Millers Creek Christian School
Athletic Handbook
MCCS Athletics exist to glorify the Lord and to honor all others through sports, while growing together in heart, soul, mind, and strength.
- Mark 12: 29-31
And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.
- Colossians 3:17
“And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him.”
**Thesetheme verses should exemplify the attitude of all athletes at Millers Creek Christian School. Athletes are to display a God pleasing attitude by having Christ like attributes in their lives both on and off the court or field.
**This handbook has been prepared to outline the standards and rules for athletes at MCCS and to make the athletes and parents aware of what is expected of them.
To glorify God through all of MCCS’s athletic programs should be the overriding goal of all athletes, coaches, and parents. The paramount goal of MCCS coaches should be to educate and minister to the athletes by both word and deed. Participation in athletics is a privilege, not a right. Each athlete must earn this privilege through solid work ethic and attitude. Without these,the athlete cannot adequately represent the Lord, MCCS, or themselves. True athletic greatness is always partnered by great integrity. The athletic staff of MCCS believes that a successful athletic program is established and maintained upon these principles.
What is a Student Athlete
A student athlete is a student first and an athlete second. The athlete is expected to put primary emphasis upon their academics. Any person wishing to become or continue as an athlete at MCCS must maintain a proper example in and out of school.
Parents of Athletes
Full cooperation from parents is essential for the MCCS athletic program to be successful. Rarely do problems require parental conferences, yet one can be scheduled upon the request of the parent. Parental support, in the form of game attendance and spirited cheering, is greatly appreciated by the athletic staff, and teams. Unsportsmanlike behavior such as, but not limited to, booing players and heckling of calls by officials is not appreciated. Parents should always be constructive when talking about coaches or players from either team.
(1)Coaches will provide a practice schedule at the start of the sports season.
(2)All team members will attend all scheduled practices, meetings, and scheduled team camps and clinics.
(3)No practices should be missed, but an athlete may be excused for serious illness or a death in the family.
(4)If circumstances arise whereby the student cannot attend a practice or meeting, the coach must be notified prior to the practice or meeting by personal contact, phone calls, or written statement from the parent or guardian.
(5)All athletes are expected to be on time with all necessary equipment required for participation in that sport.
(6)Parents/Guardians are expected to pick up athletes promptly after all practices.
(7)If an athlete is late or misses any part of a practice or game for reasons of detention, class, etc., that athlete may be held accountable for the absence or tardiness.
(8)Any athlete who intentionally misses, or has an unexcused absence from school on game day or practice days may not be allowed to suit up for any game or games for a period of time to be determined by the principal, the coach, and athletic director.
(9)Excessive absences from team practices, games, or meeting may be cause for removal from the given athletic team.
(10)When traveling to away games/matches, athletes must be at the school and on the bus at the designated time.
(11)When having home games, athletes must be at the game/match site and dressed at the designated time.
(12)Stay with your team before, during, and after each game until properly dismissed by your coach.
(13)All athletes are requiredto adhere to attendance and handbook policies, or will be subject to disciplinary action by the athletic department. Lack of attendance in classes may result in failure of class work, resulting in ineligibility in athletics.
(1)A signed sport permission form, up-to-date physical, and student/parent concussion form must be on file before an athlete can practice any sport.
(2)Athletes should not obligate themselves to a job that interferes with practice times or games.
(3)Once an athlete begins the in-season training period of a sport, they should not quit while the sport is in season. Any athlete who quits a sport to participate in another sport shall be subject to being withheld from participation until the season of the sport dropped by the athlete is over. It shall be the prerogative of the coach of the in-season sport to release the athlete to another sport. No athlete may participate in a second sport until the athlete has been cleared from the first sport by obtaining a written release. When an athlete is released, that athlete shall be free to participate in any sport of their choosing.
(4)During the sport season, we encourage athletes not to practice in any leagues or organized sports other than sports or leagues sanctioned by MCCS. This is due to conflict in schedules for practices and games.
(5)Athletes must have a Christ-like attitude at all times.
(6)Discussion by an athlete with other athletes, other students, or even with other teachers of any problem concerning the team is absolutely forbidden. If an athlete needs to discuss a problem, it must be discussed with the coach. If the problem needs further attention, the athlete and their parents should speak to the athletic director. If the problem still needs further attention, the athlete and their parents should speak to the principal.
(7)Support of teammates’ efforts is a requirement and any other contrary behavior is not acceptable.
(8)All athletes must wear formal attire at school on game days. This includes dresses, skirts, slacks, and blouses for girls. Boys may wear dress pants, dress shirts, ties or bow ties. Dress shoes should be worn, not athletic shoes. No jeans are allowed for athletes. Athletes are to take pride in their personal appearance. All rules from the student handbook apply in this area.
(9)Proper diet and rest are a MUST for athletes.
(10)Athletes are to obey all rules outlined in the MCCS Student Handbook. Violation of these rules is reasonable cause for dismissal from the team.
(1)Student drivers may leave campus at 3:00pm or after their last class, before home games and practices provided they are back at the required time. If they arrive back on campus before 3:00pm, they must go to the area designated by their coach.
(2)Athletes must abide by rules concerning transportation to and from games. When an away game is planned, you must leave MCCS with the rest of the team on the bus. Any deviation from this rule must be cleared directly through the athletic director or the school office.
(3)After games, athletes may leave with their parents after signing out with the coach. If the athlete plans on leaving in any other way but the way they arrived, they must make prior arrangements with their coach or athletic director. Written permission or a phone call from parents is required for a change in transportation following a game. The individual responsible for the athlete must sign them out with the coach.
