Approval Criteria
/ YES / NO / NA / CommentDid the AAA deliver a letter and a copy of the complete FY 2011 AIP, with delivery and signature confirmation, to the Chairperson of each county board of commissioners within the PSA requesting approval by July 30, 2010. For a PSA comprised of a single county or portion of the county, approval of the AIP is required from each local unit of government within the PSA. If the AAA does not receive a response from the county or local unit of government by July 30, 2010, the AIP is deemed passively approved.
Does the AIP include a description of the AAA’s efforts to distribute the AIP to, and gain support from, the appropriate county and/or local units of government?
Did the AAA notify their OSA Field Representative by August 3, 2010 whether their counties or local units of government formally approved, passively approved, or disapproved the AIP?
/ YES / NO / NA / CommentDoes the summary describe the mission, role and functions of the AAA?
Does the summary provide background information on the Older Americans Act and the Older Michiganians Act?
Does the summary describe the purpose of the AIP?
Does the narrative address actual accomplishments in FY 2010 and expected accomplishments during FY 2011?
Does the narrative include a summary of services provided under the AIP?Does the narrative include a description of special projects and/or partnerships?
Did the AAA submit an organizational chart as part of the AIP?
Does the organizational chart include all positions listed in the AAA Operating Budget, wages and salaries detail?
Does the organizational chart include names and titles of those persons in management positions?
Was at least one public hearing on the AIP held in the PSA, in an accessible facility?
Was notice of the public hearing available at least thirty (30) days in advance of the scheduled hearing?
Did the hearing notice indicate the availability of the AIP at least fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing, and include information on how it could be obtained?
Does the AIP present information regarding the public hearing(s) including the date, time, location, the number of attendees?
Does the AIP include a narrative description of the public hearing(s)?
Was all written testimony received on the AIP scanned and uploaded into AMPS?
Does the AIP include a description of the AAAs efforts to create new partnerships and identify new resources in the PSA?
Does the description list current partnerships as well as those that are under consideration?
Does the description include efforts with both traditional and nontraditional public and private agencies?
Does the description identify counties with senior millages (or other senior specific funding sources), identify the amount of funding generated annually and, identify the services supported by millage funding?
Does the AIP identify and provide complete information for each access service the AAA intends to provide directly during FY 2011?
Are the additional documents for Care Management (from the document library) completed and uploaded on the Budget and Other Documents tab?
If the AAA plans to provide TCARE caregiver assessment and care planning, is it noted under I&A, “this includes Caregiver Information and Assistance” and under Care Management, “This includes Caregiver Case Management”?
Does the CM work plan update for FY 2011 include a projected number of Caregiver Case Management, Community Living Consultation, and VA participants to be served during the fiscal year?
/ YES / NO / NA / CommentDoes the AIP identify and provide complete information for each in-home, community or nutrition service the AAA proposes to provide directly during FY 2011? [Waivers approved for the FY 2010-FY 2012 MYP do not need to be requested again for the FY 2011 AIP]
Has the AAA complied with all current Operating Standards for Area Agencies on Aging pertaining to direct provision of services (see Standard C-1 AAA Mission)?
Has the area agency provided adequate justification for each proposed direct service?
Has the area agency included a work plan and budget detail for each proposed direct service? [A work plan and budget detail are required for all proposed direct services whether already approved or newly proposed.]
/ YES / NO / NA / CommentAIP Does the AIP include at least one (1) objective for each of the four (4) State Plan Goals?
Did the AAA provide measurable, verifiable, and time-limited information for each objective in Part I?
Does the program development narrative for Part II adequately explain the direction the AAA is moving in and address the changing demographics of the older population in the PSA,, enhancing service coordination, building public/private partnerships and increasing the AAA’s capacity to deliver needed services within the PSA?
Is there any attention given to issues identified for “Project 2020” and “Choices for Independence” within state program development objectives?
Does the AIP include any regional program development objectives which are listed separately from the state plan goals?
If yes, did the AAA provide measurable, verifiable, and time limited information for each objective in Part I?
Does the program development narrative for Part II adequately explain the direction the AAA is moving in and address the changing demographics of the older population of the PSA, enhancing service coordination, building public/private partnerships and increasing the AAA’s capacity to deliver need services within the PSA?
Does the narrative relate specific advocacy activities to the changing demographics of the older population within the PSA, and the federal, state and local issues that are facing older Michiganians and service delivery?
Does the narrative include strategies on the facilitation and coordination of community-based long-term care services designed to enable older individuals to remain in their homes?
Does the AIP include updates or corrections, for FY 2011, to the Community Focal Points document in the document library?
Is the area agency currently a partner in the Community Living Program (CLP) demonstration program?
Does the description of planned efforts to integrate CLP into service delivery systems supported by the area plan address, at a minimum, the following:
1. How Person Centered Thinking (PCT), as presented in OSA sponsored trainings, will be integrated into the organization to support staff and service delivery systems?
