Trevelyan College MCR

Trevelyan College Middle Common Room

Standing Orders

Trevelyan College MCR



In these standing orders, the followingdefinitions shall apply:

  1. A “student" shall include all undergraduate and postgraduate members of the College, including those who have opted out of the JCR or MCR;
  2. A “member" shall be defined as in Section 2;
  3. All references to officers and committees shall mean those of the MCR unless otherwise stated;
  4. The JCR, MCR and SCR shall mean the Junior, Middle and Senior Common Rooms of Trevelyan College respectively;
  5. “Exec” shall be defined as in Section 5;
  6. PGA shall mean the Durham Students' Union Postgraduate Association;
  7. DSU shall mean Durham Students' Union;
  8. The “College" shall refer to Trevelyan College;
  9. The “College Regulations" shall mean the regulations of Trevelyan College as approved by Trevelyan College Council;
  10. The “University Regulations" shall mean the regulations of the University of Durham as approved by Durham University Council;
  11. The “University" shall mean the University of Durham;
  12. References to the JCR, MCR, SCR, PGA, DSU, the College or the University shall include all executive and non-executive officers, and any representatives to internal or external committees elected or appointed by the MCR;
  13. “Terms” refer to undergraduate teaching periods: Michaelmas, Epiphany and Easter.

1.2.The Objectives of the Middle Common Room

  1. There shall be an MCR, whose purpose shall be to:

(a)Represent the views and interests of its Members;

(b)Offer assistance to individual postgraduates in representation to the College and University;

(c)Provide facilities and a social forum for its Members.

  1. The MCR may play a disciplinary role for its Members as permitted by the College Regulations.
  2. The MCR shall be independent of any religious body or party political organisation, and shall pursue its object without regard to ethnicity, nationality, disability, creed, gender or sexual orientation.


  1. Neither the Standing Orders nor the job descriptions shall be interpreted in a way which is contrary to the DSO Framework and its Appendices.
  2. Unless otherwise stated, “Constitution” or similar shall refer to the DSO Framework and its Appendices.


2.1.MCR Membership

  1. Full Members of the MCR shall be those postgraduate students who are registered members of Trevelyan College and have paid their MCR Membership subscription.
  2. Rights pertaining to MCR Membership shall consist of anything within this document or the Constitution pertaining to Members of the MCR.
  3. Membership shall be offered (by virtue of office) to the Sabbatical Bar Steward and DSU Representative for the duration of their office.

2.2.‘Opting out’

  1. Membership of the MCR shall work by an ‘opt out’ system.

(a)All postgraduates registered with Trevelyan College shall be charged an MCR Membership Subscription in line with 7.2.

(b)Notwithstanding 7.2.3, those postgraduates who do not wish to be Members of the MCR may opt out by written notification to the President, who shall forward the note to the College, thereby cancelling their Membership Subscription bill.

(c)If a postgraduate chooses to opt out after payment of their subscription, the subscription is non-refundable.

  1. Postgraduates who opt out of MCR Membership shall not receive any rights pertaining to Membership of the MCR as outlined in 2.1.2.
  2. A postgraduate who has opted out may choose to opt back in by written notification to the President, who shall forward the note to College, and on payment of the Membership fee their Membership rights shall be reinstated.

2.3.Associate Membership

  1. The Associate Membership of the MCR shall be members of Trevelyan College who are:

(a)Undergraduate students who have been matriculated for over three years,

(b)Undergraduate students aged 21 or over at matriculation,

(c)Undergraduate students who have offers of postgraduate study in Durham and intend to join Trevelyan College.

  1. Associate Membership may, at the discretion of the Exec, be granted (or later withdrawn) to other postgraduate students and/or postdoctoral research assistants.
  2. Associate Members shall have the right to attend and speak in MCR meetings, and attend MCR social events. However, they may not vote nor be elected (except in circumstances defined in Standing Orders 4.3.5)
  3. Associate Membership may be upgraded to Full Membership provided that MCR subscriptions are paid.


