Committee Treasurer Position Description
Reviewed 18th February 2016
Organisational Environment
Gellibrand Support Services was established in the late 1970’s. Through dedication to individualised support services, the organization has steadily grown to offer services throughout the western region of Melbourne. Gellibrand provides quality support to people with an intellectual disability or an acquired brain injury. All supports are provided in a way that enhances an individual’s interests and needs. Our emphasis is on person-centred and active support.
Attitude and Approach to Role
Attitude significantly affects the way in which the Treasurer of the Committee performs their role. Gellibrand encourages the following attributes, as they will ensure the effective implementation of the knowledge, skills and core competencies that the role requires.
- An attitude of empathy and understanding. The ability to relate to people as individuals in a positive, respectful and supportive manner.
- An attitude of cultural awareness. The ability to recognise the beliefs and ideas of others.
- An attitude of creativity. The ability to resource and problem solve in various situations.
- An attitude of positivity. The ability to have fun, and be part of the solution.
- An attitude of enthusiasm. The ability to maintain passion and focus for the role.
- An attitude of reliability. The ability to recognise the value of their role, and that of others.
- An attitude for growth and learning. The ability to see changes and mistakes as a way of developing.
- An attitude of flexibility. The ability to adapt themselves or the situation for the best outcomes for the Clients.
- An attitude of self-awareness. The ability to understand what motivates or discourages themselves and others. The ability to recognise their individuality.
- An attitude of professionalism. The ability to be honest and stand by their decisions.
Core Skills, Competencies & Knowledge
The Treasurer of the Committee is to possess the following skills, competencies and knowledge so that their responsibilities can be met.
- Competency to work as part of a team. The ability to respond to direction.
- Competency to work individually. The ability to use initiative where appropriate.
- Skills for problem solving. The ability to respond to challenges with innovative ideas
- Knowledge of individualized approaches to service delivery.
The Committee Treasurer has the following responsibilities (bold items are legislative requirements).
- On being elected to the Committee, undertake induction and training procedures as provided by the Committee
- Consider, debate, and vote on issues before the Committee on the basis of the best interests of the organisation only
- Comply with the rules, policies, and standing orders of the organisation
- Review and approve the organisation’s Strategic Plan, and other consequential arrangements (Business Plan, Marketing Plan, etc)
- Attend all meetings or apologise in advance for absence
- Where Committee papers are circulated in advance of the Committee meeting, read papers and consider issues before the meeting
- Contribute to the discussion and resolution of issues at meetings and otherwise as appropriate
- Approach employees of the organisation (paid or unpaid) only through the CEO
- Serve on Committee committees as required
- Review and approve the organisation’s systems for financial control and risk management
- Make comments to the media only as provided in the organisation’s Media Policy
- Promote the organisation in the community as opportunities arise
- Participate enthusiastically in any fundraising approved by the Committee
- Avoid making any improper use of their position in the organisation, or improper use of information acquired by virtue of that position, so as to gain any material advantage for themselves, or for any other person, or to the detriment of the organisation
- If they have any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in any contract with the organisation, inform the Committee immediately and not vote in the Committee on that issue
- If they have any non-pecuniary conflict of interest in any matter before the Committee, or believe that the perception of such a conflict might arise, inform the Committee immediately and follow the Committee’s rulings as to proper procedure
- At all times conduct Committee business politely and with consideration for others, without ill feeling, improper bias, or personal animus
- Ensure that the Committee maintains the degree of financial literacy necessary to conduct the business of the organisation
- Advise the Committee on matters of finance
- Advise the Committee on fundraising
- With the CEO, oversee in partnership with the Committee the regular review and development of the Finance Plan
- Report to the Committee,in conjunction with the CEO, at each meeting on the financial situation of the organisation
- Report to the Committee,in conjunction with the CEO, at each meeting on variances from the approved budget
- With the Secretary, place any necessary financial items on the Committee agenda in advance of the meeting
- Report to the Annual General Meeting on the financial situation of the organisation
- Serve on sub-committees as required
- Liaise with sub-committee chairs on financial issues and report to the Committee where appropriate
- Oversee the organisation’s financial records
- With the President, oversee the CEO in ensuring that the organisation’s financial records are adequate, protected, backed up, and accessible.
- With the CEO, ensure that the organisation’s financial control procedures are adequate and that appropriate safeguards against fraud are in place
- With the CEO, ensure that risk management strategies (including appropriate insurances) are in place
- Oversee the collection and receipt of all monies due to the organisation and the making of all payments authorised by the organisation under the current delegation of authority
- With the CEO, oversee the organisation’s investment strategy and report to the Committee
- Oversee the preparation of the Budget for the coming year
- With the CEO, ensure the organisation’s compliance with all applicable tax arrangements
Updated: 18/10/2016 / Page 1 of 3