Dear Parents,

Here is some information about your child’s new class. I have tried to keep it short since you have been given so much information from King Springs and your child’s first teacher. If you have additional questions, please email me!


We love birthdays!! Your child will receive a crown to wear on his/her birthday. Please feel free to send in a birthday treat. Please do not send in toys. If your child is going to have a birthday party with invitations, we ask that he/she does not bring the invitations to school unless they are inviting everyone in the class. Often times, students will get their feelings hurt if they are not invited and it will interrupt the learning and affect behavior.


We will use a chart system where students can move their clips depending on their choices. Positive choices result in the clip staying on green or blue. A clip may be moved to yellow if your child needs a warning which will result in a quiet break somewhere in the classroom. A clip may also be moved to red if your child does not correct their behavior after their quiet break. Clips can always be moved up throughout the day.

Color System

Blue- This can be earned by consistently being helpful, following directions, using kind words, and working hard without reminders. When a child gets on blue, he or she will earn a small treat.

Green-This is where your child starts every day. We want your child to stay on green throughout the day. This means that they have chosen to listen, work hard, follow directions, and use kind words with minimal reminders.

Yellow-This means your child has chosen not to follow the class rules and will receive a quiet break in the classroom away from their peers. They are still a part of the group and able to complete their work. Your child will earn the ability to come back to the group when they feel ready to listen and learn.

Red-This is when your child has received a quiet break but was unable to change their behavior. Your child has consistently chosen not to follow school rules or respect his/her teacher and peers. Their behavior affects the learning and safety of others. Your child may need some extra space and quiet time to observe friends in their class making positive choices. Some choices will immediately require a trip to an administrator’s office.

**All students earn the right and choice to move their clip up throughout the day**

Change of Clothes

If you have not already sent a change of clothes for your child, please send a change of clothes, underwear and socks. In Kindergarten, we occasionally spill milk on our clothes, slide down wet slides or have a bathroom accident. The nurse has extra clothes but we have found that students feel more comfortable in their own clothes.


The next page in this packet is a class schedule. If there are any major changes, you will be notified.


We will not be having snack in our class. With lunch at 10:30, there is no need for a mid morning snack. As our students grow throughout the year, if we see the need for an afternoon snack we will notify you of the procedures.


We would love to have volunteers. If you would be interested in helping out, please fill out the attached form!

Wish List

Here are some items that we do not have yet or have in very short supply. If you have any of these things that you are not using at home or are willing to buy, we would love to have more of these for our students.

magnetic letters, cookie sheets, playdough, paint, pipe cleaners, paint brushes, old socks(to clean off wipe off boards), dice, popsicle sticks, pompom balls, glitter, liquid glue, construction paper, cardstock (colored or white)

Please fill out and return

Attached to this packet are an important information sheet and a volunteer form. Please fill out the important information sheet and return. If you would like to volunteer, please fill out that form also.

Important Information

Child’s Name: ______

Parent’s Name: ______

Names and Teacher’s Names of any siblings at KSE:


What is the most convenient way to contact you…

During the day?______

After school hours?______

Is there anything else that we should know about your child? (favorites, fears, allergies)


Help Wanted

We would love to be able to provide some fun opportunities for our students this year but will need your help. If you would be able to lend a hand in one or more of the ways listed below, please check the items that interest you. I will begin coordinating my volunteers in September. Thank you for volunteering to help and I will be in touch soon.

I am willing to help in the following areas:

____Room Parent

____Work with children (pull a group of students to work on an activity provided by me)

____Trace, cut or color items to prepare for a class project

____Arts and crafts activities

____Reading to the class

____Assisting on field trips (only a limited number of chaperones is allowed for each trip)

____Providing treats for special classroom celebrations

The best times for me to help the class are: (days and times)




