

Address:School of Education and Social Policy
Northwestern University

2120 Campus Drive

Evanston, IL60208

Work: (847) 491 4172

Cell: (814) 8838112

Academic rank: Post-doctoral Research Fellow at NorthwesternUniversity.


Northwestern University, IL / Major: Learning Sciences / Postdoc August 2003-present
Pennsylvania State University, PA / Major: Curriculum and Instruction, Science Education
Minor: Science, Technology, and Society / PhD. 1999- 2005(defended on Dec 14, 04)
Middle EastTechnicalUniversity, Ankara / Major: Science Education / M.S.1996-1998
Middle EastTechnicalUniversity, Ankara / Major: Physics Education / B. S.1991-1996
Middle EastTechnicalUniversity, Ankara / Major: Physics (Double Major) / B. S.1991-1996


2003-(present) Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the VaNTH Engineering Research Center (ERC).

- Provide support in the assessment and evaluation of faculty designed instructional materials and their outcomes at NorthwesternUniversity, Biomedical Engineering Department. VaNTH is an NSF funded research consortium of five universities in the U.S. (VanderbiltUniversity, NorthwesternUniversity, University of Texas in Austin, HarvardUniversity, and MIT). In the VaNTH ERC, biomedical engineering faculty and learning scientists collaborate to develop effective teaching and learning materials in biomedical engineering technologies ( My primary responsibilities include, but are not limited to (a) an investigation of changes in engineering faculty approaches to teaching and understanding of student learning, and (b) working with engineering faculty members, often on a one-to-one basis, to assist them in incorporating sound learning science principles and assessment methods into their courses. In the center, I lead two projects that explore the impact of VaNTH interventions on faculty development and in-class teacher-student interactions, utilizing educational inquiry methods that are both quantitative and qualitative.

2002-2003Instructor at PennsylvaniaStateUniversity, Colleges of Engineering and Education, Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) Department.

- Taught an undergraduate engineering course entitled “Fundamentals of Engineering, Science, and Technology” for two semesters. This coursewas primarily designed for prospective elementary science teachers but was also offered to all undergraduate students.Supported by an NSF grant, this introductory, multidisciplinary course focused on interactions among physical science concepts, pure and applied scientific processes, engineering design principles, and associated technologies. The course consisted of three modules: Structures, Simple Machines, and Electricity, aimed at promoting student learning in science and engineering. Each module provided for concept development, laboratory investigations, and design exploration connected to a small set of related physical science concepts. Typical enrollment in this course was 75 students per semester.

2001-2002Research Assistant at PennsylvaniaStateUniversity, College of Education, Curriculum and Instruction Department.

- Organized and designed a website for the Association of American Universities, 2001 Meeting. For a semester, I collected, organized, and uploaded all the electronic documents of presentations and papers submitted by faculty from the colleges of education across the U.S., generated for 2001 AAU teacher education national meeting.

2001-2002 Teaching assistant at Pennsylvania State University, College of Engineering,Science, Technology, and Society (STS) Department.

- Assisted an undergraduate Science, Technology, and Society (STS) course entitled “Out of the Fiery Furnace.”Primarily designed for non-science majors, this course was offered to all undergraduate students.In this course, students learned about the history of materials, energy, and man and their interrelationship, while they explored both the positive and negative consequences of the technological management of natural resources. STS was my minor field of study in my Ph.D. program at PennState.

1996-1998Instructorand supervisor atthe Middle East Technical University (METU), Faculty of Education, Science Education Department, in Ankara.

- Served as an academic advisor for Biology Education freshmen for a year.

- Taught a sophomore “Instructional Design and Computer Aided Instruction” course to undergraduates in World Languages Education, Physical Education, Science Education and Mathematics Education.

- Taught a senior “Physics Laboratory Projects”course to Science Education undergraduates.

- Taught ajunior “Digital Electronics Laboratory”course to Technology and Computer Education undergraduates.

- Taught ajunior “Visual Basic Programming Language”course to Technology and Computer Education undergraduates.

- Assisted a senior “Science Education Method” course to Physics Education undergraduates. Supervised pre-service teachers in their K-12 school internship.

1995-1998Science educator in a private institute in Ankara (part-time).

- Taught “General Science” courses to grades 6 through 8, and “Physics” courses to grades 9 though 11. Students in these courses were preparing for a National University Entrance Exam that is a requirement for students to enroll in any higher education institutions in Turkey.


Yalvac, B., Smith, H. D., Hirsch, P. & Birol, G. (in review). “Teaching writing in a laboratory-based engineering course with a ‘How People Learn’ framework,”submitted toNew Directions for Teaching and Learning.

Kolikant, B.Y., McKenna, A. & Yalvac, B. (in review). “The emergence of a community of practice in engineering education,” submitted toNew Directions for Teaching and Learning.

Hirsch, P., Smith, H. D., Birol, G., Yalvac, B., Casler, J., Anderson, J., & Troy, J. (2005). “Establishing school-wide standards for engineering writing: A data driven approach,” Paper presentation at American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Oregon: June, 2005.

Sahakian, V. A., Hayes, C. Yalvac, B. (2005). “An inexpensive laboratory module to teach principles of NMR/MRI,” Paper presentation at American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Oregon: June, 2005.

McKenna, A., Kolikant, B. Y., & Yalvac, B. (2005). “Cultivating a community of practice,” Paper presentation at American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Oregon : June, 2005.

Kolikant, B. Y., McKenna, A., & Yalvac, B. (2005). “Using the personal response system as a cultural bridge from silent absorption to active participation,” Paper presentation at the 17th Annual Ed- Media Meeting, Montreal, Canada: June 27-July 2, 2005.

