Constitution of Hewitt Trussville High School
Student Council Association
Article I. Name
The name of this organization is the Student Council Association (SCA) of Hewitt Trussville High School.
Article II. Purpose
The Student Council Association of Hewitt Trussville High School is an organization to better the educational and social environment for the student body and promote a forum for student expression. The SCA will serve as a facilitator between the student body and the administration as well as the student body and the faculty. The members of the SCA will develop attitudes of and practice good citizenship to promote the general welfare of the school.
Article III. Members
Section I
The SCA consists of officers and council senators. The officers shall consist of a President, Vice-President, and Secretary. The council will consist of a minimum of two (2) senior senators, two (2) junior senators, two (2) sophomore senators, and two (2) freshman senators, unless stipulated by the advisor(s) and/or administration. The officers and senators shall perform the duties described in this constitution and use parliamentary procedure adopted by this organization.
Section II
The following officers may be appointed by advisors and/or administration: Treasurer, Sergeant at Arms, Chaplain, Social Chairperson, Historian, and Publicity Chairperson.
Article IV. Qualifications of Officers and Council Members
Section I
A student must have a minimum of a 3.0 grade point average. The student must also possess a clear discipline file. If a discipline file exists, the file will be reviewed by the Student Council advisor(s) and/or administration. Upon review, eligibility for membership will be determined. These requirements must be maintained throughout the current year. If a student fails to meet these standards, action may be taken by the SCA advisor(s) and administration.
Section II
In order to be qualified to run for an officer position, students must serve the previous year as a Student Council senator while at Hewitt Trussville High School.
Only upcoming Junior and Senior students are qualified to run for President. Students are required to have served on the Student Council the previous year before running for the President’s position. Sophomores will be unable to run for the President position, but may run for the office of Vice President or Secretary. Students running for an officer position for SCA may not be able to run for an office position in any other club or organization.
Students who have not served on the HTHS Student Council may only run for a senator position.
Student Council members who received seven demerits during the previous school year may be prohibited from running for an SCA position. Each particular situation will be discussed and a decision made between advisor(s) and the administration.
Article V. Election Process
Section I
Anyone qualified to run for an office or senator position must complete the following requirements:
1. Read the SCA Constitution thoroughly. (Go to Mr. Stull’s HTHS Webpage)
2. Complete an HTHS Student Council Application.
3. Complete the Student/Parent Agreement Form.
4. Distribute the appropriate number of Teacher Recommendation Forms
5. Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates must complete a speech in front of the student body at HTMS and HTHS.
6. Campaign during the week of elections.
Potential members must complete these requirements and any other requirements deemed necessary by the SCA advisor(s). Failure to meet these requirements may result in dismissal from the election process.
Section II
Voting of candidates will be done by secret ballot.
Section III
If any office needing to be filled has no qualified person to run, then the advisor(s) and administration shall fill this office by appointment. This policy will continue during the school term if a position becomes vacant.
Section IV
If any office is unopposed, the advisor(s) and administration will decide whether or not this person should be declared the winner based on his/her qualifications.
Section V
The election of senators will be weighed by fifty percent chosen by popular vote and fifty percent by advisor(s) appointments. Senator appointments will be chosen based upon votes, application responses, interview performance, and teacher recommendations. The election of President, Vice President, and Secretary will be weighed by forty percent student vote, forty percent application responses/interview performance, and twenty percent teacher recommendations.
Article VI. Duties of Officers and Council Members
Section I
The President will preside over all SCA meetings. The President will only vote on matters in which the officers and senators are equally divided. Committees will be named by the President as needed with the President serving as chairman of the executive committee. The President cannot be the president or officer of any other organization. The President must be knowledgeable of parliamentary procedures and the SCA constitution. The President will also be responsible for the creation of a weekly agenda to be discussed during SCA meetings.
Section II
The Vice President will perform duties of the President in his/her absence. The Vice President will be a standing member of all committees, will plan and coordinate all student body assemblies, and will perform other duties designated by the SCA advisor(s). The Vice President should assist the President in the creation of weekly agendas. The Vice President cannot be an officer in any other club or organization.
Section III
The Secretary will keep a written record of all meetings and proceedings of the SCA. The Secretary will keep the organization’s official membership roll and call roll during each meeting. The Secretary will be responsible for written correspondence. The Secretary cannot be a member of any other club or organization.
Section IV
The duties of Senators are:
1. To represent their class by attending all SCA meetings.
2. To serve on committees as needed.
3. To be the liaison between the council and the student body.
4. To attend all SCA meetings, activities, and fundraisers.
Section V
All officers and council members will take part in all fund raising activities of the SCA and work to the best of their ability toward carrying out all activities and functions described by the Student Council.
Section VI
All officers and council members will attend all required summer planning meetings and workshops.
Article VII. Dismissal of Officers and Council Members
Section I
An officer or council member of the SCA will be dismissed if they fail to uphold the duties and responsibilities of their office or fail to meet the requirements of the Hewitt Trussville High School Handbook or Code of Conduct.
Section II
An officer or council member of the SCA will be dismissed for violation of school rules as defined in the Hewitt Trussville High School Student Handbook or inappropriate conduct as defined by the advisor(s) and/or administration. Inappropriate conduct includes any action that would damage the reputation and credibility of this leadership organization. (Use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, etc. will not be tolerated)
Section III
A conference between an SCA officer or council member and the SCA sponsors will occur in response to any disciplinary issues. Appropriate punishment will be administered in respect to Student Council. If disciplinary issues continue, the SCA officer or senator may be removed from the council.
Section IV
To insure proper conduct of all SCA members, a demerit system has been established. A total of ten demerits received in any one school year will result in immediate dismissal from the council. A doctor’s or parents’ excuse must be presented in order to remove demerits for a missed meeting.
The following lists the demerit system:
1. Tardiness to any meeting or activity one demerit
2. Unexcused absence to any meeting or activity two demerits
3. Talking during meeting one demerit
4. Failure to assist in fundraisers or projects two demerits
5. Disrespect to anyone two demerits
Student Council advisor(s) hold the right to assign demerits whenever necessary. An SCA officer or council member may appeal a demerit by holding a conference with an SCA advisor. Demerits may be removed by an SCA advisor or administrator only.
Article VIII. Committees
The President and SCA advisor(s) will name committees as deemed necessary by the administration or Student Council.
Article IX. Meetings
The SCA officers and senators will meet weekly following parliamentary procedures.
A. Call to Order
B. Roll Call
C. Reading of the Minutes
D. Officer’s Report
E. Committee Reports
F. Unfinished Business
G. New Business
H. Announcements
I. Adjournament
Article X. Voting
Section I
The Student Council officers and council members will vote on recommendations to be brought before the administration for approval. A 2/3 majority of the SCA must be present to constitute a quorum.
Section II
The SCA constitution shall be ratified by a 2/3 majority vote. Proposed amendments may be presented to the SCA and ratified by a 2/3 majority vote. The SCA advisor(s) and administration will have final approval on any proposed amendments.