Table topic: OP Systems/Data Feeds/Interlocation Transfers
Facilitator: Denise Ledesma
Note Taker: Gary W. Johnson
The discussion began with Denise stating to date she been at UCOP for 8 years. When she began her current position she encountered systems that had been in place for 30 years that had not been replaced. Her first task was to deal with Interlocation Transfer of Funds which was completed on paper forms. UCOP developed a new system to give on-line access so approved users could access and process their transfers electronically. This enabled the transfers to have edit capabilities and transfer of fund reports for the campuses.
UCOP then began the process of upgrading the other two existing systems to newly designed web based applications. The permanent budget system was upgraded to the BUD System. Again giving campuses first time ever edits on quarterly/final file submittals and reporting capabilities. The permanent staffing was the last project upgraded to the STF System again allowing edit and reporting capabilities. The STF System still needs query reporting options to be completed. Denise reminded us that the staffing and permanent budget files from the campuses need to be coordinated hand-in-hand in the quarterly/final file submittals because the STF System is using permanent budget file information to process. This programming eliminated the need to send that duplicate financial information making for a cleaner and simplified file submittals. As of the final, all three systems are up and fully operational.
The session was then opened up to campus questions, concerns, requests and additional system enhancements. The following were topics discussed:
- UC San Diego expressed concerns about being able to match their campus financial data to numbers that was produced by UCOP analysts in queries against the OP corporate data warehouse. Denise stated that due to security reasons we could not have access granted to outside entities into the OP data warehouse. It was suggested that each campus processed file that was loaded into the OP corporate data warehouse could also be made available for their campus to pick up for their own use. Each campus was only interested in retrieving data for their campus only.
- There was interest in finding out early summary information for Interlocation Transfer of Funds in a given month. Denise is contemplating sending out an early FTP file to view, pull, and retrieve for FAU input before sending the finalized monthly file. However, there is concern about operational people receiving the data and how the campuses could receive data in a timely fashion. Denise reminded the group that each campus has the capability of reviewing their documents to input campus FAU’s and request corrections before the finalized ftp file is transmitted each month.
Contract and Grant funding can not be transferred. UCOP is watching how campuses are moving funding. If funds are designated for a specific purpose funds are to be used for that purpose. UCOP will deny the transfer for inappropriate moving of funds. Denise advised the group to call her or Sharon Richards if you have Interlocation Transfer of Funds questions.
- Several campuses request more detailed search capabilities within the ITF System on all fields, especially within multi funded transfer documents.
- UC Davis requested that the STF System could be enhanced to allow campuses to electronically submit local staffing system totals instead of the manual hand posting process. However, Davis does not have a local system and would generate them from the submittal file whereas most campuses do have local systems and would need to manually input or program this feature. Denise reminded the group how important it was for the STF System to stay in balance with the local staffing systems.
- UC Davis requested that when we have the next revision to the Revenue Account Fund Grouping (RAFG) table that OP could ftp a file so campuses could load into their local systems. The process in place now is a manual campus requested update. Denise reminded the group that there were several important links of reference within the Corporate BUD System site; Table of RAFG codes by Account Group Code and Fund Group Code; Home page for Corporate Account Fund Profile; Table of Fund Group Codes with Budgeted/Nonbudgeted code values; and yearly Staffing and Budget Closing Schedules. These links are posted on the top page under “Corporate Budget Reports” with the BUD System.
- Denise informed the group of new upgrades within the BUD/STF Systems with prior quarterly/final/purge cycle edits and prior year comments made available for viewing under the top edit page of each system. These pdf system links will be replaced and updated as new cycles are loaded into the systems. The BUD System also has a new CAFP Reports section located under “Corporate Budget Reports”. The new report has a total review of campuses monthly AFP submittals for Budgeted/Nonbudgeted coding errors. It also has complete account/fund listings for each campus with important AFP coding associated with each. This report is updated with each budget cycle AFP loaded into the corporate data warehouse.
Account Fund Profile (AFP) is sent in monthly with financials. Every campus’ Accounting Office is responsible for the AFP. The campus budget office should be taking an active role in what is being updated and approved within the AFP.
- Denise informed the group that her programmer Vish Conjeevaram has taken a new position outside of the university. Denise will no longer have her own programmer and will be contracting with OP’s IR&C Division for budget systems upgrades and enhancements. Her first priorities will be to replace manual operational issues found in all three systems. There are still additional reporting capabilities needed within the last staffing system, STF. We also have some reporting errors needed to be addressed in the BUD System. However, she will add these above items into her list of upgrades to be considered in the future.
The goal of UCOP is to have corporate systems that produce accurate reporting that can be shared with the Regents, State, Legislative Analyst Office and outside entities. They hope these systems are the consistent road to that future.
Meeting adjourned.