Marcus Ellerker, Dilhan Kuru, Sonya Chandra, Ernie Ourique
(NB: This is a working document; specific topics/areas of study are subject to change)
September / October / November / December / JanuaryLanguage Arts / Ongoing: Reading Responses/Novel Study, Traits of Writing, Journal Writing, Forms of Writing, CASI, Spelling/Grammar, Media Studies, Oral Reports
Narrative Writing
-organize information & ideas creatively & logically using paragraph structures appropriated for their purpose. / Ongoing: Reading Responses/Novel Study, Traits of Writing, Journal Writing, Forms of Writing, CASI, Spelling/Grammar, Media Studies, Oral Reports
Narrative Writing
- explain their interpretation of a written work, support with evidence from the work & their own knowledge and experience / Ongoing: Reading Responses/Novel Study, Traits of Writing, Journal Writing, Forms of Writing, CASI, Spelling/Grammar, Media Studies, Oral Reports
Narrative/Research & Report Writing
(Expository Writing)
-provide clear answers to questions & well constructed explanations/instructions in classroom work / Ongoing: Reading Responses/Novel Study, Traits of Writing, Journal Writing, Forms of Writing, CASI, Spelling/Grammar, Media Studies, Oral Reports
Research & Report Writing
(Expository Writing) / Ongoing: Reading Responses/Novel Study, Traits of Writing, Journal Writing, Forms of Writing, CASI, Spelling/Grammar, Media Studies, Oral Reports
Recount (Retell)
Math / Number Sense & Numeration
(Operations with fractions) / Geometry & Spatial Sense
(Pythagorean relationship)
Data Management & Probability
(Organizing data) / Data Management & Probability
(Organizing data) cont’d / Number Sense & Numeration
(Integers and operations, scientific notation) /
(First degree equations & patterning problems)Science / Fluids
Demonstrate an understanding of the properties (e.g., viscosity, density, buoyancy) of fluids
• Investigate the buoyant force and other properties (e.g., viscosity) of fluids
• Design and construct pneumatic or hydraulic systems that solve a problem in a given situation / Fluids
Demonstrate an understanding of the properties (e.g., viscosity, density, buoyancy) of fluids
• Investigate the buoyant force and other properties (e.g., viscosity) of fluids
• Design and construct pneumatic or hydraulic systems that solve a problem in a given situation / Fluids
Demonstrate an understanding of the properties (e.g., viscosity, density, buoyancy) of fluids
• Investigate the buoyant force and other properties (e.g., viscosity) of fluids
• Design and construct pneumatic or hydraulic systems that solve a problem in a given situation / Systems in Action
Demonstrate an understanding of the factors that contribute to the efficient operation of mechanisms and systems
• Calculate the mechanical efficiency and mechanical advantage of simple machines / Systems in Action
Demonstrate an understanding of the factors that contribute to the efficient operation of mechanisms and systems
• Calculate the mechanical efficiency and mechanical advantage of simple machines
History / Confederation
- identify external and internal factors leading to confederation / Confederation
- identify key people and events leading to signing of BNA Act, & reasons for exclusions of certain groups. / Confederation
-compare Canada as it was in 1867 to the Canada of today / Development of the West
- demo. Understanding of G&D of the west from Canadian Gov, Metis, Aboriginals & Immigrant point of view. / Development of the West
- analyse & describe conflicts & change that occurred in Canada West in the 19th century.
Geography / Patterns in Human Geography
-identify the main patterns of human settlement & factors that influence population distribution & land use / Patterns in Human Geography
- compare living and working conditions in countries with different patterns of settlement & explain how demographic patterns effect their lives / Patterns in Human Geography
-compare key characteristics of a number of developed & developing countries. / Economic Systems
-demonstrate understanding of economic systems and factors that influence them / Economic Systems
- describe economic relationship between Canada and global community.
