Santiago Canyon College
July 25, 2006, 2:00 p.m., E-107
Administrators: John Hernandez, Mary Halvorson, Steve Kawa, Jose Vargas, Juan Vázquez
Faculty: Morrie Barembaum, Linda Cucovatz (absent), Rosi Enriquez (absent), Laura Wirtz, Connie Wilson, John Smith (absent), vacant (alt)
Classified: Diane Durdella, Zina Edwards, Sheryl Martin (absent), Terry Wilksen, Janell McWilliam (alt)
Student: Meg Rothi Technology: Curt Childress (absent) Communication: AnnMarie Librescu (absent)
Guest: Ruth Babeshoff
Approved 8/22/06
MINUTES / DISCUSSION/COMMENTS / OUTCOME/FOLLOW UP1. Approval of Minutes, 7/11/06 / Motion to approve as written (Wilksen/Wirtz) passed unanimously.
1. Request for authorization to apply for grant for two AmeriCorps programs through the Foundation for California Community Colleges: John Hernandez / John Hernandez presented the AmeriCorps grant for a second reading. The last page of the handout addressed concerns received via e-mail from Morrie Barembaum. John also hopes this project will lead to a partnership with OUSD. SCC is eligible to apply for the grant now because Santa Monica City College has declined the opportunity.
Morrie’s remaining question dealt with who decides on the qualifications of the tutors; should our Math and Reading departments be involved. John agreed that consultation would occur regarding selection and training. AmeriCorps already has training and qualifying activities as part of the process. / Motion to recommend moving forward with the grant application as presented (Vargas/Edwards) passed unanimously.
1. / None
1. / None
1. Associated Student Body: Meg Rothi
2. Continuing Education: Jose Vargas
3. Classified Advisory Group: Diane Durdella
4. Communications: AnnMarie Librescu
5. Technology: Curt Childress
6. Budget/SAFE Council: Steve Kawa
7. Curriculum and Instruction Council: Laura Wirtz
8. Academic Affairs: Mary Halvorson
9. Student Success Council/Student Services: John Hernandez
10. Educational Master Plan Council/Academic Senate: Rosi Enriquez
11. President: Juan Vázquez / Meg reported on current/future activities: July 20, first meeting of executive cabinet and advisors; August 28, executive meeting; August 28-31, welcome week; September 26, club rush; September 25-26, senate elections; and September 29, senate retreat.
Jose Vargas reported: 1) first day of flex is August 28, 2)August 31 is the fall faculty meeting, 6:00 p.m. at OEC; and 3) the adjacent property for possible purchase is currently being reviewed (Union Pacific deed).
New leadership for the Classified Advisory Group: Zina Edwards and Kalonji Saterfield. Future reports will be given by Zina.
No report
No report.
SCC lost power on Sunday for approximately 10 hours.
Facilities: Steve distributed a list of the new locations and room numbers for the portable buildings.
Repair of the parking lots will occur during intersession in January.
Parking in front of the U-90 buildings will be reduced for a period of time.
The fencing surrounding the U-buildings will remain.
Access to the new location of the Fitness Center is being installed.
Budget: The Board will be receiving the recommended adopted budget for 2006-2007 in September. Anticipate that the district will receive $4-5 million more.
All SCC administrators have submitted budget requests for items under $5,000. Requests over $5,000 need to be provided with justification to Steve, and he will bring to the College council in September.
No Report
Faculty will be receiving flex calendars in the mail.
Revision of the five-year Master Plan is underway.
The SLOs need to become part of course outlines and course syllabi.
The reorganization approved by the group on June 13 regarding the Student Services Specialist will go forward as a Student Program Specialist, keeping it at a level 10.
No report
The classified priority hire list has not been acted upon in order to maintain district compliance with the 50% law (within AB1725).
A list of the Budget Allocation and Planning Review Committee membership was distributed.
Recommendations have been submitted to the Board regarding a second bond measure being placed on the November ballot. The Board must make a decision at the next meeting, July 31.
A copy of the “potential consequences” document was given to members and will be sent to SCC managers.