(4)When the bus is not available for travel, the need for carpooling will be determined by the athletic director or school administrator. Only coaches, athletic director, or administrators will determine riding assignments. Riding assignments will remain the same to and from the games, unless athlete has written permission from a parent.
(5)If a student athlete needs transportation to practice from school, then parent(s) must notify the school and sign a form stating whom their student may leave school with. This form must be signed at the beginning for each season.All changes to this form should be made at the school office and notarized.
(6)Any deviation from these travel rules must be cleared through the Athletic Department and/or Administration.
Grade Eligibility
(1)Any student who participates in school athletics or try outs must currently have and maintain an overall “C” average, 2.5 GPA, and have no failing grades (F) in any subject. Any exceptions to this grade policy must have written authorization from the school administration.
(2)PROBATION:Any student with an “F” in any subject at the time of their interim report will be placed on academic probation. Any student having an overall “D” average with no failing grades on his interim report will be placed on academic probation.
The student may continue to participate in practices but not games. They will need to dress in chapel dress, travel with the team, and stay on the sidelines with their team. Initially, before the athlete can participate in a game they must bring the grade up to passing within two weeks. If this is not done, then the student will be placed on academic suspension for three weeks or until the next report period,at which time the same criteria will be used to determine eligibility. (Another 3 week suspension period will ensue if academic progress has not been met at the beginning of the next report period.)
(3)SUSPENSION: Academic suspension is when a student is neither allowed to attend team practices nor participate in games of any sort (regular season games and tournament games) until the time of interim reports, report cards or time identified by the MCCS administration. At that time, if the student meets the required criteria, then they will again gain active status. The student may or may not be required to attend games in the interest of encouragement of academic progress.
(4)New students are subject to suspension after at least four and a half weeks from the time of their first day in class if they do not meet academic requirements. This will be determined at the first grade check-up (either interim or report card).
“F” in any subject on interimProbation
“F” in any subject on report card3 week Suspension
Overall “D” average on interimProbation
Overall “D” average on report card3 week Suspension
(1)If uniforms are paid for by the athlete, then payment must be received prior to uniform being issued.
(2)It is the responsibility of the athlete to care for their uniform, and to wear or bring their jersey to all games.
(3)If sport provides home and away jerseys, white jersey will be worn at all home games and blue/black jerseys for all away games.
(4)If personal items including but not limited to tee shirts, sweat bands, socks, etc. are worn with jerseys, they must be color coordinated (white tee shirts under white jerseys, black tee shirts under black jerseys, matching socks, sweat bands, etc.)
Team Organization
(1)Varsity teams will consist of 9th grade through 12th grade students.
(2)Junior Varsity or Middle School teams will consist of 6th grade through 8th grade students only.
(3)Tryouts will be held only when the number of Millers Creek Christians School students exceed the minimum number needed to form a team. Tryouts will be conducted by MCCS coaches and the athletic director. The school administrator must approve the final rosters selected from tryouts and evaluations.
(4)Homeschoolers will only be allowed to participate if there are not enough students from Millers Creek Christian School to fill the positions on the team. If there are more homeschoolers than positions, tryouts will be held for available positions.
Coach Responsibilities
(1)Coaches must sign MCCS’s Statement of Belief, Lifestyle Statement, and Statement of Moral Integrity. Coaches must be a positive role model exhibiting Christian character and conduct for the students and in the community. Every student-athletic should be a better person for having played under the Coach’s leadership.
(2)Coaches should provide a practice schedule to all student athletes at the start of the sports season. Practice schedules should be kept consistent with last minute changes made for special circumstances only.
(3)Coaches should see that every injured student-athlete is given immediate medical attention.
(4)Coaches will support the administration in all policies, rules and regulations, including eligibility rules for the school and conference.
(5)Coaches should inspire every student to achieve the highest academic success possible.
(6)Coaches shall strive to set an example of the highest ethical and moral conduct for student athletes, officials, school administration, and the public.
(7)Coaches must monitor their speech regarding players, opponents, officials, and spectators.
(8)Coaches should know the rules of the game and teach them correctly to the players.
(9)Coaches should promote harmony among MCCS’s entire athletic program.
(10)Coaches should promote good sportsmanship among players and spectators.
(11)Coaches are responsible for maintaining facilities and equipment.
(12)Coaches must treat players, parents, opponents, other coaches, officials, and others in the community with respect at all times.
(13)Each Head Coach is responsible for keeping up with their own athlete medical folder, first aid kit, andwater cooler. These three items must be at every practice, game, camp, and any other sporting event where the coach is in charge. Make sure water coolers are filled and refilled as needed so that athletes always have access to water during all activity. Make sure medical kits stay stocked with all supplies. Medical supply requests should be made to the Athletic Director. These items are to be turned in at the end of each sport season to the Athletic Director in original good condition.
(14)Coaches are responsible for appointing a bookkeeper for each game.
This handbook serves as a framework for discipline procedures based upon the discretion of the Athletic Director and the Principal.
Student Athlete & Parent Agreement Sport Form
Student Name (Print): ______
I have read the Athletic Handbook and understand and will abide by its contents during the ______(sport) season.
Student SignatureDate
Parent Name (Print):______
I have read and understand the contents of the Athletic Handbook. My studentis allowed to participate in ______(sport) and he/she will be expected to follow the Athletic Handbook content during this sports season.
Parent SignatureDate
Parent SignatureDate
Coach SignatureDate
Athletic Director SignatureDate