3.1.MCR Meetings

  1. The supreme authority of the MCR shall be the formal decisions of the MCR meetings. Formal decisions shall be binding on all officers and committees of the MCR, unless it is in conflict with the Constitution, Standing Orders, College or University regulations, or the Law.

3.2.Procedure to Convene Meetings

  1. Meetings shall be held no less frequently than twice termly and over the Summer. In the Easter term, one meeting shall be held as the Annual General Meeting (“AGM").
  2. General meetings may be called by the Chair, with the agreement of the Exec, at no less than one week’s notice.
  3. Extraordinary meetings shall be called at no less than 48 hours’ notice by no fewer than 5 members in order to discuss a specific topic. No other business shall be handled at such meetings.
  4. The agenda for General Meetings shall be published no less than 48 hours before the starting time of the meeting.

3.3.Attendance atMCR Meetings

  1. Full Members may attend, speak and vote.
  2. Associate Members may attend and speak, but not vote.
  3. The Presidents of Trevelyan JCR and SCR will be invited to attend and speak, on condition that this is reciprocated by those common rooms. By mutual agreement, they may also send a representative.

3.4.Form of Agenda

  1. The agenda of general meetings shall take the following form:

(a)Apologies Received;

(b)Approval of the Previous Meeting's Minutes;

(c)Matters Arising from the Previous Meetings Minutes;

(d)Reports of Officers;

(e)Motions (where appropriate);

(f)Elections (where appropriate);

(g)Any Other Business.

3.5.Control of Meetings

  1. The Chair shall, in general, act as chair of meetings, unless they are the subject of a motion of no confidence, in which case the control shall pass to the President.
  2. The chair may invite a non-member to attend or speak at any meeting.
  3. The chair may declare a meeting or section thereof to be held in camera.


  1. There shall be a quorum at all meetings, which shall be at least 15 voting members with more non-executive than executive members.
  2. Any business handled at an inquorate meeting must first be ratified at a quorate meeting before it can take effect.


3.7.1.Types of Motion Motions
  1. Ordinary motions are any motion that is brought following the method describes in point 3.7.2, and which do not purport to amend the Constitution or Standing Orders.
  2. Constitutional motions are any motion that is brought following the method described in point 3.7.2, and which purport to amend the Constitution or Standing Orders.
  3. Procedural motions are any motion that are brought during a meeting, and in accordance with the provisions of point Motions
  1. At any point during an MCR General Meeting, any two members may propose and second a Procedural Motion.
  2. A procedural motion may be passed in order to do one of the following:

(a)To temporarily suspend the Standing Orders for a duration of time specified as part of the motion. Once the Standing Orders are suspended, any business conducted that would otherwise contravene them shall be deemed legitimate business;

(b)To discuss Agenda Points in an order other than that specified on the Agenda;

(c)To request any part of the meeting to be held without the presence of non-MCR members, or without the presence of just the JCR and/or SCR Presidents.

  1. A procedural motion may not be used to achieve the following:

(a)To effect changes to the Constitution or Standing Orders;

(b)To do anything that would conflict with the provisions of the Constitution;

(c)To do anything that is not considered an appropriate use of a Procedural Motion by the Chair.

