Town Council
Historic Chepstow: The Way to Wales and the Wye Valley
See The Chepstow Web Site at
Your ref
My ref LA Tender
19th June 2017
To Whom It May Concern
Dear Sirs
Chepstow Town Council Invitation to Tender for the provision of the Light Installation for Christmas Lights and Switch on Event 2017-2019
You are hereby invited to tender by Chepstow Town Council (The Authority), to tender for the provision of the Light Installation for Christmas Lights and the Switch on event as specified in the attached set of documents.
Your tender must be in accordance with the Instructions for Tenderers and the Form of Tender enclosed.
It is the responsibility of all Tenderers to ensure that their tender is delivered no later than the appointed time. The Authority will not consider tenders received after that time.
Tenderers should note that the delivery of tender documents to Chepstow Town Council can take longer than the next day service claimed by some couriers and that the office hours are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily therefore please allow adequate time for delivery to us.
It is important that your tender return envelope is clearly marked ITT TENDER RETURNCHRISTMAS LIGHTS 31st July 2017 12 Noon. Correspondence connected with the tender which requires attention before that date, or communication stating that no tender will be submitted should be sent in a separate envelope, bearing no external reference to the tender and addressed to the Town Clerk.
Enquiries regarding this Invitation to Tender should be addressed to the Town Clerk, e mail .
Please ensure that you read the instructions carefully and return the all of the following documents
- Signed Form of Tender
- Signed Certificate of canvassing and non- collusive tendering
- Signed Pricing Schedule/detailed cost template for three year contract
- Signed Organsational information including references, insurance audited accounts and references for 3 similar works
- Return envelope clearly labelled ITT TENDER RETURN CHRISTMAS LIGHTS 31st July 2017 12 Noon , please ensure that this envelope does not bear any marks signs or reference which may indicate who the supplier is.
I hope that you will be able to assist us in this tender and look forward to hearing from you in due course.
Yours Faithfully
Lucy Allen
Deputy Town Clerk
- Covering letter dated 17th May 2017
- Cover Sheet Tender Specification 2017-2019
- Table of Contents
- Instructions and information for submitting a tender
- Organisational information including selection and award criteria and our requirements
- Detailed Cost template for three year contract
- Appendix A list of lights
- Appendix B Technical Specification for Chepstow Town Council Christmas light switch on event
- Form of Tender and Declaration of canvassing and non-collusive tendering
Table of Contents:
1.2Preparation of the Invitation to tender (ITT)
1.3ITT Procedures and timetable
1.4Tender Format and Cost Summary
1.5Selection and Award Criteria
1.6Arithmetic Accuracy of ITT
1.7Period of Acceptance of ITT
1.8Final Submissionsand checklist
2.1Organisation Identity
2.2Organisation Information
2.6Provision of Service
2.7Previous Contracts and selection criteria
2.8Protection of Information
2.9Health & Safety Policy
2.10Quality Assurance
2.13Equal Opportunities
2.14Area of Business
2.15Professional References
3.1Schedule of requirements
4.1Detailed Costs Schedule
4.2Form of Tender
4.3Declaration of Canvassing and Non- collusive Tendering
Chepstow Town Council
1.1 Introduction:
1.1.1Chepstow Town Council owns a large number of lighting displays and equipment. Chepstow Town Council (CTC) host an afternoon / early evening celebration each November to mark the annual switching on of the Town’s festive lights and to mark the start of the festive season in the town.
1.1.2Each October as part of the build up to our Christmas Lights Switch On event in November, the festive lighting scheme is installed across the town.
1.1.3CTC expect to be turning on the Christmas Lights in 2017 on Saturday November 25th The event itself attracts approx. 1000 people with musical entertainment from children. Timings for the event are 1400hrs to 1900hrs with the lights being switched on at 1830hrs.
1.1.4Provisional dates for 2018 and 2019 are November 24thand,23rdrespectively. Please note that these are provisional only at this stage and will be confirmed no later than the end of the preceding April. The date for 2017 has been confirmed as 25th November 2017. Dismantling of equipment to be completed no later than the 3rd week in January of the following year after switch on.
1.1.5The lights must be installed no later than a week prior to the switch on date in order to be inspected by the Events team and any works required carried out before the event.
1.1.6A weekly inspection and maintenance report is to be delivered to CTC once the lights are switched on.
1.1.7All reported lighting repairs require a 24 hour response and fix timeframe.
1.1.8You will need to provide a call log system for each item reported by CTC, this log system will also form part of your weekly inspection reports.
1.1.9On the evening of the switch on, you will provide an agreed number of trained personnel to ensure all lights are switched on immediately in the vicinity of the square and that all other areas are lit.
1.1.10We are seeking professional and qualified companies who can deliver an exceptional value for money service to tender for the testing, installation and support of the Christmas Lights and decorative elements. Tenders should include delivery, testing, build and dismantle time and transport costs. (Appendix A) The tender should also include for the installation and rigging/derigging of a 12’ x 16’ stage and associated requirements (Appendix B).
