Department of Botany is an integral part of Khallikote College, a more than a century old premier institution of the state of Orissa. This prestigious institution started functioning from the year 1887, Botany as a subject at undergraduate level started from 1944. Postgraduate teaching Botany began in 1981. The department introduced a challenging subject like ‘Biotechnology as a special paper at the M.Sc level in the year 2000. Subsequently a proposal was sent for opening ‘Biotechnology’ courses in the institution. As sequel to such attempts the Government of Orissa granted permission to open self-financing courses like Postgraduate Diploma in Biotechnology and Masters Degree in Biotechnology in 2001 and 2002 respectively.

Though not very old, this department flourished within a short period and now is considered to be one of the leading departments of the state of Orissa with excellent academic achievements and has one of the best infrastructural facilities in the Biotechnology.

1. The Department

The department of Botany started as a part of the main building of the college in the year 1944. In due course a separate life science wing was created for the Botany and Zoology Departments. Biotechnology wing was added as a new dimension within the available space in the year 2002.

The department is the only one in Orissa which was awarded Star College Status in Life Science by DBT, New Delhi in 2009.

NAAC in 2003 adjudged the department as the best department in the college during its grading in relation to staff, academic curriculum, and infrastructure &laboratory facilities. The UGC team for CPE-I during its inspection in 2011-12 opined that the department has utilized the grant in a best manner to develop the infrastructure in the department. Further the UGC autonomy extension team in 2015 mentioned in their report that it is one of the best maintained department in the college and have the equipments in working order.

1.1 Courses offered

The Department presently offers the following courses

Course Offered Strength / Strength
Undergraduate Courses in Botany
Honours in Botany
Pass in Botany
Biotechnology as Major Elective
Biology as Minor Elective
Environmental Sciences (Ancillary) all science and arts students / 72
Postgraduate Courses in Botany / 16
Postgraduate Courses in Biotechnology Postgraduate Diploma
Postgraduate Degree / 30
M.Phil Course in Botany / 08

1.2 Faculty

1.2.1 Name, Designation and Specialization of Teachers

Sl. No / Name / Designation / Area of Specialization
1. / Dr. Bijay Kumar Mohanty / Associate Professor / Environmental Biology
2. / Dr. Mamata Mahapatra / Asst. Professor / Biochemistry
3. / Dr.Goutam Sabat / Asst. Professor / Environmental Biology
4. / Dr.Lichita Patro / Asst. Professor / Biotechnology
5. / Dr.Rasmita K.Padhi / Asst. Professor / Environmental Biology

Guest Faculty :- 1. Sri.B.Majhi. (Retd. HOD & Reader)

2. Dr. Sasmita Panigrahy

3. Dr. Sarita Nayak

1.2.2 Demonstrators

Sl. No / Name
1. / Sri Brajendra Kumar Panda
2. / Dr. GokulanandaPanigrahy
3. / Sri Surendra Kumar Mohapatro

1.2.3 Other Supporting staff

1.  Sri Puma Chandra Panda, Artist cum Photographer

2.  Sri Banabasi Behera, Laboratory Attendant

3.  Sri BabulaMallik, Laboratory Attendant (On deputation)

4.  Sri. Baluka Sethy, Laboratory Attendant

5.  Sri.S.Sahu,Peon

6.  Sri.P.Pabitra K. Burma,Gardener

Visiting faculty :-

1.  Prof. K.Bijaya Kumar

2.  Prof.B.B.Panda

3.  Prof.T.C.Kar

4.  Dr. P. Sudhakar

5.  Dr. S.K..Das

6.  Prof. M.K.Mishra

7.  Dr.S.N.Padhy

1.3 Infrastructures

Department of Botany is having the following infrastructure facilities to cater the needs of both general Botany and Biotechnology students

1.  Lecture Halls : 4

2.  Seminar Hall and Library (Conference) : 1

3.  Laboratories : Central Laboratory – 1

P.G Laboratories - 2

U.G Laboratories - 2

4.  Biotech. Unit - 1

5.  Staff Room - 1

6.  Head of the Department’s Chamber - 1

7.  Tissue Culture Room - 1

8.  Inoculation Room - 1

9.  Botanical Garden - 2 Units

10.  Store - 1

11.  Toilet - 1+1

12.  P.G &M.Phill Lab - 1

13.  Microbiology Lab - 1

14.  Central Instrumentation Facility - 1

Important Instruments Available in the Department:

·  Computerized Instruments Available in the department:

·  Refrigerated Centrifuge

·  Refrigerated Microfuge

·  Ultrafreezer-2

·  Ultracryostat.

