Mrs. Faust’s Third Grade Class Dec.5, 2012
Upcoming Events
PTA meeting – tonight! @ 6:00
Used book sale—Dec. 11 & 12 2:30 – 3:15 @ Ruskin
Thursday, Dec. 20 – Last day of school before vacation. No school on Friday, Dec. 21
Jan. 7 – School resumes, book report due
End of January – next STAR reading test
Timed Tests
Last week’s timed test is coming home today. For those who did not pass with 100%, a suggestion that may help is: make flash cards for the problems that were missed and practice every day! Also, use these on-line sites to practice.
School Supplies
In January, school supplies usually go on sale again. We are doing well in most areas but could use some more Ticonderoga pencils, red pens and reams of copy paper. Most other things we have extras of. If you happen to see these items on sale, perhaps you could donate them. Thank you.
Accelerated Reader
At conferences, I showed parents their child’s STAR reading test. Students will take this test again at the end of January to measure their reading progress. In the meantime, if you would like to help your child improve, you can use the Accelerated Reader program that Ruskin subscribes to. Go on to the Ruskin School website, click on library and chose Accelerated Reader. From here you and your child can find lists of books that are AR and what level they are. Students should read books at or slightly below their AR level that was listed on the sheet I gave you. After reading the books, students can take the AR tests in our classroom or at the library.
Wordly Wise Practice Test
Every other Thursday, including this Thursday, your child brings home a practice test for the Wordly Wise test on Friday. This fill-in-the-blank test is based on the reading from the Wordly Wise book section E that your child did on Monday and Tuesday nights. If they get stuck, this is a good place to check. Words can be changed to fit better, for example, by adding –ed and ing. Also, I am putting the answers on my webpage on the Ruskin website. Parents, please check your child’s answers against the correct answers and have them fix any mistakes. This will help them do better on the test.
Contact information: ; 923-1950
I’m always happy to hear from parents and I will respond as soon as possible.