DFC Meeting March 3 2015
Present: Tom Botkin, Elisabeth Dunbar, Margo Rogers, Amanda Ryder, Del Carmichael, Miriam Hubbard, Dyann Parker, Leslie Keefe-Hernandez, Rissa Eggleston, Selena Nobbs, Lexi Mitchell, Goreti Alcantara, Erik Dodge, Aleah Mickelson, Liam Nobbs
Meeting called to order at 6:40 pm.
Minutes of meeting of 2/3/15 were reviewed and approved unanimously.
1. Principal’s report: Del has been talking to some new prospective parents and giving tours of the school. There are class size reductions for the coming year so only 20 openings for first grade are available and 23 for second and third grades. Angela Gonzalez recommended a nice family and there have been several other families who have shown an interest in first grade. Del suggests we all help with recruiting and may have a prospective parent event. Del will also be looking for some parent volunteers in the spring to help spruce up the school. Miriam will need volunteer help this summer shelving books. Del is looking toward assessment of underperforming elementary students and looking for ways to help them and is also working on a mandatory after school homework session for underperforming middle school students. If this gets off the ground he will be looking for volunteers to mentor and tutor these students.
2. Budget: Margo presented the written budget.
-Much discussion ensued regarding the microphone fund: Mrs. Smith is trying to earn $6000-$8800 for new microphone equipment. Mr. Cooper, Felicitas, and Mr. Churchwell have given their $150 classroom allocations from DFC to the microphone fund. No one has asked Dr. Jones yet if he wishes to donate his allocation. ASB has pledged $500. Last meeting we voted to turn over $400 of credit for Scholastic Books to Miriam in exchange for $200 in Miriam’s library fund. We currently have about $940 of Scholastic credit. Margo motions that we exchange an additional $400 Scholastic credits to the library in exchange for $200 cashto be retained by DFC and used for the microphone fund. Rissa seconds. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion ensued as to whether we could guarantee a figure to pledge from DFC to the microphone fund. Margo moves that we move $1000 from our legacy funds (current amount $3500) to the microphone fund. Lexi seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
- The leftover 8thgrade gift money ($1111. 49 minus the cost of a chest freezer) is still available.
-Book fair: Leslie has agreed to chair the spring BOGO (buy one, get one free) book fair and no one will be allowed to leave tonight’s meeting without signing up for a volunteer slot
3. ASB: Liam says about 80 people attended the last movie night, Rio. The Eric Franz social media night was attended by about 30 people. Box Tops deadline was 2/25 and the first graders won the popcorn party and about $1000 was earned from Box Tops this year. Middle School Dance is March 20 with a Hippies theme (is that capitalized?) Spirit week and walk a thon were mentioned. April 17th movie is Wall-E.
Calendar: Rummage sale and postcard discussed. Goretti has agreed to produce the next postcard with Amanda’s help.
Old/New business
- Crystal Apple nominations: deadline 3/12. Last year Irene Smith was nominated by Tom and Elisabeth and she won. Tom is looking for someone to take the lead on this and some nominations were tossed around Lexi has agreed to help.
- Bazaar report: Miriam left the meeting before we could discuss this
- Directory is completed and ready for printing
- Board will discuss cookie dough party (ahem)
- Board nominations: Bylaws were passed out. A suggestion had been made last meeting to have a co-president position, but this would require a change in bylaws. Leslie has expressed an interest in a co-presidency, Erik has expressed an interest in being a treasurer apprentice, and Lexi is interested in the secretary position. Elisabeth emphasized that new attendees should think about volunteering for particular tasks even if they’re not ready or able to take on a board position. Tom asked that Elisabeth and Leslie work together to see which tasks they could take on. Elections will take place at the May DFC meeting.
- Next meeting we will discuss who will chair cookie dough sales for next year, fall book fair, etc.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:02 pm
Executive session: Tom moves to add a budget line item for instructional facilitator with the allotment of $150 per year. Del seconded. Motion passed unanimously by the board.
Respectfully submitted,
Amanda Ryder