Art / Line Design/Sketchbooks
Focus: Rhythm/Repetition / Sketching/Drawing Objects
Focus: Contour/Shading / 3D Sculptures
Focus: Hallowe’en Activity / Character Development Assignment
Focus: Researching Prints / Sketching/Drawing
Focus: Life Drawing
Physical Education / Flag Rugby/Health
-apply a variety of movement skills in combination & sequence / Flag rugby/Basketball /health
- apply a variety of movement skills in combination & sequence. – analyse effects of over and under eating. / Basketball/health
- apply a variety of movement skills in combination & sequence. – identify ways to maintain health body weight. / Volleyball/Health / Volleyball/Health
February / March / April / May / June
Language Arts / Ongoing: Reading Responses/Novel Study, Traits of Writing, Journal Writing, Forms of Writing, CASI, Spelling/Grammar, Media Studies, Oral Reports
Persuasive Writing / Ongoing: Reading Responses/Novel Study, Traits of Writing, Journal Writing, Forms of Writing, CASI, Spelling/Grammar, Media Studies, Oral Reports
Persuasive Writing / Ongoing: Reading Responses/Novel Study, Traits of Writing, Journal Writing, Forms of Writing, CASI, Spelling/Grammar, Media Studies, Oral Reports
Poetry / Ongoing: Reading Responses/Novel Study, Traits of Writing, Journal Writing, Forms of Writing, CASI, Spelling/Grammar, Media Studies, Oral Reports
Speech Writing / Ongoing: Reading Responses/Novel Study, Traits of Writing, Journal Writing, Forms of Writing, CASI, Spelling/Grammar, Media Studies, Oral Reports
Review Month
Math /
(Generating appropriate equations)cont’dProbability
(Assigning probability values for everyday events) / Measurement
(Area of Various 2D shapes) / Number Sense & Numeration
(Taxation and applying percenbt)
Geometry & Spatial Sense (Properties of angles and angle relationships) / Geometry & Spatial Sense (Properties of angles and angle relationships) cont’d
(Circles and application of circle formulas) / Measurement
(Circles and application of circle formulas)cont’d
(Investigating inequalities and problem solving)Introduction to Gr. 9
Science / Systems in Action
Demonstrate an understanding of the factors that contribute to the efficient operation of mechanisms and systems
• Calculate the mechanical efficiency and mechanical advantage of simple machines / Cells
Demonstrate an understanding of the basic structure and function of plant and animal cells, and describe the hierarchical organization of cells in plants and animals
• Investigate basic cellular processes and cellular transport / Cells
Demonstrate an understanding of the basic structure and function of plant and animal cells, and describe the hierarchical organization of cells in plants and animals
• Investigate basic cellular processes and cellular transport / Water Systems
Investigate and research the major features of the earth’s water resources (e.g., oceans, rivers, lakes, glaciers, ice-caps, snowfall, clouds) and the effects of large bodies of water on global climate and ecosystems / Water Systems
Investigate and research the major features of the earth’s water resources (e.g., oceans, rivers, lakes, glaciers, ice-caps, snowfall, clouds) and the effects of large bodies of water on global climate and ecosystems
History / Development of the West / Development of the West
Conflict and Change
- Describe and analyse conflicting points about a historical event / Conflict and Change
- Describe the factors contributing to change in Canadian society / Conflict and Change
- Describe treaties, alliances and events that lead to start of WW 1. / Review
Geography / Economic Systems
- describe economic relationship between Canada and global community. / Economic Systems
-identify push and pull factors that influence the movement of people. / Migration
- Identify barriers to migration. / Migration
- Describe the effects that migration has had on the development of the Canadian population. / Review
Art / Sketching/Drawing
Focus: Portraits / Sketching/Drawing
Focus: Landscape/Architecture / 3D Sculptures
Focus: Paper Mache Animals / 3D Sculptures
Focus: Paper Mache Animals / Completing Portfolios/Sketchbooks
Physical Education / Fitness/Health / Soccer/Fitness/Health / Soccer/Frisbee / Frisbee/Health