·  Laminar Airflow -3 (Tissue culture & Microbiology)

·  Electrophoresis Units

·  Spectrophotometers

·  Seed Germinator


·  pH Meters

·  Colorimeters

·  Bacteriological Incubators

·  Hot air ovens

·  PCR - 2720

·  Electronic Balances

·  Rotary Shaker

·  Water Bath Shaker

·  Autoclave

·  Serological Water baths

·  Colony Counter

·  Quartz Distillation Units

·  BOD Incubator

·  Binocular Microscopes (Inverted

·  Microtome

·  Inverter

·  Konica Minolta

·  Dry Bath

·  Bottle cooler

·  Electro blotting units

·  LCD Projector

·  Water analysis kit

·  Data Projector

·  Biofermentor

·  Computer Printers

·  Biomate (Thermo)

·  Sonicator

·  Over Head Projectors

·  Axo-Vision (Carl-Zesis)

·  Microfuge

·  Slide Projector

·  Gel Doc System

·  Microbial Incubator

·  Shaker

·  PCR (old)

·  MIPS – 2Nos.

·  Table Top Centrifuge

·  ELISA Reader

·  Deionizer

Besides the above, the department has all the basic instruments and teaching for the class works at U.G & P.G. Level.

1.4 Department Workload (per week)

Sl. No / Class / Number of Theory Classes / Number of Practical Classes / Total Number of Classes
1. / +3 Pass / 20 / 12 / 32
2. / +3 Honours / 28 / 36 / 64
3. / Ancillary Eng. Study / 08+12 / - / 08
4. / Major Elective / 02+03 / - / 02
5. / Minor Elective / 0+ / - / 02
6. / PG (Botany) / 36 / 40 / 76
7. / M Phil / 18 / - / 18
8. / P.G. Dip. In Biotech / 9 / 9 / 18
9. / P.G. Biotechnology / 24 / 36 / 60

1.5 Achievements of the Department

1.5.1 Student Achievements

1. Students like P.K. Beborta, R. NagabhushanRao, ManoranjanBhanja, S. Patnaik have qualified for IFS.

2. Students like SachidanandaSatpathy, ManoranjanHota, Binod Chandra Sabata are in department of Science and Technology and Department of Environment, Government of India.

3. BirendraSaha and S.C. Sabat are placed as Scientists in Institute of Life Science, Bhubaneswar under the Department of Biotechnology.

4. Seven students have qualified in the NET/GATE

5. Placement of Biotech students (2003-2015) – 54 students has been placed in different organizations.

6. Smt. Ispita Priyadarsini Mishra and Mrs. Luna Malla qualified in OAS in 2010.

1.5.2 Research Achievements

1. Number of PhDs produced from the Department since 1981

Sl. No / Name of the Scholar / Year
1 / Dr. GopabandhuMohanty / 1986
2 / Dr. Mishore Chandra Panigrahi / 1987
3 / Dr. KartikeswarPatra / 1989
4 / Dr. AbhimanyuBhuyan / 1990
5 / Dr. GokulanandaPanigrahi / 1993
6 / Dr. AnuradhaTripathy / 1994
7 / Dr. MamataSatpathy / 1995
8 / Dr. A.Lakshmi / 1996
9 / Dr. MamataMahapatra / 1997
10 / Dr. SanghamitraKhandual / 1997
11 / Dr. Nilima M Reddy / 1998
12 / Dr. SheebaVargheese / 1998
13 / Dr. Nrusingha Chandra Panigrahi / 1999
14 / Dr. Purnima Das / 2000
15 / Dr. Santosh Kumar Das / 2000
16 / Dr. Elizabeth Bhanja / 2000
17 / Dr. S.Mohanty / 2000
18 / Dr. SibanandaPanigrahi / 2000
19 / Dr. P.C. Mahapatra / 2001
20 / Dr. DurgaPattnaik / 2002
21 / Dr. MinakhiSahu / 2004
22 / Dr. Rosanara Begum / 2005
23 / Dr.. Goutam Das / 2006
24 / Dr. Manna Milian / 2007
25 / Dr.. PuspadwajaMalla / 2010
26 / Dr.Ghanshyam Panigrahy / 2013
27 / Dr..Milimita Padhy / 2013
28. / Dr. Aruna Patnaik / 2013
29 / Dr.. Chayakanta Panda / 2014
30 / Dr..Sasmita Panigrahi / 2015
31 / Dr. I.P.Mishra / 2015(submitted)
32 / Dr. A.Behera / 2015

