RAC Region 2 Draft Minutes

January 12, 2015—Meeting at TRB

Attendees: David Jared (GDOT—Chair), Elisha Wright-Kehner (ASHTD—Vice Chair), Cindy Smith (Secretary), Michelle Owens (ALDOT), Bill Barstis (MDOT), Don Williams (WVDOT), Terry Swygert (SCDOT), Kirk Zeringue (LADOTD/LTRC), Darryll Dockstader (FDOT), Skip Paul (LADOTD/LTRC), Binh Bui (GDOT), Mike Pumphrey (WVDOT), Neil Mastin (NCDOT), Joe Crabtree (KTC—Univ of KY), Michael Brown (VDOT/VCTIR)

Old Business:

12/18 minutes were approved.

STC Update (Kirk):

STC Minutes: Kirk Zeringue of LTRC/LADOTD gave an update based on minutes previously sent by Mark Morvant. Most all expenses paid as of early January. Two projects are in various stages of editing/review, and three projects will be published soon. One thing different to note from Mark’s previously sent STC minutes: FHWA is going to extend pooled fund. Cost to participate for each state will be $10,000 per year next three years.

Action Items: Don Williams (WVDOT) will have a draft of the cost/benefit RFP within a week. The project is estimated to cost $200,000. Send Don your thoughts on the RFP.

Future of STC—We are happy with projects and accomplishments thus far, and with the flexibility of the group as far as doing synthesis projects, then moving toward full-blown projects if beneficial. The networkingand quality of project work are very valuable. WVDOT enjoyed the opportunity to showcase university partnership and facilities. Newer members learn a lot about the research process in general beyond STC. Rotating host states is a good way to showcase a project. We need to think about the time frame for the next meeting. Fall might be good since some syntheses will be wrapping up.

Upcoming Cost/Benefit Project: There was discussion on the scope of the C/B project. The NCHRP implementation report from Pat Casey will be out soon, and this could be useful. Due to the variability of C/B calculation methods, we need to look at different situations and decide which research examples to include (for example, safety, cost savings, “widget” project such as a specification, a project that shows that not implementing the initial research idea is the best course of action). FDOT, VDOT, and GDOT are doing a lot of work in this area. We want to make sure we do not duplicate efforts.

Membership News:

Jeff Brown is retired from ALDOT. Congratulations to Michelle Owens, who is the new Research Bureau Chief at ALDOT. Steve Bolyard and Jessica Van den Bogaertare new RAC members from FDOT. MustinKadibhai is new at NCDOT. Jason Siwula(KYTC) was unable to attend TRB for medical reasons. Mike Sanders (SCDOT) is retiring January 31.Georgene Geary retired from GDOT last November and is consulting.

New Business:

Quarterly calls will continue to be on the 2nd Tuesday of March, June, September, and December, from 11 am until noon EST.

Leadership changes—Elisha Wright-Kehnerwill be new chair starting in July. Over next month, please send any nominations for vice-chair to David via email by January 31. In past we have had a review committee for nominations.

FHWA was not at the meeting to update us on federal programs. NCDOT advised that the Roadway Departure Clearinghouse TPF is posted on website. NC is the lead state with TTI managing the project. The proposal is posted and waiting for SPR waiver, in the solicitation phase.

ALDOT asked about patents and research contracts. Normally the entity that developed the product owns patent; however, states can build in language into contracts.

Use of SP&R funds for paying tuition—A ruling might come out soon. We will check with Skip Paul on this.

NCHRP 20-89, report 799, the primer on managing intellectual property, will finish soon.

Task Forces:

Task force reports at RAC meeting were well-received. The RAC website shows the names of members and friends. Program Management Quality needs a Region 2 rep. Ideally, we would like at least two representatives from each region on each task force.

The TRB Sunday night RAC meeting was much better than in previous years.

UTC Updates:

STRIDE UTC meeting will take place in Birmingham, AL, at the end of March. There is also a conference in October to spotlight UTC research in the southeast (October 6-8 in Orlando, Southeastern Transportation Center).

Previous competition is compete, but we are still spending 3 years of funds, so there was an extension of time in which to spend these funds. There were 35 UTCs in 2013, and UTCs may get another partial year of funding from the continuing resolution. There is norecompetition on the horizon anytime soon, but this could change if a new appropriations bill is passed.

There are five national centers, none of which isled by Region 2 universities, but our regional schools do participate. There are 10 regional centers and 20 Tier 1 UTCs, five of which are led by Region 2 universities.

GDOT is encouraging Georgia Tech to document products of UTCs, which might foster more partnerships between DOTs and UTCs. GDOT is pleased with their UTC projects. The last round emphasized a blend of state of good repair, economic competitiveness, and safety.

CUTC meeting—Michael Trentacoste, FHWA, said research is generally focused on implementable, quick applied research. However, UTC research should be more long-range and strategic.


Implementation experiences so far—NCDOT got 5 out of 6 awards applied for. Arkansas got a Round 4 award. WVDOT and MDOT got GeoTech Tools awards.

Binh Bui advised that GDOT got four products in Round 1, with a focus on pavement preservation. One project was I-475 in Macon, which was a high-volume road-fog seal. GDOT is checking on high-friction surface treatments now.

Michael Brown of VDOT noted that VDOT received 4 SHRP2 awards in the last round and that the process seems to be improving, although greater time between detailed briefings (webinars) and application due dates would be appreciated.

Round 5—Some states may not apply because application process is tough and people are busy.

WVDOT advised that TRB/FHWA/AASHTO needs to better communicate who target audience is for each product. They also need to give us more time to review verbiage before opening applications. Applications are not restricted to new products.

Action Items:

  • Conference call in March
  • Send Don thoughts on C/B RFP
  • Send Vice-Chair nominations to David by end of month

The meeting was adjourned.