Centralia Alternative Program and Services

School Year:

Student Learning Plan of:

for ½ credit in Food & Nutrition from FACS/Vocationalarea

Class started: and to be completed by:

Actual completion date:

Course Goal: The student will gain awareness of careers in the food industry along with increased understanding of the importance of nutrition and dietary planning, kitchen equipment and safety, preparation and serving of foods, different food groups, and the preparation and baking of foods.

Plan for achieving goal: The student will complete chapters 1 through 44. For each chapter the student will read the chapter, complete the chapter review and do workbook assignment as outlined in plan below. All answers are to be in complete sentences. Each chapter’s assignments will earn 2 units of credit.

Chapters 1, 2 and 3 are done completely from the workbook.

Ch. 4

My Wellness Plan-

Put together a goal worksheet using this template that reflects some aspect of your wellness that you need to do better on.

Skip wellness magic.

Chapter 5

Do: Meet the Nutrients study guide, Nutrient Match up, skip the puzzle that covers nutrients.

Activity: Look at the school lunch calendar and figure out which nutrients are included on the hot menu choice for Thursday of this week. Assume your fruit will be an apple or a banana.

Chapter 6

Skip all workbook assignments.

Activity: Calculate how many calories you should be eating on a daily basis to maintain your current weight. Show your work. Go to the school lunch menu and calculate the calories in today’s lunch. Add the number of calories you ate for breakfast and/or a snack. What can you eat for dinner that would keep you within your calorie requirements for the day? If you have already gone over your calorie requirements what could have you changed earlier in the day to allow you to eat a healthy dinner? What are some activities you could do to burn enough calories to allow you to eat a healthy dinner? If you are still within your calorie allotment range, pretend you are going to eat desert and find an activity that will burn that amount of claories. Use the website below to figure out how many calories you would burn for different activities.

Chapter 7

Complete all workbook assignments in chapter 7.

Chapter 8

Skip food groups and nutrients, hidden foods

Think of your favorite meal to eat out at a restaurant. Use the Internet to look up that specific meal on the restaurant’s website and obtain the meal’s nutrient and calorie content. If you can’t think of one or can’t find your meal use a meal you would likely order from the Olive Garden or Cheesecake Factory Websites found here ( or

Were you surprised at the nutrient information about your favorite meal? If you ate this entire meal how would it fit into your food pyramid for the day? Either draw or write an explanation.

Chapter 9

Complete the: Your daily food choices study guide, is it true? Explain why or why not in full sentences. Skip: A key to good eating plan

Chapter 10

Complete the Study guide, Top choices, skip: All you can eat buffet and instead plan a healthy salad (could be green salad, pasta salad, etc) that would include protein, Vitamin C, Vitamin A and be less than 1/3 of your daily calorie allowance. Make a grocery list for that salad and submit to Mrs. Schaffer for one of our potlucks.

Chapter 11

Complete the study guide, Ask Morgan, and Personalized Plan

Chapter 12

Complete “What’s the Unit Price” prior to going shopping. Skip the study guide and grocery shopping crossword.

You will be going downstairs and looking at unit prices, comparing processed foods to fresh foods and comparing Shop n’ Kart prices to Safeway prices.

You are going to make a dish for a potluck. Find a recipe online and print it off. Make a grocery list and write down exactly what you will need for your meal. Get permission from one of the teachers to go down to Shop n’ Kart. Find each ingredient you will need and write down how many you would need to purchase and how much it would cost. Assume you already have any spices or cooking oils needed in the recipe. Make your dish serve 8-10 people. Your dish needs to be a balanced meal and have a reasonable number of calories.

Chapter 13

Complete the study guide, skip identifying small appliances and what might happen.

Go to and choose small appliances that you would want to put on a wedding gift registry. Assume you have absolutely nothing in your kitchen. “register” for all the appliances you would need in the kitchen to live normally and comfortably. Rationalize all of your choices Example: Why would you choose one brand over the other and why did you choose that appliance in the first place. You need to be able to justify your choices.

Chapter 14

Complete both worksheets

Chapter 15

Complete study guide, understanding the recipe, skip magic terms square and choose a cookie recipe contact Mrs. Schaffer for extra ingredients that we do not have in our kitchen and bake enough cookies for everyone in the school following your recipe. This must be done with a partner who is also enrolled in Discovering Food and Nutrition.

Chapter 16

Do all activities in the workbook

Chapter 17

Referring back to what you did when baking cookies discuss in a 100 or more word paper how successful or unsuccessful your cookies were and how recipe measuring may have effected the outcome of your baking.

Skip How do you measure Complete Recipe Measuring

Chapter 18

Complete the study guide and predicting consequences, skip hidden cooking terms

Chapter 19

Complete the study guide ,skip the microwave file and using the microwave. Go to and research why microwaves have different cooking wattages and what each wattage might be used for. Report your findings in 100 or more words and turn in. Compare three microwave ovens. Find a convection microwave oven explain in full sentences, what the difference between this and a regular microwave oven is.

Chapter 20

Do all activities except “what’s the word”

Chapter 21

Complete the study guide, priority storage. Find a recent story on the internet about outbreaks about one of the following three food borne illnesses; E.Coli, Salmonella or Listeria. Explain what happened in your case and what could have been done to prevent the outbreak. Attach a copy of the story.

Materials needed for achieving goal: Textbook: Discovering Food and Nutrition and copies of appropriate pages from Student Workbook.

Textbook issued: #

Essential Academic Learning Requirementsaddressed through this class:

Reading: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4

Writing: 1.3, 2.4


Mathematics: 1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 5.2, 5.3

Science: 1.1, 3.2

Social Studies: History: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 Geog: 1.1, 3.2, 3.3 Civics: 4.1 Economics: 1.2, 1.3, 1.5

Arts: 2.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5

Health/Fitness: 1.2, 1.4, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1,

Student Enrollment Signature: Date:

Instructor Enrollment Signature: Date: