CP Biology
Course Description- Biology is the study of living things and is a required course for graduation. Please schedule an appointment if you need extra help!
Instructor- Rick Godfrey
Contact information
School Phone- 770-532-4383 ext.119
Home Phone- 770-967-4689
Office Hours
M-F 7:45am- 8:00am
Afternoons by appointment
Class Rules-
- Be Ready
- Be Responsible
- Be Respectful
Required materials- Modern Biology, 3 ring binder, lab notebook, calculator,
Black or blue pens, pencils, colored pencils
Grading- Students will be graded on the “point system.” Tests & projects (50-200 pts.), labs (10-100 pts.), class-work (10-50 pts.), and homework (5-30 pts.) will contribute to the overall grade. A comprehensive final exam will be given at the end of the semester.
Attendance- Students need to make every effort to be in class. It is easy to fall behind because of the rapid pace and the difficulty associated with making up labs and other activities.
Makeup Work- If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check with me to get any work that you missed. If you miss a test, there will often be a different makeup test given because the questions for the original test are already “out.”
Late work- I will not accept late homework. Major assignments will receive a 10% deduction off the total grade for each day late.
Extra Credit- Opportunities will be presented periodically during the semester to the entire class for enrichment purposes. Individual extra credit assignments will not be offered.
Lab safety- Students will conduct frequent laboratory exercises. Safety is a priority and students and parents should read and sign the laboratory agreement and familiarize themselves with the rules in lab.
Major Projects- Life Magazine, Genetic Disorder Project, Scientific Journal Abstracts, Body systems presentation
Technology- We will be using our laptops and calculators daily. It is imperative that you bring both to class everyday. You are now in the 21st century. Technology has progressed at an incredible pace. Lakeview has a top of the line networking capability which allows us to access various websites for tutoring, testing and simulations.
Semester 1
1, 2Intro to Biology, Scientific Method
3, 4, 5Biochemistry
6, 7, 8Microscope, Cell, Cell Transport
9, 10, 11Photosynthesis, Respiration
12, 13,14Cell Division
15, 16, 17Genetics & Heredity
18Review & Exam
Semester 2
1, 2Evolution
3, 4Prokaryotes
5, 6Protista
7, 8, 9Fungi & plants
10, 11Invertebrates
12, 13Vertebrates
14, 15 Anatomy & Physiology
16, 17Ecology
18Review & Exam