Yalvac, B. (May, 2005). “On-line peer review and college students’ understanding of the nature of science,” Ph.D. dissertation, 323 pages (available on-line on

Yalvac, B., Myint, M. T., Smith, H. D., Liu, S. Q., & Birol, G. (2004). “Teaching about ethics in an authentic learning environment: Lab experiments using animals,” Paper presentation at the Annual Biomedical Engineering Society Meeting, Philadelphia: October, 2004.

Olds, A. S., Patel, D. C., Yalvac, B., Kanter, E. D., Goel, N. (2004). “Developing a standards-based K12 engineering curricula through partnership with university students and industry,” Paper presentation at American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City: June, 2004(available on-line:

Troy, J., Hirsch, P., Smith, H. D., & Yalvac, B. (2004). “Team-based written communication exercises for biomedical engineering juniors: Where to do it and what works,” Paper presentation at American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City: June, 2004(available on-line:

Trautmann, N., Carlsen, S. W., Yalvac, B., Cakir, M., & Kohl, C. (2003). “Learning nature of science concepts through online peer review of student research reports,” Paper presentation at NARST meeting, Philadelphia: March, 2003 (available on-line:

Yalvac, B. & Carlsen, S. W. (2002). “A qualitative study of students’ experiences with a peer review and students’understandings of the nature of science,” Paper presentation at AERA meeting, New Orleans: April, 2002.

Yalvac, B.(2002). “The effect of instruction on students’ understanding of electric current concept using conceptual change text at 6th grade,” Paper presentation at NARST meeting, New Orleans: April, 2002.

Yalvac, B., Avraamidou, L., Munford, D. & Bauchspies, W. (2002). “Out of sight, out of mind,” Paper presentation and workshop at 17th Annual National STS Meeting, Baltimore: February, 2002.

Yalvac, B. & Crawford, B. (2002). “Eliciting prospective science education students’ conceptions of nature of science,” Paper presentation at 2002 AETS Annual International Meeting, Charlotte, NC: January, 2002(available on-line:

Yalvac, B. (2001). “Ethics and values entering into and exported from science and technology,” Paper presentation at 16thAnnual National STS Meeting, Baltimore: March, 2001.

Yalvac, B. (1998). “Effect of instruction on students’ understanding of electric current concept using conceptual change text at 6th grade,” M.S. thesis, Middle EastTechnicalUniversity, Ankara: 1998.

Yalvac B., Yilmaz O. & Tekkaya C. (1998). “Measuring achievement in and attitudes towardsscience courses,” Education and Science(22), 45-50.

Yalvac B. (1998). “Prospective science teachers’ attitudes and relations with their achievements towardscience laboratories,” Poster presentation,Contemporary Teacher Education Symposium, Izmir: 1998.

Yalvac B., Yilmaz O., & Tekkaya C. (1998). “Measuring achievement in and attitudes towards science courses,” Paper presentation in Science Education Symposium, Trabzon: 1998.


Computer Applications including MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, Director, Front Page,Composer, etc.

Programming languages: Visual Basic and Pascal.

Statistics Packages: SPSS and Minitab.

Item Response Theory Analysis Packages: Biolog-mg, Testfact, Iteman, and Parscale.

Environmental Modeling Packages: Stella and Model-it.

Visual Representation Tools: Pivit and Inspiration.


Several travel awards from the Curriculum and Instruction Department (at Penn State, 1999-2003).

Best project design in the Annual Physics Laboratory Project Commitment (at METU, 1996).


Faculty Innovation Project Profile Workshop, VanderbiltUniversity, 2003, Nashville, TN.

VaNTH ERC Workshops (University of Memphis, 2003, Memphis, TNUniversity of Texas at Austin, 2003, Austin, TX).

VaNTH ERC Site Visits and NSF reviews (MIT, January, 2004, Cambridge, MA;University of Texas at Austin, June, 2004, Austin, TX;Northwestern University, September, 2004, Evanston, IL;University of Texas at Austin, January, 2004, Austin, TX).

Professional Grant Writing Workshop, April 19-21, 2004, University of Illinois, Chicago,IL.

Beyond Books: Writing Grants- Effective Research and Writing Workshop, February 05,2005, Northwestern University,Evanston,IL.


Member of Innovation by Design, Faculty Innovation Project Profile (FIPP), Sustaining Collaborative Relevance in Communities of Practice team ( (2004-2005)

Representative of STS Department in Engineering Graduate Students Association at PennState, (1999- 2004).


Choreographer and Dancer in Contemporary Dance Company of METU, Ankara(1993-1997).

Member of the Rowing Team of METU, Ankara(1991-1993).

Step Instructor Certificate, Ankara(1997).

National Tourism Agency Office Manager Certificate, Ankara(1996).


Dr. Ann F. McKenna (Post-doc supervisor)
Director of Education Improvement
RobertR.McCormickSchool of Engineering and Applied Science
Northwestern University
Undergraduate Engineering, L295
2145 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL60208-3102
Phone#: 847-491-6761 / Dr. William S. Carlsen (PhD. advisor)
Professor of Science Education
173A Chambers Building
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
Phone#: 814-865-5664

Dr. Wenda K. Bauchspies (PhD. minor advisor)
Assistant Professor of Science, Technology, and Society, and Women Studies
Old Botany
The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity
University Park, PA16802
Phone #: 814-865-3046 / Dr. Thomas M. Dana (PhD. supervisor)
Professor of Science Education and director
School of Teaching and Learning
University of Florida
2403 Norman Hall
PO Box 117048
Gainesville, FL32611-7048
Phone#: 352-392-9191 x200