1.1.11CTC is seeking to agree a three year tender for this event. Your tender documents must provide a three year summary and breakdown of costs.
1.1.12The details of this document and all associated documents are to be treated as private and confidential for use only in connection with the Invitation toTender(ITT) and contract process.
1.2 Preparation of the Invitation to Tender (ITT)
1.2.1Although this document is designed to be as complete and comprehensive as possible, potential tenderers must obtain for themselves all the information necessary for developing and costing their proposal and entering into a Contract.
1.2.2The Town Council will do everything possible to ensure Tenderers have access to all information required to produce their response.
1.2.3Potential Tenderers must ensure that they clarify any points of doubt or ambiguity before submitting their tender. If clarification is required in order to complete the tender, requests should be submitted in writing to Caroline Tremeer, Town Clerk no later than 31st July 2017 after that date no furtherpoints of clarification will be permitted and /or answered. Please not all questions asked with the response will be sent to all parties.
1.2.4Any additional information requested will automatically be provided to all invited Tenderers.
1.2.5We strongly recommend a site visit by all interested parties prior to the submission of a tender.
1.3 ITT Procedures and Timetable:
1.3.1The following dates are applicable to this procurement :
Target Date / Task25th June 2017 / Issue ITT
31st July 2017 / Deadline for requests for additional information and points of clarification.
31st July 2017Noon / Deadline for return of ITT
13th September 2017 / Final selection of successful supplier and notify unsuccessful tenderers
14th September 2017 / Target date for award of contract and first planning meeting
1.3.2 No extensions to any dates contained in the procurement timetable shall be granted to Tenderers. The Council reserves the right to amend these dates provided that by doing so the competitive process is not prejudiced.
1.3.3 Tenderers who are interested in this procurement are invited to submit a fully costedITT proposal together with all the supporting documents as specified in this ITT.
1.3.4 Chepstow Town Council reserves the right to request additional information from a tenderer to clarify their proposal, which is to be supplied at the expense of the tenderer.
1.3.5 The ITT must be completed and returned no later than 12 noon on the 31st July 2017,
clearly marked on the envelope with the following information;
ITTTENDER Return – Christmas Lights 31st July 2017
Town ClerkChepstow Town Council The Gatehouse High Street Chepstow Monmouthshire NP16 5DL
1.3.6 Your proposal must be received by 12 noon on the31st July 2017 – any tenders received
after date and time will not be considered. All submissions must be in English and prices in
sterling exclusive of VAT.
1.3.7 Please include, where appropriate, any supporting documents marked clearly on all documents the name of your organisation and the number of referral. You should provide an index of all documents referred to in the quotation.
1.3.8 Tenderers must return one bound copy of the completed tender and any supporting documentation and a further copy which should be loose leaf to facilitate ease of copying for evaluation purposes.
1.3.9 The quotation document should detail precisely how the supplier will satisfy the requirements detailed in Section 3 and a completed cost schedule at Section 4.
1.3.10The Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest bid or any quotation. The Council reserves the right to withdraw any part of the quotation document prior to the award of contract, and reserves the right to discontinue the quotation process at any time.
1.4 Tender Format and Cost Summary:
1.4.1. The suppliers shall provide full details of all costs that are to be charged to the Council as per the enclosed pricing structure.
1.4.2. The completed schedule of requirements and the cost information must be attached as an addendum to the final submitted proposal.
1.4.3 Once the proposal has been submitted, no alterations to the text will be permitted. Failure to complete any part of the quotation documents may also incur rejection to the proposal.
1.5 Selection Criteria and Award criteria:
1.5.1. This ITT is a single stage process containing questions regarding supplier’s ability and technical capability to provide and deliver the service within the costs being tendered.
The preferred Tenderer will be determined based on the following process.
1.5.2 Atwo stage process will be used to assess tenders:
Stage 1-Selection Criteria
Criteria / WeightingRelevant contractor experience / Pass/Fail
Technical Capability / Pass/Fail
Tenders who provide the Council with the relevant information will receive a pass mark and
move onto the stage 2 and their submission will be evaluated against the following criteria.
Stage 2 Award Criteria
Criteria / WeightingCost / 100%
Total / 100%
1.6 Arithmetic Accuracy of the ITT:
1.6.1. It is the responsibility of the supplier to check that all costs have been identified and are accurate. Any area of costs that are not identified and not included with the submission will be treated as free of charge.
1.6.2 If arithmetic mistakes are found after the contract has been awarded they will not be be taken account of. The figure agreed at the time of contract will prevail. The Tenderer
shall be deemed to have satisfied itself before submitting its tender as to the accuracy
and sufficiency of the rates and prices stated in their tender which shall (except in so far
as is otherwise provided in the contract) cover all the contractors obligations under the
contract and the contractor shall be deemed to have obtained for itself all necessary
information as to risks and any other circumstances which might reasonably influence or
affect the contractor’s tender.The contractor who submits a tender will be held to have
by his/her own independent observations and enquiries fully informed and satisfied
himself as to the nature and extent and practicability of the works and as to access to the
site and/or storage facility and all points and conditions which can in any way affect the
prices upon which this tender is based. The prices for the tender shall include all charges
for profits and transport and cartage and labour materials plant and insurance and all
other expenses.
