Names: Abby Blair, Chelsea Biggs, Kristen Boss, Lindsey Eader, Melissa Martin

Date: December 4, 2003

Content Area: Writing, Art

Grade Level: 4-6


1.  Listen attentively to Swimming as it is read. (4.A.1a)

2.  Listen and follow directions when given instructions on the writing assignment. (4.A.1c)

3.  Develop writing in complete sentences using correct grammar.


In an effort to enhance writing and correlate listening, the students will be asked to listen to Swimming, create a word bank, create a piece of art depicting a sea scene, and write a paragraph about the scene.


Leo Lionni book

Construction paper

White lined paper



Colored pencils


Paint (optional)


Anticipatory Set

1.  Read students Leo Lionni’s book entitled, Swimming.

2.  Have students close their eyes and imaging an underwater scene.

3.  Tell them to provide some words from their image.

4.  Put words on the chalkboard, overhead, etc. for the entire class to see.


4.  After going through the work bank the children created, tell the students that they are to incorporate five words or more into an under the sea scene that they will create.

5.  Have numerous different colors of construction paper at the front of the class. Tell the students that they are to take as many colors as they want to make their sea scene.

6.  Once the children retrieve their paper, explain to them that they are to tear off small pieces of the colored construction paper and paste them all together to make a larger image.


1.  After the children are done making their under the sea scene with paper scraps, ask them to write a paragraph about the scene that they created. They have to incorporate all of the words they chose in their scene into their paragraph.

2.  Ask the class to share both pieces of work.


1.  use paint for color of construction paper

2.  use other media to create a fuller scene

3.  write first/art first-let children decide


Overhead projector

Assessment of Student Learning:

1.  Were the students able to generate creative words for the word bank?

2.  Were the students able to produce a fluent paragraph about their artwork?

3.  Was correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. used?

Attached Student Work
