Te Anau Baptist Church

Meeting at Fiordland Event Centre Sundays @ 10am

Contact: Doug Stevenson on 03 554 1111


Visit us online at: www.teanaubaptist.org

Who to contact:

Ministry Leaders

Secretary Sandra Soper 2499524

Treasurer Glenys Johnstone 2498571

Worship Jane McHardy & Sandra Ball 2499221 & 2498021

Youth Group Dallas & Jane McHardy 2499221

Home Group Doug Stevenson 5541111

Prayer groups Glenys Johnstone 2498571

Ladies Group Sandra Soper 2499524

Sunday School Joy Crouchley 2497572

Mainly Music Glenys Johnstone 2498571


Sandra Ball 249 8021 – 027 856 7623

Dallas McHardy 249 9221 – 021 133 3459

Monty Temple 249 6997 – 021 496 611

Doug Stevenson (Pastor) 554 1111 – 022 076 9080

Please feel free to contact any of the elders for help, prayer or counsel.

TE ANAU www.teanaubaptist.org


In The Community, For The Community

Good morning everyone,

Welcome to our service today! If you are visiting our wonderful community here in Te Anau, a special southern welcome to you. Tea and coffee is available after the service time. Children’s ministry is provided and children go to their programme during the service. Toilets are located in the lobby just before the door leading into the hall.


10.00AM “The Church! God’s Idea!” / Jane Mchardy leading worship

7.30PM – Youth Home Group

Coming Up:

Next Sunday – June 9 – Theme: “The Antioch Crowd!”

Please continue to be in prayer regarding our vision as a church and where/what we should be doing as we reach out to a broken world.

Church to pray for this week: Te Anau Catholic Church

What’s on!

Home Groups

Fellowship GroupTues 7:45pm,Doug Stevenson, 554 1111

Ladies Group Thursday Morning/Afternoon,Sandra Soper, 249 9524

Youth GroupSun 7:30,Dallas & Jane McHardy, 249 9221


TBC Prayer Group-Thursday6:30AM 30 Howden St, All Welcome

Across Prayer Group–10.00AM 9 Harrison Court,

Glenys Johnstone249 8571

Mainly Music

Mainly Music – Fridays 9.15 & 10.00 AM at Lakeside Presbyterian Church

Rock Climbers (Bible in schools)

Monday and Thursday each week - Contact Joy Crouchley on 249 7572

If you have anything that you want in next week’s newsletter,please contact Doug.at <> or 554 1111. Deadline: Thursday 12.00


What’s up!

We have a couple of specific short-term opportunities for serving overseas in two of the tranzsend fields. If you are interested or know of someone that these could fit, please contact Neil or Rachel on 09 5268444

a) Assistance for a school in Bangladesh: September-December 2013 to help cover for long termers on home assignment. English Medium school, formal teaching qualifications not necessary.

b) Customer Care/Liaison in South Asia: for a business producing stationery and bags. July –December 2013. Indian experience preferred.


Queen’s Birthday holiday in New Zealand is a chance for weary workers to load the station wagon, pack up the family and take a long weekend away from home. It’s a welcome public holiday in the middle of the year and we have the British monarchy to thank for it.

Heads up!

We’re planning on decorating!

We want to “warm up” our worship space! How you may ask?

* Upgrade our sound system – move sound desk to the rear.

* Buy screens to divide seating from entry

* Buy bushy plants for the front

* Provide a welcome table

* Serve coffee into the hall so kids can have dedicated space also

* Get a big sign for the street

Doug is getting a price list together for this to present to the church for approval

On the lighter side:

A couple's lawn mower was broken, and the wife kept hinting to her husband that he should get it repaired. But the message never sunk in. She finally thought of a way to make her point.

One day the husband arrived home to find her seated in the grass busily snipping away with a pair of scissors. He watched silently for a short time, and then went into the house.

He returned a few moments later, handed her a toothbrush and said, "When you finish cutting the grass, you might as well sweep the sidewalk."

The doctors say he should be able to walk again, but always have the limp.