  1. A procedural motion will be voted on in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order 3.7.5.
3.7.2. Procedure for Proposal
  1. Any member of the MCR may propose or second an ordinary motion.
  2. All ordinary motions must have a proposer and seconder.
  3. Either the proposer or the seconder must be present at the meeting for the handling of the motion.
  4. All ordinary motions must be submitted to the Chair no less than 24 hours before the date of the meeting at which they are to be put.
  5. All Constitutional motions must be submitted no less than 72 hours before the meeting at which they are to be put.
3.7.3. Procedure for Considering Motions
  1. All motions shall first be read out by the chair after which the proposer (or seconder if the proposer is not present) shall be given an opportunity to speak in favour of the motion.
  2. There shall then be an opportunity for questions to be asked of the proposer, after which the motion is open to the floor and anyone may comment on the motion.
  3. The chair shall decide upon a suitable point at which to move to a vote.
  4. Associate members may speak on motions, but may neither vote nor propose amendments.
3.7.4. Amendments
  1. Amendments may be proposed by any member while the motion is open to the floor.
  2. If the proposer of the motion accepts the amendment it is immediately accepted.
  3. If the proposer of the motion does not accept the amendment then a seconder is sought and the amendment is treated as a motion, requiring a simple majority of votes to be accepted.
  4. If an amendment is passed which significantly alters the substantive of the motion, then the motion may only stand until the next meeting at which it must be ratified by a simple majority of votes. If in such a case a motion is not ratified, then it may be returned to the floor in a form not including the amendment and opened for further consideration after which it may again be voted on.
3.7.5. Voting
  1. Motions shall in general be voted upon by a show of hands, or through online following procedures set out in, at the discretion of the Chair.
  2. Only members may vote.
  3. The Chair has the discretion to take any motion by a secret ballot. A procedural motion may also be proposed to this effect.
  4. The Chair shall not vote.
  5. Motions which do not alter the Constitution or Standing Orders shall only require a simple majority of votes to be accepted.
  6. Motions which alter the Constitution or Standing Orders shall require a 2/3 majority to be accepted.
  7. Procedures for online voting:

(a)DeVote will be used to conduct online voting.

(b)Voting will be open for 24 hours following the MCR meeting in which the motion is presented.

(c)The chair and the secretary will be responsible for advertising the vote to the MCR body.

(d)For online voting, quorum will be set at a combined voting total of 15 (for, against, and abstentions)

3.7.6. Motions of No Confidence
  1. Motions of no confidence must be proposed and seconded by no fewer than five full members acting jointly.
  2. Motions of no confidence may only be proposed against an individual officer.
  3. The names of those proposing and seconding the motion shall not be released and shall be known only to the Chair (or the President in the case that the motion is against the Chair).
  4. The Chair shall read a short statement in support of the motion, after which the officer subject to the motion will have the opportunity to defend themselves.
  5. There shall be no questions asked of a motion of no confidence.
  6. The motion shall be voted upon by secret ballot, a simple majority being required to pass the motion.

4.Elections and Appointments

4.1.Executive Officer Elections

  1. All members of the Exec shall be elected by the membership of the MCR. If the post of President is vacant, the Vice President shall be Acting President, unless the Vice President also is absent. In this case, the Exec shall elect one of their number as Acting President, who shall have the same rights and responsibilities as President in this Constitution and Standing Orders until a President can be elected by the MCR.
  2. Elected officers may be removed from office by a vote of no confidence, subject to appeal on the grounds of mistaken facts.
  3. Positions may be held jointly by more than one person.


  1. Elections for President and Treasurer shall be held after the AGM in the Easter, which should preferably take place after final year undergraduate pass list publication dates. If the position of President is not filled in the Easter Term, elections for Vice President will open.
  2. All other executive and non-executive elections shall be held at the beginning of the academic year.
  3. A by-election may take place at any point during the year at which a position is vacant, including upon the creation of a new post.


  1. Nominations shall take the form of a letter (the Letter of Nomination) to the MCR, which shall not exceed 250 words.
  2. Nominations shall be received electronically one week before the meeting after which the election is taking place.
  3. All candidates shall require a proposer and a seconder; any full member may act as a proposer or seconder. The proposer and seconder must be named on the Letter of Nomination.
  4. Letters of Nomination shall be posted on the website by the Secretary no less than one week before elections are due to open.
  5. Any associate member or prospective postgraduate with a confirmed offer who is to become a full member at the beginning of the next term shall be eligible to be nominated for any position.
  6. If no nominations are received for a position, then they shall be reopened at the next MCR meeting.


