Case descriptionsupported bycreative materials
Our concept is about Colin. Colin is a doctor and he is everyone’s doctor.
We have divided our concept into 3 phases. First the Mystery phase, in this phase it is al still a mystery. Everyone will talk about Colin but yet nobody will knowexactly who he is, what he does and that it’s about colon cancer. In the second phase, the “discover the truth phas” it will appear that Colin is a doctor. Colin is a doctor and invites everyone to come and visited him to talk about colon cancer and hopefully to get screened. In the third phase everyone knows exactly who Colin is. In this phase we are trying to motivate people to get screened. We are going to do this with a lot of advertisement. We will now tell more about every phase.
Phase 1 – The mystery phase
In the first phase we want to make people curiousby constantly talking about Colin. Colin is a fictitious person and our brand. Colin is a doctor, but in the first phase that will remainunclear. We want to create a viral. Everyone talks about Colin but nobody knows how he is.
The TV commercial
In the TV commercial you will see random people on the street being interviewed. They are asked about Colin. You will not hear the question but just the answers. Based on the answers of the people Colin is put down as a warm, friendly and reliable person, who helps people. The people will say things like: Oh, off course I know him, I just came from him, He’s such a nice guy, I feel very comfortable with him, I have an appointment with him at 4 o clock, he cares about me and he is like a friend to me. After all the people have said something about Colin, the screen will get black and the name Colin and the website: will appear. This advertisement will raise questions among the public, so they probably will go to the website. On the website they will only see the name Colin with a countdown clock. Underneath the countdown clock will stand the words: … days until the reveal of Colin’s identity.
Billboards/Busses/bus shelters
On billboards, busses and bus shelters we want to advertise too. The advertisements will only include text. We do not want to use visuals, because we think that we can make people more curious by putting on text alone. The focus is on the text than. Every time the name Colin will come back, so that the people will remember him from the TV. The text for this will be:
- Colin is writing a message for you
- I care about you. Colin.
- Nice to meet you, my name is Colin.
In the mystery phase we want to produce stickers with just the name:Colin. They must be spread across the world. They should be everywhere. On beer mats in pubs, on lampposts on the street and more. It cannot be crazy enough.
Phase 2 – Discover the truth
In phase two, the public will find out who Colin is. Colin is everybody’s doctor.
The TV commercial
The new TV commercial shows a woman at the GP clinic. She is greeted by the assistant and walks to a room. Eventually she stops at a door, and on the door there is a nameplate with Dr. Colin. Then she opens the door and sees the back of a man. He is just putting on his white doctor’s coat and then turns around. He is filmed from his feet to his nametag on his chest. Now everyone knows that Colin is a doctor. We didn’t give him a face because he is everyone’s doctor and not just a doctor from television. Now comes the part with all the people talking about Colin again. The same people as in the commercial in phase one will also talk about Colin in phase 2, but now they will talk about the help they have got from Colin. Now everyone will find out that it’s all about coloncancer. People will say things like:
-I had colon cancer
-I got screened
-He is my doctor
-It’s Colin.
After the commercial the screen will get black again and the name and website appears. But now Colin’s name will change in Colon. The dot on the ‘i’ will change into an ‘o’. And eventually there will stand: Colon cancer.
Social media
In all the advertisements we will send the people, not only towards our website, but also towards our social media networks. Colin has a Facebook and a twitter page where people can leave nice memories behind. This are memories of children or grandchildren about their parents or grandparents. In our research we discovered that just a few people over 50 use social networks. That’s why we decided to speak to the children and the grandchildren on Facebook and Twitter, so they can pass the message.
In this phase, the website will be revealed. On the website, Colin will be proposed, there will be information about colon cancer and people can register their selves for a screening test. We will also publish all the good memories from Facebook and twitter on the website. People can vote on memories, and the one with the most votes can win something. We were thinking about:
-An IPad
-A Meet and Greet (with someone famous in their country)
-A sum of money
Billboards/busses/ bus shelters/etc.
There will be new billboards in this phase, which are more focused on colon cancer and screening. At this stage people should be really taking action. With other lines but in the same content. The texts will be:
- Get screened by your Colin
- Contact your Colin
- Visit Colin
Phase 3 – A big event
To promote the colon cancer campaign we want to organize an outdoor festival in every pan-European country. In phase one and two we already raised interest and awareness, and now we are going to repeat the message. This festival is all about colon cancer, and is organized by Colin. The festival is named: Colin presents the good old days. The target group of the festival is above the age of 50. We want to attract the people by playing covers from the old days. At the festival there will be several tents. In these tents people can get information about colon cancer and can “become” Colin, because they can take a look at what happens when you get screened. Furthermore, there are photographers walking around making pictures of everyone.
The Promotion
We want to organize flashmops in each country and all at the same time. A Flash mob is a group of people coming together en do something very radical, then immediately split up like nothing happened. The flash mobs will be held at a random place where a lot of people are, such as a shopping mall. The flashmob will be a dance. It will be in old-fashioned style, like on the song of Elvis Presley “jailhouse rock”. The exactsame dance has to be done by hundreds of people. During the dance they take their sweaters off and then everyone has the same shirt on with the promotion of our festival. We will also announce the festival on social media , TV and on leaflets.
This is the leaflet: