PC website: Avon Vale: Email:

NEW MEMBERS:Welcome to the Avon Vale Hunt Pony Club.

Please read the whole of this programme carefully as it contains a lot of information, and don’t be afraid to ring if you aren’t sure about something. When you sign up for a rally do try to give us all details that will help us put you in the correct ride. If you ordered a badge, tie or manual they will be ready for you to collect at the first rally you come to, otherwise contact Clare Bromfield who will leave them out for you to collect from her home. We send out emails most weeks, if you aren’t receiving them, let us know immediately so we can check your email address has been entered correctly on the database.

We hope you enjoy your time with the Pony Club

ALL MEMBERS! Please make sure you sign in for rallies and activities in the correct way and on time. Wehave had many very last minute requests lately just because people didn’t get themselves organized. If we accept you it puts the timings out or makes the rides too big, so beware we may well not take you in future. This is disappointing for your child. It is impossible to book the amount of instructors needed if you sign in late.

Competitions are entered on an Entry Form as per the schedule for that event with your cheque for the right amount, following all instructions, clearly written and sent before the closing date to the entry secretary. Late entries may well not be accepted, so don’t rely on the postman. Secretaries are volunteers so please respect their privacy and only phone at the allotted time.

MEMBERS AND PARENTS HELPING:all pony clubs are run by volunteers and each generation has its own group of helpers and volunteers. In the Avon Vale we are keen to encourage this ethos amongst our members and their families and are aware that many of you are new to the horse world and are perhaps hesitant about offering your help. We would welcome any parents or older members who would like to shadow an organiser at a rally or event to find out what goes on. Lots of help is always needed for any competition we run, so please offer your help when we ask for it. It is a very good way of seeing what goes on at competitions, before you are out doing them yourself. Don’t be shy, we will train you if you haven’t done it before! We are a big and active Pony Club run predominantly by volunteers and simply cannot function without everyone offering their help.

** ** All members should wear their PC badge with the felt of their most recent test on their jacket or PC sweat shirt at EVERY rally. This will help your instructor to know what you have done ** **

All members who wish to be considered for any Area teams MUST offer their help at PC activities over the year, a minimum of one day. This can be made up over several activities. All our main competitions need everyone to help, so do offer for these valuable fund-raisers as well.

Helping is good fun and a way of meeting new people and making friends.

Parent’s Committee- New members needed The Parent’s Committee is made up of PC parents who run various activities over the year. They meet regularly and are all volunteers. You make good friends and have a lot of fun as well as making funds for the Pony Club. You don’t have to be horsey, but a sense of humour is vital!

Are you interested? Speak to Alli McFaull 07775 638361 or Clare Bromfield


Would anybody like to sponsor a class for £40?

Get your name in the schedule! Come and present the prizes!

Please contactClare Bromfield

CHRISTMAS TOMBOLA PRIZESneeded for the amazing Annual Tombola run by the Parent’s Committee at the Christmas Show Jumping. This is an important annual fundraiserfor PC funds which are a bit low after losing so many competitions last summer due to the wet weather. Can you give something? Anything from horsey goods, hampers, hair products, beauty treatments, riding lessons, meal vouchers, chocolates, bake a cake,flowers, toys, anything big or small. Bring to a rally or give to any members of the Parent’s Committee. Thank you!

New this year! Saturday 14th December CHRISTMAS DISCO at Holt Village Hall for 8 –15 yrs , PC members and their friends who are not PC members very welcome. 7.30 – 10.15pm Tickets in advance only either from rallies or Alli McFaull, The Hermitage, Bewley Lane, Lacock, SN15 2PG

Junior Christmas Partyon Sunday 15th December Members 10yrs and under.

Time: 3 - 5 .00pm . More details nearer the time.

Hunting with the Avon Vale Hunt - PLEASE READ BEFORE COMING HUNTING

Pony Club contact: Clare Bromfield 01249 730338

The Avon Vale Hunt Pony Club has a close relationship with the hunt. Legal hunting in a modern form continues to be a popular activity and children are always made very welcome with the Avon Vale Hunt.

However parents need to be aware that hunting can be a high risk equitation activity, but much of that risk can be mitigated by training and preparation. Children should be in control of their ponies and be able to jump small fences, although there is usually a way round.


Children 13yrs and under should always come out with a nominated responsible person, unless they have passed their Hunting Certificate and are deemed to be safe and sensible in the hunting field. Hunting is NOT a Pony Club activity, and although we are happy to adviseand explain things to you, you are responsible for yourself. You must have a look at the Hunting section on the website before coming out.