  1. Voting shall take place using the DeVote website; all full members are eligible to vote.
  2. Voting shall be open for seventy-two hours.
  3. The link to the voting website must be advertised to members before the election opens by e-mail and on the website.
  4. Votes shall be counted by a simple first-past-the-post system, the candidate having the most votes winning the election.
  5. The vote totals shall be made accessible on request.
  6. The electoral device of 'Re-Open Nominations' shall be included as a candidate in all elections.

4.5.Terms of Office

  1. Terms of office for executive positions shall begin with the academic year and shall last one year with the exception of Sabbatical Bar Steward and Senior DSU Rep.
  2. Terms of office for non-executive positions shall start at midnight on the day the election takes place and run until midnight on the day the position holder either graduates or resigns, or of the next election to that position.


5.1.The Exec

5.1.1.General Responsibilities
  1. The general responsibilities of the exec shall be:

(a)To administer the business of the MCR between MCR meetings;

(b)To be collectively responsible for the business of the MCR, except where specific responsibilities have been conferred by the Constitution, these Standing Orders or decisions of MCR meetings, upon individual officers or committees;

(c)To be full MCR members;

(d)To carry out the duties of a vacant position between them. No person may hold more than one executive position simultaneously.

  1. Further to this:The Exec may choose any of their number to represent the MCR on any committee of the College, University, DSU or the PGA, where a representative is required.
  2. To attend Joint MCR/College Officers meetings
  1. The President shall:

(a)Be responsible for speaking on behalf of the MCR;

(b)Liaise with the College, JCR, SCR, DSU, PGA and University on general issues relating to the MCR;

(c)Co-ordinate the actions of officers;

(d)Be responsible for strategic planning for the MCR in co-ordination with the Exec;

(e)Be a signatory for the MCR bank account;

(f)Communicate with alumni;

(g)Sign the MCR Confidentiality policy;

(h)Create the MCR mailing lists

(i)Sit on the following committees and groups:

  1. College/JCR: College Council, SCR, Special Projects, Alumni Fund; Development Committee; Research Committee; Trevelyan Trust; College Officers; Student Union Committee
  2. University: MCR President, Postgraduate Planning Workshop
5.1.3.Vice President
  1. The Vice President shall:

(a)Aid the President in their duties;

(b)Be Acting President if the post of President is vacant;

(c)Be responsible for the management of MCR facilities;

(d)Be part of the induction committee, welcoming new members of the MCR;

(e)Oversee the work of the tier two positions within the MCR (Sports and Music Reps);

(f)Be responsible for organising the termly research buffets;

(g)Be responsible for organising the G.M. Trevelyan Research Prize following the guidelines laid out in the standing orders.

(h)Promote research and signpost queries about postgraduate funding to the Research Office;

(i)Sign the MCR Confidentiality policy;

(j)Sit on the following committees:

  1. College: College Council, Bar Policy Committee,Health &Safety, Research Committee.

(k)If the MCR Chair in unable to attend for any reason, to sit on the College Disciplinary Committee with respect to the conditions outline in section 5.1.10 (g) of the Chair's responsibilities.

(l)Be responsible for organising joint MCR/SCR events.

  1. The Treasurer shall:

(a)Act in accordance with the Constitution;

(b)Hold responsibility for the finances of the MCR;

(c)Manage the MCR bank account;

(d)Be a signatory for the MCR bank account on all cheques;

(e)Produce annually a set of detailed accounts and a budget for the following year.

(f)Be responsible for the MCR asset list.

(g)Sign the MCR Confidentiality policy.

(h)Liaise with the University Finance department

(i)Have responsibility for the MCR purchasing card

5.1.5.Social Secretary
  1. The Social Secretary shall:

(a)Organise social events for the members and associate members of the MCR;

(b)Work with the Treasurer to produce budgets for each event;

(c)Aid in the organisation of the induction of new members of the MCR;

(d)Sign the MCR Confidentiality policy;

(e)Sit on the following committees: