EastGadsdenHigh School

Ms. Nedra Peterson, Instructor

Room 827

Introduction to Information Technology

Class Syllabus

Description of the Course:

This course is designed to provide an introduction to information technology concepts and careers as well as the impact information technology has on the world, people, and industry and basic web design concepts. The content includes information technology career research; operating systems and software applications; electronic communications including e-mail and Internet services; basic HTML, DHTML, and XML web commands and design; and emerging technologies and webpage design.

Learning Objectives:

-Demonstrate knowledge, skill and application of information systems to accomplish job objectives and enhance workplace performance

-Demonstrate comprehensive and communication skills

-Use technology to enhance the effectiveness of communication skills

-Develop an awareness of management functions and organizational structures as they relate to today’s workplace and employer/employee roles

-Practice quality performance in the learning environment and the workplace

-Incorporate appropriate leadership and supervision techniques, customer service strategies, and standards of personal ethics to accomplish job objectives and enhance workplace performance.

-Apply mathematical operations and processes as well as financial strategies to commonly occurring situations in the workplace to accomplish job objectives and enhance workplace performance.

-Assess personal strengths and weaknesses as they relate to job objectives, career exploration to design an individual career plan that reflects the transition from school to work, lifelong learning, and personal professional goals

-Demonstrate human relations/interpersonal skills appropriate for the workplace

-Participate in workplace learning experiences

-Perform e-mail activities

-Demonstrate knowledge of different operating systems

-Demonstrate proficiency navigating the internet , intranet, and world wide web

-Demonstrate proficiency using html commands

-Demonstrate proficiency in page design applicable to the world wide web

-Demonstrate proficiency using specialized web design software

-Develop an awareness of the information technology industry

-Develop an awareness of microprocessors and digital computers

-Develop an awareness of programming languages

-Develop an awareness of emerging technologies

-Demonstrate an understanding of the seven layers of the open systems interfaces (osi) model.

-Demonstrate proficiency using common software applications

-Demonstrate proficiency using specialized software applications

Classroom Supplies:

  1. Paper (College or wide rule)
  2. Pen (Black or Blue)
  3. Pencil (Mechanical or Standard #2)
  4. Folder for note taking
  5. Flash/jump drive (mandatory)

Classroom Rules:

  1. Report to class ON TIME!
  2. Be prepared.
  3. Follow directions.
  4. Respect others.
  5. Keep all electronic devices out of sight and out of use during class.
  7. No food or drinks in the classroom
  8. Adhere to dress code policy.
  9. Respect the school property.
  10. Ms. Peterson dismisses class, NOT THE BELL!

Failure to Follow the Above Rules will result in:

  1. Verbal warning.
  2. Call Parent/guardian.
  3. Behavioral Documentation/Referral.

Grading Policy:

100-90 A89-80 B79-70 C69-60 D59-below F

Grading Weights:

Class/Homework Assignments -35%

Class Participation -15%

Quizzes -20%

Test/Exams - 30%

Attendance & Late Policy:

It is to your benefit to be in class everyday. When scheduling appointments and other activities, try not to miss this course. When you are not present, you miss valuable instruction. When you are absent, make-up work is YOUR responsibility. Any student that has “4 UNEXCUSED” absences in this class will receive an assigned grade of an “F”. Consult your Student Code of Conduct on this policy.

Late assignments will be penalized by 10 points each day it is late.

Missed Work:

Work missed due to an excused absence will be made up within two class days of the student’s return to class unless other arrangements are made with the instructor. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor for missed assignments.

Hall Passes:

Passes will not be issued unless it is an emergency. Do not ask the instructor to issue passes to excuse tardiness to your next class. The use of a pass is a privilege, not a right.

Contact Information:

Ms. Nedra Peterson

(850) 539-2126 EXT. 1827