2. Number of M. Phil candidates from the department

YEAR Number Passed out

2003-04- 08

2004-05- 08

2006-07- 08

2007-08- 07

2008-09- 08

2009-10- 08

2010-11- 03

2011-12 - 04

2012-13- 01

2013-14 nil

2015 - 04

1.5.3 Research Projects

Three major projects and a number of minor projects have been operated in the department

A Major project has been submitted to DBT, Govt. of Orissa.

1.5.4 Research Work

The teaching faculty are carrying out a research project on Aluminum toxicity to mung plants.

Five Research Scholars are presently working in the department for their Ph.D degrees

Four students are enrolled for M.Phil dissertation in the year 2016.

1.6 Seminars/Conferences/Symposia

1.6.1 Departmental Seminar

Seminars have been conducted at UG and PG level with the active participation of the students. Total numbers of seminars conducted during 2015-2016 are 24

1.6.2 Seminars outside the College

Members of the Department have attended different Syrnposia/ Conferences/ Seminars organized by ICMR, OBS, RRL, UGC, ICSA, Berhampur University during the year.

The Department conducted a Workshop on Biotechniques and Biotechniques in March,2013 to provide trained to UG College teacher on 23 and 24 March,2013.

1.6.3 Other activities of the Department

1. Awareness programme by Himalaya Drug Ltd on skin disorder on 26.09.2012 talk by Dr.I.Panda, DMS

2. Open House Programme by Open House , Hyderabad -2010 to train the students to LINUX / OPENHOUSE free software instead of Microsoft or Windows.

3. A mobilization programme for entrepreneurship development in collaboration with TSCK, Berhampur, for biotechnology students.

4. Each year 05 students are receiving BT scholarship from 2013 onwards.

5. Each year 01 student is receiving DST scholarship from 2013 onwards.

1.7 Refresher/Orientation Courses :- The department has conducted a one day UGC seminar for confidence building initiatives with theme ‘Advances in life science’ on 27.02.2016

1.7.1 Resource Persons

Dr. K. Bijay Kumar and Dr. Jnana Ranjan Misra, faculty members of the department have acted as resource persons in different refresher courses held for teachers at Berhampur and Utkal Universities.

Dr. B.K.Mohanty has acted as resource person for 04 UGC sponsored National Seminars on Biotechnology in2010-15 and delivered talks in the various area of life science.

1.9 VISION 2020

Setting a data-base for biotechnology

To develop state of art laboratory for Biotechnology.

Developing novel mush room culture techniques.

Smart class room for students.

Animal tissue culture and maintenance of Cell lines.

Establishment of a Training Center for UG Teachers in Biotechnique.




The P.G. Department of Botany and Biotechnology which was adjudged as the Best Department in the College by the NAAC Peer team during their visit to this College in September, 2003, has submitted a proposal for upgrading the laboratory by equipping with highly sophisticated equipment such as Laboratory Fermentor, Zeiss Research Microscope etc. The proposal was accepted by the expert Committee in the interface meeting held on 16.08.2006 at U.G.C. Ofice, New Delhi.

Accordingly a sum of Rs. 12.00 lakhs was allocated to the Department for procuring equipment which can not be purchased with normal grants. Although the proposal was for purchase of several equipments, the grant of 12.00 lakhs was utilized for purchase of the following three equipments which are the most essential for the students as far as the Biotechnology is concerned.

