Open Board Meeting- May 17, 2012
- Call To Order by Roly at 6:42pm
- Members in attendance: Jennifer, Mariann, Tracy, Melinda, Chuck, Valerie, Charles, Roly, Hannah, Matt, Rickie, Clyde and Steve
- May 3rd Minutes were Approved
- Open Meeting:
- No members were present
Open Business:
- Valerie to provide credit card contact information to Larry.- Complete
- Larry will look to see if he can find another CPA for this year.- Open
- Larry and Chuck will work together to get Chuck a PO for his expenses. –Open
- Steve to provide cost break down for Summer Flag. - Complete
- Valerie will come up with a method to code kid’s numbers as they register to identify to the coaches which kids are over the weight limit and would be red dots. – Complete, Matt to communicate to the coaches.
- Lara- Flag proposal for the flag league to break it into 2 divisions to have a development division and then a more competitive division. This proposal will need to sit for 30 days and then will be voted on. – To be voted on June 7th 2012
- Chuck is looking for a better location for the Cheer for the first 2 ½ weeks of practice.- Chuck has submitted the request with no response yet.
- Chuck is checking to see if we can do concession at the Opening Ceremony event.-Open
- Melinda will bring in the device to swipe credit cards to show the BoD.- It was proposed that we pilot this new card reader for the 2012 season. This was voted on and approved.
- Charles and Matt will have a proposal for the A Select Coaches clinic at the next BoD meeting. – The proposal will be sent out to the BoD in the next few days, the BoD has been asked to review and provide feedback/vote via e-mail.
- Chuck and Roly will be setting up a meeting with the Ashburn Select teams for the week of 5/7/12- Open, the meeting has been scheduled for May 28th.
- Roly- has confirmed with GMU that we are all set for our second year partnership with the training program.- Complete
New Business:
- Registration updates- We have a total of 391 member registered, by April 26 of 2011 we had a registration of 200 so we have increased the numbers by 191 members.
- Scholarship request- We have received 17 scholarship requests so far and 2 additional once that we are still waiting on more information for. We had one additional request for scholarship which didn’t meet the scholarship requirements that was turned down.
- Summer Flag League – The decision to host a Summer flag league has been tabled due to the short window of time to pull this together. This will be revisited in November once the 2012 season wraps up to be something that can be added for 2013.
- Summer Flag Camp- We will be looking to host a Summer Flag Camp the week of July 23, 2012. The BoD will be looking for some fields and will propose a budget for this event.
- Final approval of all Assistant Head Coaches- All Assistant Head Coaches have been approved.
- It was agreed and voted on that ALL Head Coaches and Assistant Head coaches for both Cheer and Football will have a background check completed prior to the 2012 season kick off
- Green Dot proposal- Was vote on and did not pass
- Fun Fest updates- The first Fun Fest kick off meeting is scheduled for Sunday, June 10th.
- Safety update- Rickie attended a safe kids conference which highlighted the CLYFL and GMU Partnership
- GMU is hosting another safe kids conference on August 11th. Rickie will provide more details on this event so this can be shared with the membership and coaches
- Last year we used GMU Injury Reporting system. We may need to explore obtaining our own system for the future
- Rickie has offered the BoD and membership the ability to take the new CPR training class. Rickie will provide the cost for this class.
- Tracy has been working hard on the Sponsorships for the league, she will bring a breakdown of how we are doing to the next BoD meeting
- We will also provide the sponsorship information to all coaches to see if we can get their help in obtaining Sponsorships for their teams.
- All Fields have been requested for all scheduled events
- The June 9th and the June 16th events will be held at Smartts Mill
- The CLYFL flyers for beginners clinic and the league will be going home with students within the next few weeks
- Next meeting is scheduled for June 7th 6:30, Rust Library
Action Items:
- Tracy will see what types of deals she can get on a phone and plan for the concessions card reader.
- Chuck will look for a field for the Summer Flag Camp to be hosted the week of July 23rd.
- Steve will provide a budget for the Summer Flag Camp and send this out to the BoD for comment by May 25th.
- Mariann will work with Holton Designs to get a price quote for tee shirts for the Summer Flag Camp for the kids that attend.
- Rickie will work with our insurance company to find out what is required on the background checks
- Matt will look into what form and provider should be used for the background investigations
- Mariann will look through the information she received from Katrina to see if there is any information in there about background checks.
- Roly will review the existing by-laws to ensure the information contained is clear on background investigations and add any additional information which will be reviewed and voted on for the next BoD meeting on June 7th.
- Steve will follow up with the membership to communicate that the Proposal to reinstate the Green Dot did not pass.
- Rickie will provide Steve with a safety overview and some links to add to the CLYFL website.
- Rickie will check with GMU to see if we can use their Injury reporting system again for the 2012 season.
- Rickie will provide the cost for the CPR class to the BoD
- Tracy will provide a breakdown of how we are doing with Sponsorships for the 2012 season to the next BoD meeting on June 7th.
- Matt will send the Sponsorship information to all Head Coaches so they can help obtain sponsorship for their team.