is $2,400 annually and there would be two overnight stays each session. A motion to approve was made by Rice, S-Osein; M/C.
A motion to approve a resolution expressing interest in sand sealing streets in 2017 was made by Rice, S-Trana; M/C.
A full utilities update report is on file.
New Business
Scott Hart presented a request to the council to install a Frisbee golf course around the baseball fields, fair grounds and Lions Park. He provided a map with the proposed layout of the course. He will ask local businesses to sponsor holes. Motion to approve by Trana, S-Lohse; M/C
Resolution 2016-27 Approving TIF 5-M-Oseien, S-Trana, M/C/U on roll call vote
Resolution 2016-28 Approving Application of DEED Grant For Lift Station-M-Rice, S-Oseien; M/C/U on roll call vote
The Henning Area Economic Advisory Board will meet with Tom McSparron of WCIF to talk about the role of the organization in aiding with the funding of the food shelter.
Special Meeting-November 14th at 12:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting-Dec ember 6th at 5:30 p.m.
Motion to adjourn at 6:37 p.m.-Lohse
Gina Ellingson
City Clerk/Treasurer
Jim Hermanson