Remember it is important that you ring Clare Bromfield and sign in before each meet.

This is so that we can keep an eye on you. Also there may be parking instructions or it may be an unsuitable day.

The Caps for Avon Vale Hunt Pony Club members as long as they are wearing their PC badges are:

October - £15

All Avon Vale Hunt Pony Club members £20- From the Opening meet

Visiting members from another pony club £25

Mounted parents/adult with young child on lead rein/just off genuinely nannying £25

Parents escorting their young children may hunt for a reduced rate, but MUST let Clare Bromfield before hand and the Hunt Secretary – Janice Vines

You should have the correct money or a cheque in your pocket ready to hand over to the Secretary with what you are paying for on the back. All children should have a card in their pocket with their name, address and contact phone numbers in case of emergencies. A mobile phone is useful.

Pony Club Children’s Meet with Avon Vale Hunt We do not have a date for this yet as the new hunt meet dates are not finalised . An email will be sent round with the information when we have it. Avon Vale PC members are always welcome to come out, contact Clare Bromfield for info and any advice or help.


Contact: Mrs. Clare Bromfield Tel: 01249 730338 Email:

The Old Coaching House, Lacock, Chippenham, Wilts SN15 2PQ

There is Show Jumping over a course with Nikki Clarke at WWEC in October, November and December, for all jumping 60cms and above. See diary dates.

Syston pony clubhave a team jumping competition at WWEC on Sunday 1st December. Why not get ateam up? Come to the show jumping trainings beforehand. Let us know if you are going and how you do- good or bad!

The Avon Vale Hunt Pony Club Christmas Team and Individual Show Jumpingat West Wilts will be on Saturday/ Sunday 28/29thDecember at WWEC. Why not come to show jumping training if you can(see diary for dates) and try to get a team together and have a go. We put individuals not entered in a team together into a team if possible. We will need lots of helpers. Details later. Schedule is now on the website .

Competitions are entered on an Entry Form as per the schedule for that event with your cheque for the right amount, following all instructions, clearly written and sent, before the closing date, to the entry secretary. Late entries may well not be accepted, so don’t rely on the postman. Secretaries are volunteers please respect their privacy and only phone at the allotted time.

Dengie Show Jumping and Dressage qualifiers run all winter at WWEC. Please let meknow if you qualify for the next round in March.


Contact: Mr David Hughes Tel: 01225 759429 Email:

To all budding athletes within the Avon Vale, why not have a go at Tetrathlon (shooting, swimming, running and riding) orTriathlon during the winter with no riding? The Avon Vale teams and individuals have been very successful recently and it would be great if we could get a few more members taking part in order to enter full teams across a number of age ranges. It would be particularly good to make up one or more boys’ teams, all are welcome aged6 – 21yrs.

Why not get some practice in ready for the holiday triathlons and our one in February.


Contact: Mrs Susan Gadras Tel: 01249 782628 Mob: 07962 149936 Email:

Walnut House, Smith Street, West Kington, Chippenham, SN14 7JG

All members are encouraged to take tests at the appropriate age and ability; your instructor will be able to advise you if you are unsure whether you are ready. You can download a Test Application Form from the website and send it to Susan so she knows you want to take a test and which one.

Test days are expensive to hold, we cannot run one without enough candidates.

No form means no test! If you think you sent the form in, and haven’t heard anything, then check!

There will be no more Test Days until 2014.

Information on tests may be found on the main Pony Club website: under members activities/Efficiency tests. All tests are downloadable.

Pony Club tests

Tests: coloured Felts are worn under your Pony Club badge. Only wear the one for the latest test passed.

A Test Card tells you what you need to know for that particular test. Susan has some for all tests.

You have to start with D test, however old you are!

E Test: Pale yellow felt. This is a very basic test for younger members and is taken at Camp.

D test: yellow felt – is usually taken at summer camps for members who are 8 or over. This is done with an examiner under test conditions.

D+ test: white felt - is taken from 10 years old. This is now also done under test conditions and not, as previously, by having a form signed by your instructor.

C test: green felt – is taken from 11 years old and has two examiners, one for riding and one for stable management, on set Test Days.

C+ test: pink felt - is taken by two examiners, one for riding and one for Stable Management on set Test Days. You must be at least 13 years old.

B test is organised by Area 14 and is in two sections, Riding and Care. Age from 15 years.

