All roadside vascular epiphyte species found in study are listed by families. The list includes all types of epiphytes: true, hemi-, facultative, accidental, and parasitic. Nomenclature and classifications based on Chong et al. (2009).
Family / Species / Habit / Native, exotic, or WUOa / Dispersal syndromeAcanthaceae / Asystasiagangeticassp. micrantha / Herb / Exotic / Dehiscence
Anisophyllaceae / Anisophylleadisticha / Shrub / Native / Animal
Apocynaceae / Dischidia major / Epiphyte / Native / Dehiscence
Dischidianummularia / Epiphyte / Native / Dehiscence; animal
Hoya pachyclada / Epiphyte / Exotic / Wind
Araceae / Colocasia esculenta / Herb / Exotic / Animal
Epipremnumpinnatum / Climber / Native / Animal
Arecaceae / Caryota mitis / Tree / Native / Animal
Ptychospermamarcathurii / Tree / Exotic / Animal
Aspleniaceae / Asplenium nidus / Epiphyte / Native / Wind
Asteraceae / Emilia sonchifolia / Herb / WUOa / Wind
Cactaceae / Hylocereusundatus / Climber / Exotic / Animal
Cleomaceae / Cleome rutidosperma. / Herb / Exotic / Animal
Davalliaceae / Davalliadenticulata / Epiphyte / Native / Wind
Fabaceae / Acacia auriculiformis / Tree / Exotic / Animal
Mimosa pudica / Shrub / Exotic / Dehiscence; animal
Hypoxidaceae / Molineriacapitulata / Herb / Native / Animal
Loranthaceae / Dendrophthoepentandra / Epiphyte / Native / Animal
Melastomataceae / Pternandraechinata / Tree / Native / Animal
Moraceae / Ficus benghalensis. / Strangler / Exotic / Animal
Ficus benjamina / Strangler / WUOa / Animal
Ficus caulocarpa / Strangler / Native / Animal
Ficus celebensis / Tree / Exotic / Animal
Ficus fistulosa / Tree / Native / Animal
Ficus heteropleura / Climber / Native / Animal
Ficus microcarpa / Strangler / Native / Animal
Ficus punctata / Climber / Exotic / Animal
Ficus religiosa / Strangler / Exotic / Animal
Oleandraceae / Nephrolepisacutifolia / Epiphyte / Native / Wind
Nephrolepisauriculata / Herb / WUOa / Wind
Orchidaceae / Bulbophyllumvaginatum / Epiphyte / Native / Wind
Dendrobium crumenatum / Epiphyte / Native / Wind
Oxalidaceae / Oxalis corniculata / Herb / Exotic / Dehiscence
Passifloraceae / Passiflora suberosa / Climber / Exotic / Animal
Poaceae / Axonopuscompressus / Herb / Exotic / Wind
Polypodiaceae / Drynariaquercifolia / Epiphyte / Native / Wind
Drynariasparsisora / Epiphyte / Native / Wind
Goniophlebiumpercussum / Epiphyte / Native / Wind
Microsorumpunctatum / Epiphyte / Native / Wind
Phymatosorusscolopendria / Epiphyte / Native / Wind
Platyceriumcoronarium / Epiphyte / Native / Wind
Pyrrosialanceolata / Epiphyte / Native / Wind
Pyrrosialongifolia / Epiphyte / Native / Wind
Pyrrosiapiloselloides / Epiphyte / Native / Wind
Rutaceae / Bergerakoenigii / Shrub / Exotic / Animal
Smilacaceae / Smilax calophylla / Climber / Native / Animal
Verbenaceae / Lantana camara / Shrub / Exotic / Animal
Vitaceae / Cissushastata / Climber / WUOa / Animal
Cissusrepens / Climber / Native / Animal
Vittariaceae / Vittariaelongata / Epiphyte / Native / Wind
Vittariaensiformis / Epiphyte / Native / Wind
a. WUO=weed of uncertain origin