2. How Community Living Consultation (CLC), options counseling, will be available in the PSA?
3. How and when persons at risk of nursing home placement will be identified and referred to programs, offering flexible service options, to assist them in avoiding or delaying placement?
4. How a self-directed service delivery option will become available for participants, either grant supported or private pay?
5. How the area agency will, or prepare to, participate in the Veterans Directed Home and Community Based Services Program (incorporating self-direction and CLC?
6. How the area agency intends to work with the emerging ADRC Partnerships, within the PSA, to assure the availability of unbiased I&A services and CLC for both the aging and disability communities?
Are the FY 2011 CLP project budget and schedule of match and other resources (Budget Form A) completed and uploaded on the Budget and Other Documents tab?
ADRC/MMAP / YES / NO / NA / Comment
Does the narrative indicate the area agency will participate in the development of ADRC partnership(s) in the PSA?
If participating, does the narrative describe the anticipated role the area agency will play in the development and management of the partnership(s)?
Does the narrative indicate the area agency is MMAP agency?
If the area agency is a MMAP agency, does the narrative provide an overview of the program, including numbers of persons served, volunteer recruitment and innovative ways for getting information to program participants?
OTHER GRANTS / YES / NO / NA / Comment
Does the narrative describe other grants or demonstration projects that the area agency is participating in with OSA?
Does the narrative list the funders name, project title, time period, and funding amount?
For each grant listed, does the narrative discuss successes, barriers and how the area agency intends to overcome them?
For each grant listed, does the narrative explain how the area agency intends to sustain the project when the grant funding is over?
For TCARE demonstration projects, is a progress to date narrative included?
APPENDICES / YES / NO / NA / Comment
Does the AIP include all required appendices for FY 2011 (A) Board of Directors membership, (B) Advisory Council membership, (C) Provider Demographics, (G) Cash Payments for NPE?
Has a completed FY2011 signature page, with original ink signatures, been submitted for the AIP?
Has a FY 2011 Assurance and Certifications been included in the AIP?
Does the AIP contain a complete and accurate FY 2011 area plan grant budget, including a planned services summary page?
Is the area plan grant budget based on the FY 2011 cost allocation plan established by OSA?
Are proposed transfers between Title III Parts B and C and between Title III C Parts C-1 and C-2 reflected in the area plan grant budget and is a completed Request to Transfer Funds included in the AIP?
Are program development expenses budgeted at no more than 20% of the original Title III Part B allotment?
Has at least the minimum required amount of Title III Part D been budgeted for medication management, screening and education?
Has the area agency indicated it plans to utilize expenditures for CDSMP/PATH or MOB to meet the Title III Part D medication management, screening and education required amount?
Has the maintenance of effort amount for long-term care ombudsman funding from Title III Part B been met in the budget? [see Transmittal Letter #428 issued 2/10/2004]
Does the area plan grant budget reflect the minimum required expenditures from the original Title III Part B allotment for priority service categories? [legal assistance 6.5%, access 10% and in-home 10%]
If the area agency is requesting to use local resources to meet part of the minimum required expenditure for a priority service category, has an Appendix H - Priority Service Waiver been approved for the FY 2010 – FY 2012 MYP or is included in the FY 2011 AIP?
Does the area plan grant budget reflect the amount of nutrition service funds to be used by the area agency for a registered dietitian, nutritionist or individual with comparable certification as approved by OSA? [within the nutrition services detail on page 3 of 3]
In the administration section, do total revenues equal total expenditures?
Is the federal area agency administration allotment matched with local resources (including the state administration allotment) by an amount that is at least 25% of the total program amount?
In the administration section, are the match detail totals accurately carried to the revenues section?
Is the amount of merit award trust funds (MATF) budgeted for administration no more than 9% of the allotment?
Are service funds matched with local resources by an amount that is at least 10% of the total program amount?
Does the budget include funding for TCARE Activities?
Is TCARE Caregiver Screening budgeted in either Title III Part B or Part E column on the I A line?
Is TCARE Caregiver Care Management budgeted in the Title III Part E column on the Care Management line?
Is planned training for TCARE Screen budgeted in Title III Part B, Part E or State Access columns on the I & A line?
Is planned training for TCARE Intensive Care Management and TTT budgeted in Title III Part B, Part E, State Access or State Care Management columns on the Care Management or Case Coordination and Support lines?
Does the AIP contain an accurate and complete FY 2011 AAA operating budget?
Does the AAA operating budget reflect all area agency personnel and salaries funded from all sources, including the HCBS/ED Medicaid waiver?
Are key management positions (director, deputy director, financial manager, department/division managers, etc.) specifically identified?
Do the costs identified appear reasonable and appropriate?
Approved by the Michigan Commission on Services to the Aging May 21, 2010
2010-216 ATTACHMENT_ FY 2011 AIP Approval Criteria final 6-1-10.doc