You cannot be awarded any certificate and felt unless you have passed the appropriate Road Rider test

Please note you cannot do:
D and D+ test without passing your Road Rider Mini Achievement Badge
C and C+ test without passing your Road Rider Achievement Badge
B test without your Road Rider test


Contact: Mrs Dawn Mayne Tel No: 01380 818344 Email:

There are many different badges to be achieved on Horse & Pony Care, General Knowledge, the Countryside and the Environment. These are aimed at members 6-12 years and working towards D and C Tests. The badges can be sewn onto the sleeves of PC sweatshirts (in Brownie badge style).

1)If you have Bandaging and Rugs, Care of Horse’s Foot, Feeding, First Aid, Handling and Grooming,Lorinery, Mucking out, Perfect Paddock, Saddler and Shoeing badges you are eligible for the special Blue Cross Badge Let Dawn know which ones you need to do to get this special badge.

2)If you have 21 achievement badges you are eligible to be awarded the special GoldAward. All 21 need to be sewn on to your PC sweat Shirt! Let us know how many you have got. We would like a photo of any sweat shirt arms with all 21 on as it can go on the website!

PONY CLUB RALLIES (suitable for all ages and abilities)

Please sign in correctly for activities and rallies either on the forms or by email, it saves a lot of time for the organizer! You must be sure to give your name, age, any tests passed and the size of your horse/pony, as well as any other useful information that would help us to put you in the correct ride.

Please put the name of the member on the back of the cheque.

We will always acknowledge emails, so if you don’t get a reply, please try again.

How to put your name down for rallies:

For Daytime Rallies there are two ways of putting your name down:

1. Fill in the form that you get with the Programme - or download it from the Avon Vale website - and send it to Hayley Cole with a cheque for £7 made out to AVHPC .

2. Send your application by email to Hayley Cole: with all the detailsthat you would put on the rally form (or you can fill in the rally form and attach it to your email). Pay by cheque on the day.

If you are sharing a pony, travelling with another member, orif you particularly want to be in the same ride as another member please let us know. The time of your ride will be on the AVHPC website one or two days before, or telephone at the time stated in the Diary. Phone enquiries only between 7 and 8 pm please.

If you sign in for a day or evening rally and do not attend, you will be charged for the rally unless you let the Organiser know in good time – it makes it very difficult to know how many instructors we need if we are not sure if you are going to turn up.

However, congratulations, as most members are very good at letting us know

For Evening Rallies contact Clare Bromfield, preferably by email, to book in at least 3 days in advance and pay by cheque on the day. You can sign in at one evening rally for the next one. You get your time at the time of booking and this remains your time for that winter’s evening rallies. No block bookings, please.

Evening rallies are held at West Wilts Equestrian Centre, Holt – dates in the Diary.

Times:Session 1. 5.00 - 6.15 pm £8

Session 2. 6.25 – 7.40 pm £10

Session 3. 7.45 – 9.00 pm £12

In the summer some rides will be doing cross country, light and weather permitting, so make sure you bring medical armbands,back protectors, a hat that is NOT fixed-peak, long sleeves, gloves and the correct bit and boots for the pony/horse as we do not always know in advance which groups will be going outside.

We are always happy to answer any queries you may have, but do please try

to telephone the organizer only at sensible times.


Try to be on time. We aim to start promptly at the time specified, though we do understand that sometimes ponies can be difficult to load or lorries refuse to start.

At the beginning and end of rallies HELP is needed to set out and put away jumps etc. Don’t wait to be asked …offer your services!

At the end: dismount, run up the stirrups and lead out correctly.

Say thank you to your instructor and the rally organiser.

Clear up your horse’s/pony’s droppings where ever it is done………please

What to wear:

Correct Dress: beige jodhpurs, white or dark blue PC polo shirt, PC sweat shirt, tagged hats with plain hat silks, gloves. For girls: hair neatly tied up in a hairnet is a MUST. No earrings!

Correct Tack: tack should be clean and well fitting, check stitching especially on stirrup leathers and girth straps, numnahs should be plain and in white or dark colours, boots for ponies/horses going XC.

Hat tagging can normally be done at rallies

NO JEWELLERY, NO HOODIES.You should look neat and tidy

If you sign in for a rally and do not attend without letting the organiser know

in good time you will be charged for the rally

Avon Vale Pony Club polo, sweat shirts and waterproof jackets:these will usually beavailable at the Day rallies and at some evening rallies, but it is easier to ring and get one brought to the rally for you.

Claire Gooding can be contacted on 01225 743896 or 07790 299727 to find out if she has your size.