1.7 Period of Acceptance of the ITT:
1.7.1 The potential supplier is required to hold their ITT open for acceptance for a period of up to six months from the closing date.
1.8 Final Submissions and checklist:
1.8.1 The Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any quote and will not accept responsibility for any expense or loss which may be incurred by any potential tenderer in the preparation of the ITT.
1.8.2 You must supply all details and certificates requested as part of this ITT.
1.8.3 Lack of Information may deem your tender unacceptable and will result in the failure of your submission. Tenders must be submitted in accordance with these instructions
and a failure to comply will result in a tender being rejected by the Council.
1.8.4 Chepstow Town Council will not accept incomplete nor non-specific/generic submissions.
1.8.5 Unless specifically and clearly stated by tenderers, they will be required to meet all the requirements specified within the ITT price submitted. Tenderers should treat the tender
documents as private and confidential between the tenderer and the Council.
1.8.6 A formal contract will be issued to the successful tenderer.
Stage 1 Selection criteria
Criteria / WeightingRelevant contractor experience references / Pass/Fail
Technical Capacity including H/S method statements / Pass/Fail
Tenders who provide the council with the relevant information requested will receive a pass mark and move on to stage two and their submission will be evaluated against the following criteria
Stage 2 Award Criteria
Criteria / WeightingCost / 100%
Total / 100%
1.8.7Selection criteria relevant contractor experience
Contractors shall supply relevant contractor experience a list of three similar works carried out in the last three years giving descriptions of these works with dates and the names and addresses and e mail address of persons to whom reference can be made.
Contactors must agree to all areas specified with the specification and contractors must sate their agreement to all these areas within the ITT return.
Checklist/Qualification envelope ITT return
Have you included the following in your return? :
A copy of your last years audited accounts references
Submitted a declaration of non collusive tendering and canvassing
Completed all the organisational information required
Completed the pricing schedule /detailed cost template
Signed and dated your return.
Signed Form of tender
Marked your return envelope TENDER along with the return date of 31st July 2017
Name of organisationContract
Tel No / Fax
Registration No / Date of
Registered Address (If Different from above)
Is your organisation: (Please tick those that are applicable)• Public Limited Company
• Limited Company
• Partnership
• Sole Trader
Date of organisation’s formation
Date of incorporation in UK if different
VAT registration Number
Is your organisation registered under the Data Protection Act 1998? If the answer is yes what is your DPA registration Number? YES/NO
Registration numberHas your organisation or any director of your organisation who has the powers of representation, decision or control of the organisation been convicted of any of the offences listed at Regulation 23 (1) (a)-(f) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 If the answer is Yes, Chepstow Town Council may require further information. YES/NO
If yes please provide details :Are there any court actions and/or tribunal hearings outstanding against your organisation which relate to the provision of this contract (including but not limited to negligence claims, discrimination cases, infringement of intellectual property rights, infringement of data protection legislation)? If the answer is yes, please give details. YES/NO
If yes please provide details:Has your organisation been involved in any court action and/or tribunals over the last 3 years which relate to the provision of this contract (including but not limited to negligence claims discrimination cases, infringement of intellectual property rights, infringement of data protection legislation)? If the answer is yes, please give details. YES/NO
If yes please provide details:Is your organisation affiliated or associated with any other organisation which would be capable of providing this contract? If the answer is yes, please provide the name and registered office address.
If yes please provide details:List the full names of all Directors, Partners and Company Secretaries:
FULL NAME / ROLEPlease give details of any Director, Partner or Associate who has been employed by Chepstow Town Council:
FULL NAME / ROLEPlease give details of any Director, Partner or Associate or Senior Employee who has a relative employed by Chepstow Town Council or who is a Member.
FULL NAME / ROLEPlease give details of any contractual relationship your organisation has had any Senior Officer or Member of Chepstow Town Council
Full Name / Senior Officer/Member / Contact DetailsHave any proceedings been taken against the company’s directors or employees resulting in convictions under the Prevention of Corruption Acts 1889-1916 or Section 117 of the Local Government Act 1972or the Bribery act 2010. If the answer is yes, please give details:
If yes please provide details:2.3 FINANCIAL INFORMATION:
Please indicate the annual turnover of your organisation and the turnover in respect of goods, services and/or works of a similar nature to this contract over the last 3 years. If your organisation is part of a group, please give figures for both your own organisation and the group.
OrganisationTotal Annual Turnover (£) / Turnover for goods, services and/or works of a similar nature to this contract (£)
Group (If applicable)
Total Annual Turnover (£) / Turnover for goods, services and/or works of a similar nature to this contract (£)
A financial credit check may be undertaken on your organisation as part of this tender process.