Purchase Formalities;

Tenders were invited through New Indian express for quoting the prices of several equipments. Basing on the quoted prices the Departmental members ultimately decided to finalise the purchase in favour of a Laboratory fermentor, Research Microscope and Biomate Spectrophotometer basing on the maximum use by the students of M.Sc. Botany and M.Phil Botany Courses.

The details of the Equipment, utility, future plans are presented in the following table.

Sl. No / Name of the Equipment / Supplier / Cost of the Equipment / Utility and future plan
31 Fermentor / Scigenics(India)Pvt.Ltd.,Chennai, Tamilnadu / Rs. 5,46,075 / M.Sc.(Botany),M.Phil(Botany) &M.Sc.(Biotech.) students. PhD research scholars
2. / Biomate (VU-VIS Spectrophotometer) MERCK / Labmate (Asia) Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata / Rs.2,99,925 / -do-
3. / Axo-Star Plus(Binocular Research Microscope)with image analysis system(carl-zesis) / ASE Instruments Agency Pvt.Ltd.,Kolkata, W.B State / Rs.2,99,727 / -do-



Sl. No / Name of the Grant / Year of Purchase / Name of the Equipment / Cost of the Equipment in Rs.
01 / X th Plan
U.G. Development / 2003-04 / Air Conditioner for Tissue culture Lab. / 16,900
02 / -do- / -do- / Microwave Oven / 5,500
03 / -do- / 2006-07 / Audio System / 12,993
04 / -do- / -do- / Computer Peripherals (UPS & pen Drive) / 2,206
05 / X th Plan
P.G. Development / 2003-04 / Air Conditioner for Tissue culture Lab. / 16,900
06 / -do- / -do- / Bacteriological Incubator / 52,370
07 / -do- / -do- / Top load analytical Balance / 26,220
08 / -do- / -do- / Fire fighting equipment / 1,968
09 / -do- / 2006-07 / Electronic Balance / 16,594
10 / -do- / -do- / Water Distillation Equipment / 19,630
11 / -do- / -do- / Multimedia Projector / 49,140
12 / -do- / -do- / Computer Peripherals / 660
13 / Backward District / 2006-07 / Data Projector (Audio Visual Aid) / 1,66,500
14 / Autonomy Grant / 2003-04 / Gel Doc system / 2,35,492
15 / -do- / -do- / Thermal Cycler / 2,99,925
16 / -do- / -do- / Inverted Trinocular Microscope
(Tissue Culture) / 22,200
17 / -do- / 2006-07 / Photo Copier / 39,000
18 / CPE grant / 2006-07 / 31 Fermentor / 5,96,475
19 / -do- / -do- / Biomate (Thermo) / 2,99,925
20 / -do- / -do- / Axo-Vision+(Carl-Zesis) / 2,99,727
21 / DHE , Orissa / 2008-09 / Seed Generator / 2,00,000
22 / BSR-I(UGC) / 2007-08 / Infrastructure Development of laboratories / 5,00,000
23 / BSR-II(UGC) / 2008-09 / -do- / 6,00,000
24 / UGC / 2010-11 / Chemicals and apparatus / 1,00.000
25 / XI Plan UGC / 2011-12 / Equipments / 1,00,000
26 / Govt. grant (Phallin) / 2013-14 / Autoclave / 1,03,000
27 / Govt. grant (Phallin) / 2013-14 / Orbital shaker &incubator / 1,38,000
28. / Govt. grant (Phallin) / 2013-14 / Laminar Air Flow / 1,14,000
29. / Govt. grant (Phallin) / 2013-14 / Microscope / 68,327
30 / DBT, New Delhi / 2009-2013 / Scientific Instruments / 5,00,000
31 / --do--- / 2013-14 / Equipments / 30,000
32 / Govt. grant / 2009-10 / Seed Germinator / 1,58,288
33 / --do-- / 2012-13 / Scientific Instruments / 1,75,000
34 / --do-- / 2013-14 / Microbial Incubator / 1,00.000
35 / --do---- / 2014-15 / Autoclave / 1,20,000